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244 Cards in this Set

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Purifying Selection Hypothesis
Natural selection against deleterious alleles
Purifying selection with asexual organisms
may have alleles beneficial and some not, all offspring are clones of their parents so they get the good and the bad no matter what >> selection on genes can act on bad genes and get rid of them for a population with higher fitness
changing environment hypothesis
offspring that are genetic clones of their parents are unlikely to thrive if the environment changes >> if offspring have various alleles then 1 is bound to survive in the new environment
the Modern Synthesis
body of work that united the ideas from several biological specialties and which forms logical account of evolution >> reconciles the early genetic studies
Darwin's Postulates (1)
result of mutation creating new alleles, segregation, independent assortment and cross over shuffling alleles into new combinations
Darwin's Postulates (2)
individuals pass alleles to offspring in tact within populations are variable for many individuals
Darwin's Postulates (3)
every generation some individuals are more successful at surviving and reproducing than others
Darwin's Postulates (4)
individual that survives and reproduces or reproduces most are those with the alleles or allelic combinations that best adapt them to their environment
what is evolution?
change in population's allele frequencies over time >> outcome is alleles assocaited with higher fitness increase from one generation to the next

certain alleles in associated with favored phenotypes increase in frequency while other alleles decrease in frequency
What is the difference between natural selection and evolution pertaining to phenotypes?
Natural selection acts on phenotypes in INDIVIDUALS and evolutionary changes occur in populations
Population thinking
not predicting the frequency of genotypes from a particular mating we need to predict frequency of genotypes and alleles from many thousands of matings in a population
Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change: Natural Selection
1) Natural Selection >> increase the frequency of certain alleles the ones that contribute to success in survival and reproduction in a certain environment
Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change: Mutation
modifies allele frequencies by continually introducing new alleles
Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change: Gene Flow
Migration: when individuals leave on population join another and breed. Allele frequency may change when gene flow occurs because arriving individuals introduce new alleles to the population and departing individuals take alleles from old population
Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change: Genetic Drift
cause allele frequencies to inchange randomly, some cases of drift even cause alleels taht decrease fitness to increase in frequency >>
sampling error
Which mechanism results in adaptation and increased fitness?
natural selection
Gene Pool
all of the gametes produced in each generation go into a single group called the gene pool and then combine at random to form offspring >> compare pool of parents and offspring if evolution didn't occur pools should be identical
Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
when 4 evolutionary forces are not acting mating is random and allele frequency is same between parental offspring genes = no evolution has occurred

>> Null hypothesis : because saying that evolution is not occurring nothing is happening (if identical)
Hardy Weinberg Principle and proportion
prediction of allele frequencies of an entire population if true should have these proportions >>

A1A1 = p
A2A2 = q
A1A2 = pq

p^2 , 2pq, q^2
HW Assumptions
No natural selection

No genetic drift or random allele frequency changes >> assume draw alleles in exact frequencies and not different values

no gene flow >> no new alleles added by immigration lost through emigration (all alleles of offspring population came from original population gene pool)

no mutation

random mating (pick gametes from gene pool at random)
Why is HW used as a null hypothesis?
predicts no differences among the treatment groups in an experiment

gives allele frequencies if none of the evo. forces are acting
What hypothesis does the HW Principle test?
That there is currently no evolution occurring at a particular gene and that previous generation mating was random with respect to the gene in question
Quantitative Variation
categories that are numerical
When does Natural selection occur?
when individuals with certain phenotypes produce more offspring than individuals with other phenotypes do (heritable variation leads to differenctial success in survival and reproduction)
Balancing selection
no single allele has distinct advantage and increases in frequency instead there is a balance among several alleles
Heterozygote advantage
hetero individuals have higher fitness than homozygous individuals because genetic variation maintains populations
frequency dependent selection
certain alleles favored when they're rare but not when common

