• Recruitment o The total membership of the colony is at 15 members. Recruitment should be the number one priority for the men of Louisville Crescent Colony. The recruitment process that they have been going through is working in generating leads and meeting men. The colony needs to continue to follow the process and work hard. • Executing programming o The men are able to come up with ideas for programming, but have had issues with execution. Officers should create measurable goals and establish appropriate timelines to assist in the planning process. The entire colony, not just the officers, should hold members accountable to executing events and programming. • Retention o The past couple of semesters, the colony has been able to recruit a number of quality of men, however, keeping them is the issue. Although the colony is focused on recruitment, the members should make new members feel that they are a part of the organization. Establishing events and programming that encourages new member and active member interaction will decrease the chances of new members withdrawing their memberships. President – James Washburn • Goal-setting Retreat o Although the colony just had a goal-setting retreat over the summer, it was only based on recruitment. There has not been a comprehensive goal setting for other officers in the colony. The colony’s executive board should have a goal-setting retreat where they create personal, semester, and yearly goals, which are measureable and…
What started as a father-son project back in 1974 has since grown to be the most-trusted dock-building business in the Savannah, GA, area. Monty Walker started Monty Walker Dock Building after recognizing his passion and natural talent for the craft of dock building when he was only 12 years old. Today, he works with his 10-man crew to design, build, and repair personal docks throughout the area. Monty is committed to quality craftsmanship and customer service. When he was 12, Monty’s summer…
Lucy v. Zehmer: The court focused on the contract being written in Zhemer’s handwriting and the both of them signed it. Even though Zehmer told Lucy the next day that it was the liquor talking and that he didn’t want to sell the farm, the court believed that Lucy was serious about purchasing the farm because he believed the contract was legit. By believing in the contract, the next day he focused on getting the money. The night they met at the restaurant, Zehmer had told Lucy that he…
In determining which elements of Hannah’s lifetime trust will be upheld, each provision will be examined individually and the three certainties considered with regards to the relevant case law. The first provision, specifically that the trustees may allow any member of Hannah’s family or her friends to take one dress as a keepsake is a gift with a condition precedent, the condition precedent being that the individual wanting to take an item is a family member or friend. As the clause includes…
3.2 Legality of bay al-dayn The legality of bay al-dayn is based on Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 282, which means “O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it down. And let a scribe write [it] between you in justice”. According to al-Jassas, the word al-dayn include all types of debt contract and its permissible based on deferred. This verse stated that the important to write it down to all the debt transaction. The word al-dayn in hadith can be divided by two…
A lease is a transfer of the right to the possession and use of named goods for a set term in return for certain consideration. Amy entered into a lease with High Note electronic store. She agreed to pay $25 a week for 100 weeks and final payment of $500 for an Alpo Theater. In this lease contract, Amy is considered to be the lessee. The lessee is a person who acquires the right of possession and use of goods for a set term in return for certain consideration. In this circumstance, High Note is…
1) SCULPTURa v Eric The agreement between SCULPTURa (S) and Eric (E) contains clear express terms: E is to supply a suitable piece of his land to accommodate S’s major art exhibition for a rental fee. Contractual rights and obligations can either be written, oral or inferred by conduct. Since there was no formal contract drafted between S and E, written or signed by either party, this agreement is, therefore, an oral contract; legitimised by both a handshake and consideration in the form of…
1) Dorothy and Brian I: Had the contract between Dorothy and Brian come into existence? In particular, was Dorothy obligated to sell her house to Brian? R: Offer and counter-offer “An invitation to treat is essentially an indication that a person is prepared to negotiate” “Acceptance cannot be interfered from the silence or inaction of the offeree” . A: Brian offered to buy Dorothy’s house and Dorothy replied Brian that she would sell the house for $2.000.000. Brian countered Dorothy’s offer…
THIS AGREEMENT “Agreement” is made on this ___ day of ____ 20___ between Wayne Wannabe, the President and sole employee of Discount Legal Services Inc., to located at 100 N. Navel Ave., Osceola, Pennsylvania and I. M. King of the law firm of King & Queen, P.A. located at 100 S. Navel Ave., Osceola, Pennsylvania as follows: King &Queen, P. A. agrees to employ Wayne Wannabe for paralegal services for an upcoming trail in the matter of the state of STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA v. SPRINKLE which include…
In order for a valid contract to exist between Sam and the chain store there needs to be elements that back up the proof. A contract consists of four different elements: agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, and a legal object. The agreement “consists of an offer b one party, called the offeror, to enter into a contract and an acceptance of the terms offer by the other party, called the offeree.” (Kubasek, 2012, p.304) The agreement could be done as a verbal agreement or even a…