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135 Cards in this Set

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What term is used when a water utility divides its operating expenses into the total revenue?

Operating ratio

Under the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, it is the duty of the water purveyor to deliver potable water of proper quantity only as far as the

Consumers tap inside the home

What agent is responsible for reporting lab results to the regulatory agency?

Water system operator

According to the USEPA drinking water regulations, the owner or operator of a public water system which fails to comply with applicable monitoring requirements must give notice to the public within

3 months of the violation in a daily newspaper in the area served by the system

Dynamic head is best described as the

Total energy that a pump must develop for pumping to take place

A mixture of air and gas is considered hazardous when the mixture exceeds what percentage of the lower explosive limit (LEL)?


Which of the following duties should not be performed by a small system operator?

A. Disinfect water mains

B. Observe pump and motors to detect unusual noises, vibrations or excessive heat

C. Repair and overhaul chlorinators

D. Wire pump, compressors and electrical components of the water system

Wire pump, compressors and electrical components of the water system

What safety procedure should an operator always follow when mixing a solution of sodium hypochlorite (liquid bleach) and fresh water?

Wear goggles and gloves when handling hypochlorite

Which form of hypochlorite is most dangerous to handle?






What document provides a profile of hazardous substances?

MSDS material safety data sheets

The major source of error when obtaining water quality information is improper


A composite sample should never be sedimentation when sampling for which contaminant?


When should water quality samples for chlorine residual be analyzed?


What is the chemical formula for sulfuric acid?

H 2 S0 4

Which of the following should not be used to draw a sample into a pipet?






Where should sodium hypochlorie (liquid bleach) be stored?

Away from equipment that is susceptible to corrosion

A weir should be uses to measure water in which of the following locations?

Above ground storage tanks

Household service lines

Open channels

Water mains

Open channels

The pumping water level is best defined as the distance from the top of the well to the

Water after the pump has been operating for a period of time

The space between the inner or protective casing and the outer casing or drill hole should be filled with cement grout to a minimum of how many feet?

10 feet

The difference between the static groundwater level and the pumping water level

Draw down

The term aquifer relates to which one of the following?

Surface water





Which is the best definition of turbidity in water?

Anything that scatters light

Sequestered iron and manganese particles

The amount of dissolved material in water

The combined optical effec of pH chlorine. And color

Anything in water that scatters light

A "competent person" must inspect excavations and adjacent areas for hazards

.continuously while workers are inside the excavation

.hourly while workers are inside the excavation

.prior to the start of work each day only

.Daily, prior to the start of work, and as needed throughout the shift

Daily, prior to the start of work, and as needed throughout the shift

The principal purpose of an altitude valve on an elevated tank is to

Control maximum filling level in distribution storage.

Moderately hard water will have a hardness range of ____ mg/l as calcium carbonate.

61 to 120

A common method for removing hydrogen sulfide from water is


Lead in drinking water can result in

Impaired mental functioning in children

An average percentage range for unaccounted-for water in a fully metered system is


When the pumping rate is increased, the effect on the cone of depression is to

Lower the pumping level

The presence of total coliforms in drinking water indicates

The potential presence of pathogens

The primary health risk associated with trihalomethanes (THMs) is


The primary health risk associated with synthetic organic compounds (SOCs) is


The primary source(s) of synthetic organic compound (SOC) contamination in water supplies is (are)

Industrial solvents and agricultural pesticides

The maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of known or probable carcinogens is


An objectionable feature of iron and manganese in water is

Staining of fixtures

High nitrate concentrations in water can affect


One indication of corrosive water is a high concentration of

Carbon dioxide

At the same barometric pressure. The amount of dissolved oxygen in cold water tends to be _____ the amount of dissolved oxygen in warm water.

More than

Which component of a centrifugal pump moves the water?


A record containing the size, location, and ties of water mains; valves; hydrants; tanks; resovoirs; and pump stations is called a

Comprehensive map

The water table is defined as the?

Upper surface of the groundwater

The treatment process designed to kill pathogenic organisms is


The primary source of trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water is

The reaction of chlorine compounds and organic matter

What is the difference between maximum contaminant level (MCL) and a secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL)?

MCLS related to health effects, while SMCLs relate to aesthetic concerns

The purpose of an electrical lock-out device is to

Positively prevent the operation of an electrical curcuit

A public water system must comply with safe drinking water act (SDWA)regulations based on

A. Population range

B. Size of community

C. Financial ability

D. All of the above

All of the above

If the speed of centrifugal pump is increased, and the head remains the same, the gallons per minute output will?


When installing service lines, it is a good practice to provide for movement due to soil settling by installing which of the following?