>> Genetic variance is increased or maintained
Lack of Genetic Variation
bad thing because leads to alleels being present that have high fitness under new conditions and this leads to an average fitness decline
directional selection
avg phenotype of populations changed in one direction,
tends to REDUCE genetic variation
favored alleles eventually reach fixed frequency of 1.0 and unfavored disadvantageous alleles reach a lost frequency of 0.0 (NOT always fixation or loss) sooo allele frequency change and overall variation does become normally distributed because of other mechanisms (inde. assrtmt, mutation, recomb. create genetic variation)
stabilizing selection
reduction of both extremes (lower fitness) and individuals in the middle have higher fitness
>> reduces variation and favors average phenotype over extremes
disruptive selection
both sides are favored and average has a lower fitness
>> increases variation and favors both extremes selection against average
can cause speciation because selection can result in 2 distinct populations
Constraints of EVO: Fitness Trade offs/ countervailing selection
inevitable compromises in terms of how those traits perform in the environment >> due to:
-limited resources
-design constraints can't optimize everything
Historical Constraints of EVO:
all traits have evolved from previously existing traits and SELECTION acts on preexisting traits
Evolution is NOT Goal Directed or Progressive
-adaptations don't occur because organisms want or need them
- natural selection is non progressive (not bigger and better) >> favors individuals that happen to be better adapted to the environment existing at a time
- under evo by n.s. no such thing as HIGHER or LOWER organisms (each is well adapted to their environment)
Good of the species
organisms don't do things for the good of the species
>> individuals with self sacrificing genes DIE and don't produce offspring
>> individuals with selfish cheater genes SURVIVE and produce offspring sooo
>>> selfish genes increase in frequency while self sacrificing genes decrease in frequency
Are all traits adaptive?
NO. vestigial traits are not adaptive and evolution by natural selection does not lead to perfection.
Genetic Constraints of Evolution
genetic correlations occur because of pleiotropy (single allele affects multiple traits)
- lack of genetic variation
changes in an individuals phenotype that occur in response to changes in environmental conditions

>> PHENOTYPIC changes are not passed on to offspring because no alleles changed in composition
Evolutionary Force
a process that changes allele frequency

Genetic Drift
Gene Flow
Natural Selection
exposure to mutagens can cause mutations in DNA sequence (any changes in an organisms genome) >> these are chance events that create new alleles
- and mistakes that occur as chromosomes are being copied prior to mitosis/ meiosis (meiosis shuffles existing alleles into new combinations
-alleles can be deleterious beneficial or neutral
>> when combined with natural selection it becomes an important evolutionary mechanism
>>> alone it is inconsequential in changing allele frequency at a particular gene
-ULTIMATE source of heritable variation making EVO possible (w/o it there would be no variation)
-only way to introduce new variation to a whole species
(slow process)
Genetic Drift
random changes in allele frequency due to chance variation in reproductive success among individuals and random sampling error
>> causes allele frequency to drift up and down randomly (LUCK) = fixation and loss of alleles
>> directed by environment and results in adaptation
>> can lead to loss of genetic diversity
genetic drift significance in small populations
smaller population larger sampling error because you can see in small populations when there is a random sampling error
sampling error
when drift occurs and allele frequencies change due to blind luck
Population Bottleneck/ Genetic Bottleneck
sudden reduction in the number of alleels in a population
>> due to disease outbreaks natural catastrophes >> causes bottleneck = luck for those that survive
how is genetic drift traced in the lab?
with genetic markers: locus' can be identified and traced in populations by lab techniques or by a distinctive visible phenotype
Founder Effect
change in allele frequencies when a group of individuals emigrate to a new geographic area and establish a new population
>> if group is small enough allele frequency in new population is most guaranteed to be different from those in the source population due to sampling error
founder effect
follows a founder event in which allele frequencies change by process of genetic drift
Consequences of drift with respect to >>
genetic variation
endangered species
fitness: drift is random (non adaptive evolution, its just luck)

genetic variation: drift reduces overall variation (eliminates alleles)

endangered species: drift reduces variation and can even eliminate beneficial alleles by chance
Gene Flow
movement of alleles from one population to another
THEORY: is one way movement from large population on a continent to a small population on an island

EVO occurs because there is a change in allele frequency

>> homogenizes allele frequencies among populations so reduces genetic differences

>> neutral and random with respect to fitness (may introduce alleles that are adaptive or nonadaptive)
gene flow and humans
homogenizes humans because migration of individuals from mainland to islands prevents the divergence of the two populations = more homogeneous
reduced gene flow
populations become more distinct because mutation selection and drift act independently of each other
mating between relatives
>> share alleles from recent common ancestor = increases homozygosity so frequency of homozygotes increase and decrease of hetero.
- all recessive alleles hidden in hetero are revealed with so many homo.

