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36 Cards in this Set

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the United Nations introduced the category known as WMD


ABM Treaty agreed between the United States and the former Soviet Union

in 1972

NPT now has

189 parties, although India, Israel, and Pakistan remain non-signatories.utter

International Atomic Energy Agency

International Atomic Energy Agency, which was formed in 1957, helps nations nuclear energy for peaceful purpose

UNO role

December 2004 UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan released the report of the UN High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. The report, approximately one-third of which was devoted to arms control issues, pointed to the urgent need to establish effective controls over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials that can be used to make them.

obama said?

This is the moment to begin the work of seeking the peace of world without nuclear weapons (Barak Obama)

japan attacked on?


ìThe Americans lesson was; the nuclear weapons win wars, and therefore have value. The Japanese learned that human being and nuclear weapons cannot co-exist.î (David Krieger, President Nuclear Age Peace Foundation).

how many US and Russia have weapons in the world?

about 26000 of total 27000

Global Zero was launched on?

December 9, 2008, in Paris.

aim of zero global?

i. Massive reduction in Russian-US arsenal.ii. Complete elimination to zero by all states.iii. Establishing verification system to keep check.

iv. International management of the fuel cycle.

NPT on?




establishment of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) in?

1956. President Z.A. Bhutto forcefully advocated the nuclear option and famously said in 1965 that "if India builds the bomb, we will eat grass or leaves, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own."

A.Q. Khan, a metallurgist working at a subsidiary of the URENCO enrichment corporation in the Netherlands, returned to Pakistan to help his country develop a uranium enrichment program.


test by india and pak

On 11 and 13 May 1998, India conducted a total of five nuclear explosions, which Pakistan felt pressured to respond to in kind. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif decided to test, and Pakistan detonated five explosions on 28 May and a sixth on 30 May 1998.

President Pervez Musharraf stated that, "nuclear weapons are aimed solely at India," and would only be used if "the very existence of Pakistan as a state"


terrorists pursuing?

Militants carried out small-scale attacks outside the Minhas (Kamra) Air Force Base in 2007, 2008, and 2009, and gained access to the site during a two-hour gunfight in August 2012.

hiroshima nagasaki died?


last time nuclear test was conducted?


NPT into force


CTBT came after?


nuclear supplier group was adopted in?


proliferation security initiative was taken by?


UN secretariat for NPT is?

UN office for disarmament affairs

who gave nuclear secrets to Iran?


first full scale US H-BOMB test cide name?

Ivy Mike

india peaceful nuclear explosion


IAEA 2 regional safeguard offices

tokyo, japan

toronto, canada

2 liaison offices of IAEA

geneva, switzerland

USA, new york

current director general IAEA

yukiya amano

3 bodies of IAEA

. secretariat

. board of governors

. general conference

members of IAEA(2016)


korea joined and left IAEA?


pak joined IAEA?


india joined IAEA


nuclear supplier group made?

may 1974