A. Bend or gooseneck in the pipe

B. expansion joint

C. Flexible coupling

D. Service line on the side of the pipe

Bend or gooseneck in the pipe

Disc-type meters are classified as ______ meters.


A major break In a water main can assist the distribution operator to.

A. Determine the effectiveness of the systems thrust blocks

B. Rid the system of air pockets

C. Observe the interior condition of the distribution system's piping.

D. Determine if additional fire hydrants are needed

Observe the interior condition of the distribution system's piping

The rated flow of a water meter, as stated by the manufacturer, is based on ______ flow.


If water flowing in a 6 inch diameter pipe is discharged into a 4inch diameter pipe the velocity will?

Increase approximately twice

Which of the following safe drinking water act (SDWA) rules provides for action levels instead of maximum containment levels (MCLs)?

A. Volatile organic chemicals

B. Total coliforms

C. Lead and copper

D. Surface water treatment

Lead and copper

Hydrostatic pressure testing is the process used to test

Leakage in the pipe

Water leaking to the surface after operating an old valve probably is caused by

Dried out packing

To repack a buried Gate valve, the valve must be

Fully open

Centrifugal pump parts include

A. Diaphragm

B. Piston

C. Rotor

D. Volute


In making a household service connection, the employee finds the 8-inch water main wall is too thin and has to use a ______ to complete the installation.

Service clamp

Maintenance and inspection program for storage tanks and reservoirs is performed

Every other year

The term" maximum containment level goal (MCLG)" means the

Level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there are no known or suspected adverse health effects with a margin of safety

What flow can be expected from a standard 5/8 inch by 3/4 inch meter?

20 gallons per minute

The difference between tier 1 and tier 2 violations is

Tier 1 violations potentially impose direct and adverse health effects; Tier 2 violations do not pose a direct threat to public health.

Maintenance required of bubbler tube level indicators include checking the

Air tube

A device used to check flows Ina distribution system is called a

Pilot gauge

Which of the following would be classified as a positive displacement pump?

A. Centrifugal pump

B. Jet pump

C. Propeller pump

D. Reciprocating pump

Reciprocating pump

Water with high turbidity will also have a high concentration of

Fine suspended materials

A characterteristic that distinguishes a strong acid from a weak acid is the

Degree of ionization

Final determination of vulnerability is made by

The primacy agency

When a water main repair can be made with a repair clamp and the main is under continuous pressure, the concern for _____ is reduced.

Thorough flushing

If solids in water have an average specific gravity of 1.20, they are

20% heavier than water

Static head is the

Pressure due to the depth or elevation of water

The lead and copper rule specifies that all public water systems (PWSs) must initially monitor for lead content by collecting samples from

Point of entry to the distribution system

The Safe Drinking Water Act requires ________ to develop a comprehensive coliform monitoring system.

All public water systems

Wear rings are installed in a pump to

Minimize internal water leakage

Daily consumption of gaseous chlorine may be checked by

A platform scale

The discharge rate of a piston-type pump

Is constant at a constant speed

If an initial sample is positive for total coliforms and a repeat sample is positive for fecal coliform or E. Coliform. Notice to the public must be given by broadcast media (television and radio) within?


Which of the following chemicals will most likely keep iron in suspension?

A. Chlorine

B. Fluoride

C. Polyphosphate

D. Lime


A primary health risk associated with microorganisms in drinking water is?

Acute gastrointestinal diseases

The granular filtration process is designed to reduce?


A primary source of volatile organic chemical (VOC) contamination of water supplies is

Industrial solvents

After 5 years use, a portion of cast iron pipe shows a white scale about 1/2 thick lining the inside. This means?

The water is chemically unstable and is depositing

When calcium hypochlorite is used for disinfecting a water supply, it should be

Dissolved in water, allowed to settle, and the supernatant siphoned off and fed into the water system.

Aeration in water treatment plants is used to

Reduce concentrations of dissolved gases

What can the operator do if iron fouling appears to be a problem in an ion exchange softner?

Increase backwash flow rates

The peak capacity of water mains is often reduced by


The term "maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)" means the

The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there are no known or suspected adverse health effects with a margin of safety

Which of the following elements does ion exchange softening increase in the finished water?

A. Calcium

B. Magnesium

C. Manganese

D. Sodium


When compared to a 1-million gallon resovoir at the same water elevation, how much pressure in the mains will a 100,000 gallon Reservoir develop?

The same

A granular, white, dry powder used in disinfection is?

Calcium hypochlorite

Which of the following pH ranges would deposit a thin film of calcium carbonate on the inside surface of a pipe?