>> doesn't cause EVO because allele frequencies don't change in pop as a whole

>> changes genotype frequencies (violates HW Principle) = excess in homozygotes = higher selection acting on genes

increases the rate of purifying selection and eliminates deleterious recessive alleles from a population
Inbreeding depression
decline in avg fitness that takes place when homozygosity increases and hetero. decreases

deleterious recessives are usually at low frequency most are found in hetero. (no selection against them)

>> makes selection against deleterious recessives more efficient
Offspring of inbred matings
are expected to have lower fitness because of homozygosity (decreases variation of alleles .. change in environment = death etc.)
evolutionary history of a clade

shows ancestors and desendant relationsjips among populations or species

put together by observing a species morphological and genetic characteristics
clade (lineage)
monophyletic group : common ancestor and all its descendants
monophyletic group
common ancestor and all its descendants
phylogenetic tree
graphical summary of that history
taxon terminal node endpoint of a branch represents a group living today or one that ended in extinction
bas of the tree = most ancestral species
represents a population through time
speciation event

point where two branches diverge and ancestral group splits into two or more descendant groups
phenetic approach
based on computing a statistic that summarizes overall similarity among populations based on data

no attempt to resolve phylogeny (numerical only)
cladistic approach
based on realization that relationships among species can be reconstructed by identifying synapomorphies in the species and parsimonys
shared derived trait found in two or more taxa present in their most common ancestor but is meaning more descent relationships
homologous traits that certain species have that no one else has

allows biologists to recognize monophyletic groups (clades/lineages)
implies the least amount of change
paraphyletic group
ancestor and some but not all descendants
species closely related to a group in question but not part of that group, taxonomic group known to have diverged prior to the rest of the taxa in a study
homologous traits
characteristics that are similar because of descent from a common ancestor

used as evidence for evolution
similarities inherited from a common ancestor >> sequences in DNA
traits similar in two species not because those traits were present in a common ancestor but because similar traits evolved independently in two distantly related groups

evolve similar features independently due to similar environments
causes of homoplasy: convergent evolution and reversal
what does homoplasy predict about genetic and developmental homologies?
they should be nonexistent similarities are due to convergent evolution so we should see different genes and developmental pathways involved
convergent evolution
occurs when natural selection favors similar solution the problems posed by a similar way of making a living >>

doesn't occur in common ancestor of similar species
genes organized in similar way
similar function
similar patterns in time and space
trait that reverts to previous state >> common in DNA sequence data
homology is more common than homoplasy because the least change is the most homology and least homoplasy
short interspersed nuclear elements
genes that jump from place to place on chromosomes (parasitic sequences similar to viruses)

insert randomly in organisms find 2 species that share because sines its because of common ancestor because its an unlikely for that to reappear again in the same place in a chromosome
population or group of populations in which evolutionary forces are acting independently

sexual reproduction only
genetically isolated from each other
evolution for 2 or more distinct species from a single ancestral species >> on phylogeny its a splitting event

occurs by reproductive isolation which breaks down into allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation
species theory
new species are created by

-genetic isolation: lack of gene flow

-genetic divergence: mutation, selection and drift proceeding independently in isolated populations
hox genes
similar genes found adjacent to one another on the chromosome, sequence of base pairs and products of hox genes have similar functions
genetic distinctions
occur because mutation, selection, and drift act on each species independently of what is happening in other populations
bio species concept
criteria for identifying a species is reproductive isolation
adv: no gene flow occurs between pops that are repro. iso. from each other
dis: can't resolve for geographically isolated asexual species
morphospecies concept
distinct morphology and distinct types
adv: widely applicable to sexual and asexual fossil species
dis: can be idiosyncratic experts disagree features to distinguish are subjective
phylogenetic species
smallest monophyletic groups on a tree of populations
adv: widely applicable and testable
dis: often reliable trees aren't available
populatiosn that live in discrete geographic areas and have distinguishing features such as coloration or calls but aren't considered distinct enough to be their own species
Barriers to reproductive isolation
premating barriers to gene flow :: habitat >> split in 2 locations
phenological >> caterpillars summer and spring
postmating barriers to gene flow ::
-hybrid inviability
-hybrid sterility
what isolating mechanism is most important for speciation?
ecogeography >> population divided into different locations not interbreeding because different places
Mechanisms of Genetic Isolation
allopatric speciation (different land)

