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15 Cards in this Set

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Awareness training
A component of the habit reversal procedure in which the person is taught to identify each instance of a particular habit behavior as it occurs
Competing response
An alternative behavior that occurs in place of another target behavior. Typically, the competing response is physically incompatible with the target behavior, so is occurrence competes with the occurrence of the target behavior
Competing response training
A component of the habit reversal procedure in which the client is taught to engage in a competing response contingent on the occurrence of the habit behavior or contingent on the urge to engage in the habit behavior
Diaphragmatic breathing
A type of relaxation exercise in which one engages in slow, rhythmic breathing, using the diaphragm muscle to pull air deep into the lungs
Habit behavior
A repetitive behavior in one of three categories: nervous habits, tics, and stuttering
Habit disorder
A repetitive behavior that is distressing to the person. Habit disorders include nervous habits, motor and vocal tics, and stuttering
Habit Reversal
A procedure for treating habit disorders. Its component procedures include awareness training, competing response training, social support, generalization strategies, and motivational strategies. Research has shown that awareness training and competing response training are the most crucial components for treatment effectiveness.
Motivation strategy
Part of the habit reversal procedure used to increase the likelihood that the client will use the competing response outside the treatment sessions to control the habit
Motor tics
Repetitive, jerking movements of a particular muscle group in the body
Nervous Habit
Repetitive, manipulative behaviors that are most likely to occur when a person experiences heightened tension. Nervous habits do not typically serve any social function for the individual.
Regulated breathing
The competing response that is used in the habit reversal treatment for stuttering
Social support
A component of the habit reversal procedure in which a significant other praises the client for correct use of the competing response and prompts the client to use the competing response when the habit behavior occurs. In general, social support occurs when significant others are involved in implementing contingencies in the natural environment to help a person reach a self-management goal
A speech disfluency in which the individual repeats words or syllables, prolongs a word sound, and/or blocks on a word
Tourette's Disorder
A tic disorder involving multiple motor and vocal tics that have occurred for at least 1 year
Vocal tic
A repetitive vocal sound or word uttered by an individual that does not serve any communicative function