Lucas Carpenter is born on August 17, 2002. His grandmother is born on the same day. His middle name is William. His mother’s name is Rizza and his father’s name is Mike. Lucas has lots of personalities. He is very fascinating. He has a lot of hobbies and likes animals. In prospective, Lucas has a lot of good qualities you may not know. Lucas has many amusing characteristics. Some of them are that he is smart, funny, caring, and sarcastic. He is smart because he gets very excellent grades, but he isn’t quite good in mathematics. He is funny because he can tell a joke when someone’s is sad and they might even laugh their head off. He is caring for two reasons. He cares about safety. He cares that his little buddy is safe and sound. He also…
Nicholas Paul Walsh is a man of 18 years old born on a surprisingly warm December day in 1997. This birth happened nine days earlier than expected on the 16th day of the month. The time of year in which he was born dictated the choice of being named Nicholas to mirror the Christmas symbol Saint Nicholas. Nicholas was born into the arms of loving parents Paul and Paula Walsh, as well as preceded in birth by his two older brothers Evan 9, Brock 7, and followed by two and a half years in birth by…