sympatric speciation (same land)
Allopatric Speciation
populations separate geographically then evolutionary forces act on them independently

dispersal and vicariance
founder event where drift causes changes in allele frequencies in newly founded populations
drift will cause old and new pops to diverge and physical separation btwn pops will reduce/eliminate gene flow
GENE FLOW prevents speciation
the number of individuals stay small for many generations and drift cont' to alter the allele frequency
splitting of exiting range into fragments >> external factor splits species
Sympatric Speciation
(same land) gene flow can stop or be reduced enough to produce speciation even while populations are in the same geographic area
>> different pollinators reduce or cut off gene flow and then divergence is selection for traits that attract different pollinators
certain type of mutation especially in plants

mutation reduces gene flow between mutant and normal or wild type individuals because mutant individuals have more than two sets of chromosomes
individuals are produced when a mutation results in a doubling of chromosomes all come from the same species
>> can lead to reproductive isolation and speciatino
individuals created when parents that belong to different species mate and produce an offspring where chromosome number doubles
allele frequency changes within a species due to selection mutation migration and drift
speciation and the origin of higher taxa (orders classes phyla kingdom) --
micro and macro
micro to macro evolution its a continuous process the difference is in scale
piece of physical evidence from an organism that lived in the past >> only way to compare phenotypes of earlier organisms
how do we get fossils ?
rapid burial and removing organisms from O2 rich environments
is a rare event its not random and is where oxygen is not abundant so decomposition doe not happen
types of fossils intact
intact :: preferred frozen whole organism
types of fossils compression
compression:: sediment accumulated on top of leaft and compressed into thin carbon rich film
types of fossils cast fossil
branch decomposed after it was buried left a hole filled with concrete or dissolved minerals faithfully creating a cast of the original
types of fossils permineralized
gradual replacement of organic content in the cell >> form into sstone and decays slowly and allows dissolved minerals to infiltrate cells gradually and harden into stone>>trace fossils footsteps
the fossil record is biased how?
record is nonrandom sample of the past
contains bias'
habitat bias: organisms that live near sediment are more likely to fossilize
temporal bias: common species are represented more
taxonomic bias: hard bodied animals are much more likely to fossilize than soft bodied animals
abundance bias: species that are abundant widespread and present for long periods of time leave evidence more often
case study: tetrapod limbs
HYP: evolved from fins of lobe finned fish
phylogeny is based on skull characteristics
what corroborating evidence do we have about the monophyletic group that developed tetrapod limbs?
1) geologic record/timescale establishes ages of sediment and other rocks relative to each other >> support
2) radiometric dating establishes the absolute ages of fossil bearing rocks >> s.
3)associated fossils and nature of host rock support hyp of aquatic to semiaquatic terrestrial transition >> s.
4) comparative morphology supports hyp of homology in limb
5) evo-devo research supports the hyp of homology in limb events
6) phylogeny of early lobe finned fish and tetrapods
7) comparisons with extant taxa support the fins to limb hyp.
adaptive radiation
rapid diversification of a single lineage into an array of species that must fill a wide variety of ecological niches >> produce star phylogenies

should include:
-monophyletic group
-rapid speciation
-species diversified ecologically
range of habitats or resources used by a species (ways of making a living)
why do adaptive radiations occur?
1) ecological opportunity:
- other competitors/species are wiped out
- colonize new habitat
2) morphological innovation
- new morpho. trait that is an adaptive breaktrhough
- provides new ways of acquiring resources or ability to occupy new habitats
>> opens up the previously unavaliable
Genetic Mechanisms of Change
diversification can take place through:
-gene duplication (new genes new body hyp)
-change in gene expression
mutation is factor in all change and diversification
New genes new body HYP
explanation for Cambrian explosion when most body shapes evolved
hox genes : explanation of the hypothesis , tells body when to form an appendage (time/placing of limbs)
gene duplication
would have occurred before or after the explosion and provide new copies of exiting homeotic genes
new genes make what possible?
make new body plans and appendages recorded in the cambrian explosion possible
gene expression
changes in expression and function of exiting genes have been equally or even more important
background extinction
normal extinction rates due to normal rates of environmental change (natural selection)
mass extinction
at least 60% of species present go extinct in less than 1 million years due to extreme rates of environmental change (like species level bottleneck or drift at a species level)
causes of mass extinctions
impact hypothesis: asteroid hit the earth and initiated wild fires cooling effect etc.

