Imam Al-Ghazali The life of Al-Ghazali Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali’s life can be divided into three major parts; learning, career and retirement. He earned most of his education in Tus in Persia, then in Gurgan and finally in Nisharpur. He then moved to the court of Nizam al-Mulk, where the vizier of the Seljuq Sultans appointed him as the head of Nizamiyyah College at Baghdad in 1091 AD. His career as a ‘doctor’ of the Islamic community began in Baghdad (1091-5 AD). This period although short, was significant. He spent this time giving lectures on Islamic jurisprudence, responding to queries and refuting heresies from all segments of the community. He left Baghdad after the violence and confusion that occurred due to the assassination…
This argument seems to be based on an assumption, on the part of Al-Ghazali, that there is a sense of possibility which is external and above God: one that even God must remain bound by. This can be seen in the juxtaposition of the conclusion and the sixth premise. In the conclusion, Al-Ghazali is content with the claim that God cannot have created a better creation since such a creation is not possible. In premise six, however, Al-Ghazali is quite unhappy with the notion that God is not able to…
Ultimately, since providence is the ultimate and only source of causation – chance lies in direct opposition. Providence precludes the possibility of chance because it essentially presupposes a final cause: ‘In no way can one deny the wondrous traces in the generation of the world, and the parts of the heavens and the parts of the animal and the plants. All that does not proceed (sadara) from chance (ittifàq), but presupposes a certain arrangement (tadbìr)’. (Cited in Belo, 109, Avicenna, Al…
THEALCHEMY OF HAPPINESS ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Abū Ḥāmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazālī, abbreviated as Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 AD) was a standout amongst the most unmistakable and compelling logicians, scholars, law specialists and spiritualists of Sunni Islam. He comprehended the significance of falsafa. His incredible work of Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm advertisement dīn ("The Revival of the Religious Sciences") made Sufism a worthy piece of the conventional. Huge numbers of his well known works include: The…
In this essay the ideas of skepticism given by Rene´ Descartes and Al-ghazali will be examined in the light of philosophical views. It will be examined that how the ideas of both philosophers were similar and ran parallel to each other in order to establish the epistemology of truth. It will be argued that the thoughts and solution presented by both was different in terms of religious theology as the thoughts of Descartes revolved around the idea of secularism and natural science while that of…
What can unite a mix-pot country populated with individuals each with their own opinionated, patriotic views? A common enemy. Events like 9/11 and the terrorist group ISIS seem to have made Muslims America’s public enemy number one. Clearly, these horrific acts and heinous people do not mean that every single Muslim person in existence is a terrorist, plotting to kill all Americans. The fact that this is a common misconception among educated adults is ridiculous. Not every Muslim man is a rapist…
meaning keep stretching us thin and turn each other on one another. They are looking for America to collapse. The citizens of the United States need our government to do anything necessary to keep our population safe. One thing the government is in fact in charge of would be making sure the United States citizens are safe through any mean of punishment. Human rights activists believe this is not the case and there should be no reason for using harsh interrogation techniques. Guantanamo Bay is…
“Should national security override free speech?” Freedom of speech was first established in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution in 1791, and almost two centuries later, in the International Declaration of Human Rights, the UN recognised freedom of speech as a human right (reference). The question of whether or not national security should override the freedom of speech has been, and continues to be a controversial subject, particularly among governments and law-abiding…
If I were to name the twenty-first century, I would call it the Age of Disaster. Many events have happened throughout the course of the twenty-first century that forever changed lives all around the world. To kick off the twenty-first century, a group named Al-Qaeda, planned a terrorist attack. The plan went in full force on September 11, 2001. Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, destroying the towers within hours. A second plane also crashed into the Pentagon. A final plane was thought to…
Al Capone Al Capone was a crime boss and his success flourished in the 1920s. He owned towns, and almost owned the nation. Throughout the years, he has been a subject of many art forms such as movies and books. Even though he was responsible for many violent murders, Capone was still a celebrity during the 1920s. Capone caused the people that knew him to shrink in fear, while still making America awe at him. When Prohibition was put into place, people like Capone stepped in and took…