Dana Elaine Owens was known professional by her stage name Queen Latifah. Queen was a Grammy-winning rapper, record producer and actress, known for her roles in ‘’Chicago”, “Bessie” and “Set it off” and many more. Latifah was born March 18, 1970 (age 47) in Newark, New Jersey. When she was 8 years old, a Muslim cousin gave her the nickname. Latifah means delicate and sensitive in Arabic. She had an older brother name Lance Owens, who died in a motorbike accident in 1992. She attended Catholic School in Newark, New Jersey. Her parents are Rita Owens (mother) and Lancelot Owens, Sr.(father). She is the second child. During high school, she was on the basketball team. She began singing in the choir of the Shilon Baptist Church in Bloomfield,…
Mary Steenburgen then left college to move to New York and professionally examine acting. There she was found by Jack Nicholson. In 1978, Jack Nicholson then featured her in one of his moving pictures, Goin' South, where she played the role as a sassy adventuress in the west. Later after that, Mary married Malcolm McDowell. While they were married, together they had two youngsters. Then in 1980, soon after their marriage, Mary Steenburgen won an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role…
the General History of Virginia to the Of Plymouth Plantation, both of these stories involve the journey to the new world. Although these stories have few similarities such as, where they came from; the help they received in the new world when they were in trouble; and how they felt on the way to the new world; they also had their differences. Some of the differences that these two stories held was their purpose of why they went to the new world in the first place; how they treated each other…
Jamestown Virginia was the first successful British colony in the new world this is because of the leaders and determination of the settlers. It took many failed chances from a lot of different leaders. It cost endless amounts of money and lives. The transatlantic area was still widely unknown and there was no way they could prepare for he challenges ahead. It took a lot of help from the local Native Americans however it also would be their conflicts with these Native Americans that made their…
People traveling from England to the New World were about to embark on a month-long journey to a place that they had only heard things about but hadn’t actually been to. During this long journey, they willingly faced the likelihood of death, disease, and the unknown. These settlers were hoping to find new opportunities in the North America for themselves and for their country. Virginia was established in 1607 by Englishmen who were looking to make a profit from gold and silver. Life in Virginia…
Smith was a council member of the Virginia Company. On his fourth trip upriver looking for the Northwest Passage or Powhatan’s headquarters, he was captured. Townsend explains how some of the myths about Pocahontas such as her throwing herself over Smith to save him come from Smith’s writings which he didn’t write until 1624 when no one was left to tell otherwise. In his other writings women were always attracted to him, and he also claimed to have been adopted by Powhatan. Smith was sent…
When I went to Jamestown North Dakota a medium sized city in the absolute middle of nowhere land. This place is so much in the middle of nowhere you didn't see anything until a mile a way. The way there took a long time it took four and a half hours.when we were there we went to a hotel there were we were staying it was a nice hotel on the edge of the city. The way home was less boring because we did more on the way back. We went out to eat a lot we didn't go out to eat one time while we…
small. The same could be said for the Western New York area in a microcosm. Before 2013, Western New York was divided into four congressional districts each divided semi-evenly into equal parts. Congressional District 28, however, was specifically gerrymandered for Niagara Falls, parts of Buffalo and reached as far as Rochester for Democratic gains, a prime gerrymandering example. Chautauqua County and the bottom half of Erie County, including Buffalo, were in District 27. Chautauqua County and…
the information they provide for their story is an accurate representation of what really happened: especially if the film was a Disney production, which is targeted towards younger viewers. In the movie Pocahontas, British settlers sailed to the New World in the ship Susan Constant, in search for rumored gold and riches in Virginia, 1607. On the rigorous journey overseas, they lost many men during a violent storm. When they arrived, they immediately began their search for gold. Captain John…
idea was to create a colony that would generate profit and become an attribution to the British economy. This was a high expectation and the outposts experienced a considerable amount of challenges before becoming great colonies. Jamestown was the first colony to establish in the Virginia Company; it is well known for being a controversial colony with great prospects but had a lack of knowledge of its surroundings. British men were sent to the colony longing for a new start in life, a life they…