world went to hell hyp: global warming anoxic gases etc.
Permian Triassic Mass Extinction
most cataclysmic mass extinction of animals in the fossil record>>
due to global climate change
Cretaceous Tertiary (KT) Mass Extinction
most famous mass extinction of animals in the fossil record >>
due to impact of a meteorite/asteroid
any microscopic organism including bacteria archaea fungi protists microscopic plants and animals
Tree of life for Bacteria and Archaea
bacteria is outgroup 2nd is and 2rd are even Archaea and Eukarya >> common origin all types of organisms share genetic code
morphology of bacteria and archaea
bacteria and archaea are prokaryotes (paraphyletic group not including all descendants) their chromosomes are NOT surrounded by nuclear envelope - few membrane bound structures inside cell and relatively simple cytoskeleton
>> almost all unicellular most species cell is smaller than most eukaryotic cells
>> vary in shape from spirals to pills
>> * all but few have cell walss
>> within bacteria 2 types of cells according to dyeing system (Gram-stain)
Reproduction of bacteria and archaea
B and A are haploid and reproduce asexually by fisison

Bacteria cells can exchange DNA through conjugation

sounds like mitosis but it's NOT
process by which bacteria can exchange DNA >> touch walls and transfer or tube for DNA to travel through
Characteristics of Bacteria Archaea and Eukarya
Archaea doesn't have peptidoglycan in their walsl
Habitats that bacteria and Archaea use
use all habitats
some bacteria are extremophiles (extreme environments)
Bacteria's 2 fundamental requirements for life
1) molecule with carbon carbon bonds to serve as building blocks fo larger molecules
2) chemical energy in the form of ATP
Two ways to obtain carbon building blocks
1) heterotrophs: from other organisms (sugars) through absorption or predation
2) autotrophs: synthesize molecules from simple carbon containing molecules CO2 and CH4
-- different sources of carbon
Methods of obtaining ATP
1) phototrophs: convert light energy to ATP through absorption or predation
2) organotrophs: oxidize sugars or other reduces carbon containing molecutles to produce ATP
3) lithotrophs: oxidized reduction in organic molecules to produce ATP
is fungal or bacterial infection harder to treat in humans?
fungal is harder because bacteria is closer to us
making atp in organotrophs and lithotrophs
reduction oxidation reactions involve transfer of electron from one molecule to another
-- in cells molecules or ions used as electron donors have more potential energy than electron acceptors
--- in plants and animals glucose (sugar) is electron donor and oxygen is the electron acceptor
glucose + O2 = CO2 +H2O+ATP + heat
what can bacteria and archaea use as a source of high energy electrons for producing ATP?
can use virtually any molecule with relative high potential energy
why is bacteria important?
1) Nitrogen
2)oxygen revolution
Nitrogen under Bioremediation for bacteria
if no nitriogen fixing bacteria had existed then too little fixed N would have been produced to make large quantities of protein needed to build a large body
-- multicell organisms would be rare to non existent
Oxygen Revolution under Bioremediation for bacteria
cyanobacteria were responsible for fundamental change in Earth's atmosphere from one dominated by N gas and CO2 to one dominated by N gas and O
bacteria and disease
exposed to bacteria then get disease like ZOMBIES`
chemosythesis was found to be significant after what?
after the discovery of hydrothermal vents it was found that chemosynth. plays significant role although there is photosynth.
land plants
evolved from green algae, other types of algae have different chlorophyl
What are challenges and advantages to life on land?
1) sunlight and CO2 are more available
2) threat of desiccation (dehydration)
3) transport water through plant body
4) establish an upright body to compete for sunlight
5) transport gametes without water
how did plants resist drying?
1) cuticle
2) pores and stomata
waxy water tight sealant
adaptive significance was that plants able to survive in dry environments
Pores and stomata
though cuticles are useful plants need to perform photosynthesis sooo >>

adaptive significance is pores allow gas exchange and stomata regulate gas exchange and control water loss from the plant

