For instance, Ranulf Flambard was the first person to be held in the Tower of London, but he was also the first person to escape the Tower of London. Flambard was the Bishop of Durham and chief tax-collector. He also handled much of King William Rufus’s dirty work while William was alive. However, when William died and Henry I came into power, Henry I imprisoned him in the White Tower on the charge of extortion. Flambard had a well-thought out plan for his escape, and he used the feast of Candlemas, a traditional Christian festival that commemorates that purification of Mary forty days after the birth of Jesus, as his great cover. His plan was to have a rope smuggled to him in a gallon of wine, and then, he invited the guards to enjoy the feast with him. The guards became very drunk and sleepy because of all the food and wine they had had, and he made his escape by tying the rope to a column in the window of his cell and climbing down. When Flambard made it to the bottom of his tower, he had associates waiting for him with a horse for his getaway, and Flambard rode to safety away from the Tower of London. Two more prisoners of the Tower of London that are well known are Edward V and Richard, his younger brother, and these brothers were sons of King Edward IV. They were sent to…
History The Tower of London started in the 11th century as a castle and palace. The tower was begun by William the Conqueror. Over the years the tower has seen changes and expansions. First, the prison was added in 1100. Secondly, ever since the 1600’s many Jewel have been stored in the tower. Third, exotic animals first made their appearance in 1255. Lastly, up until 1810 the royal mint was located at the tower. The Prison People who ended up in the tower were usually imprisoned there for…
The tower of London is an 900-year old castle in central London, the castle is housing the crown jewels and many famous and not famous prisoners. The castle is now one of the most popular attractions in London. William the Conqueror created the first fortifications after the conquest of London. The building probably started in 1078. The white tower is central in Londons fortress the tower of London.It is the oldest part of the castle. The white tower is a massive construction. 27,4 meter high…