liverworts DON'T have stomata
how do plants transport water and nutrients?
vascular tissue ; highly organized interacting groups of cells that are specialized for transporting H2O and nutrients
types of water conducting cells
1) tracheids; first water conducting cells, pores die at maturity "pipes" pits are places with out secondary cell walls where liquid can pass
2) vessels, open tubes with reinforced sides >>
holes with no primary or secondary walls (perforations)
significance of vascular tissue
replace water lost when stomata open and structural support of secondary cell walls often lignified
how did plants counteract reproduction on land?
gametangia and embryophytes
specialized reproductive cells >> multicellular structures that protect developing gametes from drying and mechanical damage
--> all land plants have except angiosperms (structures inside the flower perform same function)
--> male antheridium and female gametangia (archegonium)
eggs retained and embryo develops inside the archegonium (=land plants are embryophytes)
--embryo develops inside parent and can be nourished by it >> nutrients from gametophyte tosporophyte >> protection for egg and embryo from dying redator
adaptive significance of embryophyte condition
nutrients from mom via transfer cells and protection
adaptive significance of pollen
sperm are naked and have to swim to the egg
dependence on water/rain
in transit sperm are exposed to drying
male gametophyte which gives rise to sperm cells via mitosis >> encased in tough coat (sporopollenin = resistant to dying)
>> transported by wind insects birds bats
embryo and food supply surrounded by tough case
>> advangtages = food supply
>> disadvantage = offspring can end up in bad places
adaptive significance of seeds
nutrients from mom via storage in seed protection and dispersal
the evolution of the flower
elaboration of heterospory >> key innovation is the evolution of the ovary (protect female gametophytes from insects and other predators)

evolution of flowers made efficient pollination possible
correlations between flower structure and pollinator (coevolution; pattern of evolution in which two interacting species reciprocally influence each others adaptations over time)
what hypothesis are we invoking in making these correlations about pollination?
1) natural selection has favored the evolution of flowers that are efficient in attracting pollinators (heritable variation, differential reproductive success)
2) routinely observe that hand pollination results in higher seed production than natural pollination
what does the observation of hand pollination resulting in higher seed production mean?
it means that reproductive success is limited by access to pollen = mates
why is selection on flower traits strong?
this si because attracting pollinators is critical for achieving reproductive success
structure dervied from ovary that contains seeds, nutritious and colored found in angiosperms
what did the evolution of fruits do? why was it significant?
made efficient seed dispersal possible and plant disperser coevoultion
key innovation
organismal trait >> new tool that allowed the descendants to live in new areas exploit new sources of food and move in new ways
ecological opportunity
availability of new or novel types of resources that are characteristic of the environment
monopyhletic group distinguished by
-directed movement
- ingestive feeding
many cells, some have
specialized functions; may or may not be organized into tissues.

cells bind to each other, communicate, division of labor (some function in feeding, structure reproduction)
directed movement
most move
at some stage in the life cycle
ingestive feeding
a few are
parasitic (absorptive feeding)
but most take in prey.
body plan
animal's architecture major features of its structural and functional design
groups of cells taht are specializeed for a particular function (all animals beside/ including some sponges have tissues)
origin of tissues
epithelium (only sponges have)
other animals are diploblasts and triploblasts
germ layers: tissues in embryos
a) ectoderm
b) mesoderm
c) endoderm
what are the germ layers?
ectoderm >> skin and nerves
mesoderm >> muscles and connective tissue
endoderm >> gut lining
two buds .. embryos that have two types of tissue layer
>> ectoderm and endoderm

muscle is simpler and derived from ectoderm
three buds .. embryos have three tissue layers
>> ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm

the mesoderm is between the ectoderm and endoderm
body symmetry
animal is symmetrical if i t can be divided by a plane such that resulting pieces are nearly identical
radial symmetry
have at least two planes of symmetry

>> diploblasts

echinoderms reverted to radial symmetry
bilateral symmetry
one plane of symmetry

>> triploblasts
evolution of a head or anterior region where structures for feeding sensing the environment and processing information are concentrated

ganglia/brain + sensory organs + mouth in head region
no planes of symmetry (sponges)
posterior region
designed for reproduction digesting and locomotion
fluid filled cavity lined with mesoderm
1) created a container for the circulation of oxygen and nutrients along with space where internal organs can move independently
2) main importance: functions as hydrostatic skeletons (soft bodied animals can move even without fins and limbs)
no enclosed body cavity
have enclosed body cavity partially lined with mesoderm
enclosed body cavity completely lined with mesoderm
series of mitotic divisions without cell growth
>> divides egg cytoplasm and results in a ball of cells

protostome ends in spiral cleavage
deuterostome ends in right angles or radial cleavage
protostome development
spiral cleavage
>> mouth first gastrulaltion
>> coelom from mesoderm blocks
deuterostome development
radial cleavage
>> mouth second gastrulation
>> coelom from pinched off mesoderm
tube within a tube design
basic animal body is a tube within a tube >> inner tube is individuals gut and outer tube forms body wall mesoderm in between forms muscles and organs
repeated structural units in a body >> annelids (segmented worms) arthropods and vertebrates
Growth Patterns
molting vs. continuous growth


ecdysozoans grow by molting (shed old external covering expand and grow new one)
advantage >> reduce competition for food between juveniles and adults

adv. in the ocean >> dispersion
adaptations to live on land
1) gas exchange (respiratory system)
2) avoid drying out (cuticle, shells)
3) move in high gravity environment (hydrostatic skeleton or exoskeleton)
4) reproduction in land (internal fertilization, vivparity, ovoviparity, an egg that would not dry in land)
largest bodied and some most morphologically complex animals

4 phyla
chordates echinodermata subphyla vertebrata and phylum chordata
water to land transitions in protostomes
1) arthropods (insects, crustaceans)
2) mollusks (snails, slugs)
3) roundworms (C. elegans)
4) annelids (e.g. earthworms)
phylum chordata
a phyla of deuterostomes

all chordates have
1) notochord
2) pharyngeal gill slits
3) CNS with dorsal nerve cord
4) a tail that extends past the anus
largest bodied and some most morphologically complex animals

4 phyla
chordates echinodermata subphyla vertebrata and phylum chordata
present at least in embryo
stiff rod under dorsal surface

adaptive significance: endoskeleton in vertebrates and organizes dorsal structures in embryos
water to land transitions in protostomes
1) arthropods (insects, crustaceans)
2) mollusks (snails, slugs)
3) roundworms (C. elegans)
4) annelids (e.g. earthworms)
pharyngeal gill slits
openings in the throat

adaptive significance:
filter feeding
>> in fish, form gills
phylum chordata
a phyla of deuterostomes

all chordates have
1) notochord
2) pharyngeal gill slits
3) CNS with dorsal nerve cord
4) a tail that extends past the anus
present at least in embryo
stiff rod under dorsal surface

adaptive significance: endoskeleton in vertebrates and organizes dorsal structures in embryos
pharyngeal gill slits
openings in the throat

adaptive significance:
filter feeding
>> in fish, form gills
Central nervous system in phyulum chordata
with dorsal nerve cord

adaptive significance:
coordinate movement
tail in phylum chordata
extends past the anus

adaptive significance:
subphylum vertebrata
monophyletic group distiguished by
1) vertebrae
2) cranium
a column of cartilaginous or bony structure that form along the dorsal side of most species and protects the spinal cord
skull, a bony cartilaginous or fibrous case that enclosed the brain it protects the brain and sensory organs
key innovation in vertebrate evolution
tissue consisting of cells and blood vessels encased in a matrix made primarily of calcium and phosphate containing compound called hydroxyapatite along with a small amount of protein fibers

-- at present bones functino to move support give shape protect the body of an individual they produce red and white blood cells store minerals and fat participate in detoxification and participate in sound transduction
vertebrates are able to harvest new foods that they couldn't before without jaws

leading hyp: mutation and natural selection increased the size and modified the orientation of the gill arches

insects even developed jaws that work in different ways from ours
3 hypotheses to support the gill arch hyp:
1) both gill arches and jaws have flattened bars of bony/cartilaginous tissue that hinges and bends forward
2) during development the same population of cells gives rise to the muscles that move jaws and the muscles that move gill arches
3) unlike most other parts of the vertebrate skeleton both jaws and gill arches are derived from specialized cells in the embryo called neural crest cells
tetrapods key innovations in transitioning to land
reproduction on land :
amniotic egg, placenta and the elaboration of parental care
reproduction on land for tetrapods
amniotic egg
elaboration of parental care
amniotic egg
oviparous species
have shells that minimize water loss at the embryo, bathed in liquid
-- have embryo that is enveloped in a protective inner membrane or amnion
-- yolk sac contains nutrients the allantois contains waste and the chorion allows gas exchange
viviparous species
give birth >> have organ called placenta rich in blood vessels and facilitates the allow of oxygen and nutrients from mother to offspring
after development period called gestation >> embryo emerges from mother's body

independent and free process of parental care
study of how organisms interact with their physical and biological environments
--> ecology is concerned with the web network of relations among organisms at different scales of organization
study of what organisms do how they do it in terms of genetic neuronal and hormonal mechanisms and why in terms of fitness
behavioral ecology
study of how organisms make decisions when they interact with various aspects of their environment
Fixed Action Patterns (FAP)
highly stereotypical behavior patterns that are usually triggered by simple stimuli called signal stimuli or releasers

examples of innate behavior
innate behavior
behavior that is inherited and shows little variation based on learning or the individuals condition

once started continue to completion

all animals show some degree
flexible or condition dependent behavior
behavioral change in response to learning and to show flexibility in response to changing environmental conditions

>> individuals response to stimulus varies with situation

optimal foraging theory >> animals should maximize their feeding efficiency
how are costs and benefits measured?
in terms of their impact on fitness
change in behavior based on experience
>> important in species that have large brains and life dominated by complex social interactions

in species that do learning FAPS and other inflexibles with stereotyped behaviors are rare instead these are capable of wider range of behavior

simple types :
1) classical conditioning
2) imprinting
classical conditioning
type of simple learning
>> individuals trained by experience to gvie the same response to more than one stimulus >> even a stimulus that has nothing to do with the normal response
another simple type of learning that takes place in newly hatched ducks and geese

adopt as their mother the first moving thing they see

fast and irreversible and occurs only during a short critical or sensitive period

humans learning language maybe?
operant conditioning
animal must do something to gain a reward (positive reinforcement) or avoid punishment

rat and press bar get food
bird songs
more complex learning >>

depending on bird species

can be innate and may be highly stereotyped (chickens)

singing can be heavily influenced by learning but learning is constrained to certain periods and occurs only in response to certain stimuli (white crowned sparrows)
recognition and manipulation of facts about the word combined with the ability to form concepts and gain insight
adaptive significance of learning
helps organisms cope with challenges from their environment

type of learning is correlated with the type of environmental unpredictability it encounters
sexual selection
selection based on success in courtship
why do males look different than females?
1) heritable variation in appearance and/or courtship behavior
2) individuals experience differential success in obtaining mates
fundamental asymmetry of sex
in most species females invest much more in offspring than males do

>> female fitness limited by an ability to gain resource required to produce eggs and rear young
>> male fitness is limited by ability to attract mates --> sexual selection should be much more intense in males than females
sexual selection via male male competition
female makes a large egg cell
fight for female and territory males that win tend to be a lot bigger than females so the advantage for fitness is d\ue to sexual selection
sexual selection when females choose
if reproductive success is not limited by access to males and if males compete for females females should be choosy about males

1) good genes (good alleles)
alleles associated with disease resistance
2) resources needed for egg formation to rear young is nutrients parental care
result of sexual selection males
males compete for access to females/eggs >>
male combat
sperm competition
display (colors vocalizations ornaments engineered structures)
result of sexual selection females
should be choosy
good genes
sexy sons
kin selection/ altruism
behavior that is costly to the actor and beneficial to the recipient where costs and benefits are expressed in terms of fitness
difference between kin selection and natural selection
natural selection >>
asocial : survive > grow > reproduce = fitness

kin selection >>
social population: survive> grow> repro = direct fitness
help relatives survive > grow > repro = indirect fitness
inclusive fitness
direct + indirect fitness combined
when do alleles that lead to altruism increase in frequency in a population
alleles for altruistic behavior will increase in frequency if they increase the fitness of individuals (where that allele is likely to be present)
when will altruism evolve?
benefit * relatedness > greater than cost

then mutation conferring increased indirect fitness via altruism will be favored by kin selection
prezygotic isolation
biological species conept >> reproductive isolation the way to test it is pre/postzygotic isolate

>> separate different species so they can't mate
postzygotic isolation
biological species concept >> the offspring's of matings between members of different species don't survive or reproduce = inviable