A. 2.0 - 3.0

B. 4.0 - 5.0

C. 6.0 - 7.0

D. 8.0 - 9.0

8.0 - 9.0

Chlorine demand is satisfied at the point when

The reaction of chlorine with organic and inorganic materials stops

What is the most common method used in labs to test for total coliform E. Coliform?


B. Green

C. Colilert

D. Lamp


Which of the following is the principle constituent in water that causes corrosion of metals?

A. Alkalinity

B. Dissolved oxygen

C. Hydrogen sulfide

D. Sodium chloride

Dissolved oxygen

Normally, surface water and groundwater have a pH range of

A. 9.0-10.5

B. 6.8-8.5

C. 1.5-4.0

D. None of the above


Hardness in water is caused by

A. Alum

B. Calcium and magnesium

C. Chloride and fluoride

D. Sodium and potassium

Calcium and magnesium

The lead and copper rule specifies that all public water systems (PWS) must initially monitor for lead content by collecting samples fromA. High risk residencesB. Point of entry (POE) to the distribution system

The lead and copper rule specifies that all public water systems (PWS) must initially monitor for lead content by collecting samples fromA. High risk residencesB. Point of entry (POE) to the distribution systemC. Raw water entering the treatment facility

The lead and copper rule specifies that all public water systems (PWS) must initially monitor for lead content by collecting samples fromA. High risk residencesB. Point of entry (POE) to the distribution systemC. Raw water entering the treatment facility

C. Raw water entering the treatment facility

High risk residences

The static head is the

A. Energy of motion of the water

B. Pressure loss in the line due to friction

C. Pressure due to the depth or elevation of water

D. Sum of all three of the above

Pressure due to depth or elevation of water

When a water main repair can be made with a repair clamp and the main is under continous pressure, the concern for _______ is reduced.

A. Disinfecting

B. Thorough flushing

C. Alerting the health department

D. Fluoridating


The aeration process tends to decrease all of the following except

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Dissolved oxygen

C. Hydrogen sulfide

D. Volatile organic compounds

Dissolved oxygen

Which form of iron is most soluble in water?

Ferrous (Fe+2)

As long as the temperature is steady, the pressure indicator on a chlorine cylinder will _______ until all the chlorine has been gasified.

Remain steady

Because chlorine residual is related to the pH of the water. It may be said that

A. A higher pH requires a higher chlorine residual

B. A higher pH requires a lower chlorine residual

C. A lower pH requires a higher chlorine residual

D. A lower pH has no effect on chlorine residual

A higher pH requires higher chlorine residual

Using the approximate atomic weights of calcium = 40, oxygen = 16, hydrogen = 1, calculate the molecular weight of calcium hydroxide (ca(OH)2.


Chlorine reacts with nitrogenous compounds to form


If disinfection is incomplete because the chlorine residual is in the hypochlorite ion form, what should you change to improve disinfection?

A. Calcium

B. Hardness

C. pH

D. Total alkalinity


For public water systems using surface water and groundwater under the influence of surface water, turbidity must be measured at least

Every four hours

The word "normal" associated with a reagent refers to the

A. Gram equivalent weight of the reagent chemical per litre of solution

B. Molecular weight of the reagent

C. Grams of solute per litre of solvent

D. Gram equivalent weight of reagent chemical per litre of solute

Gram equivalent weight of the reagent chemical per litre of solution

A well screen must be installed in

A. All deep wells

B. Consolidated materials

C. Only shallow wells

D. Unconsolidated materials

Unconsolidated materials

The chlorine gas feed rate is usually controlled by adjusting the

A. Water flow to the injector

B. Valve on the chlorine cylinder

C. Pressure in the chlorine cylinder

D. Rotameter control valve

Rotameter control valve

A motor drawing 4 amp at 440 DC volts uses

A. 110 watts

B. 440 watts

C. 880 watts

D. 1,760 watts

D. 1,760 watts (4×440=1,760)

Which of the following can cause tastes and odors in a water supply?

A. Dissolved zinc

B. Algae

C. High pH

D. Low pH


The most important factor to consider in locating a well site from the health point of view is


The primary purpose of pressure-reducing valves between water system pressure zones is to

Reduce downstream pressure

A well is acidized in order to

Increase yield

An acceptable means of corrosion control for relatively small systems is

A. Activated carbon

B. Lime soda ash softening

C. pH control

D. Zeolite softening

pH control

If volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) are detected, sampling must then be conducted

A. Monthly

B. Quarterly

C. Biannually

D. Annually


Clarification of water by sedimentation and filtration removes

A. Dissolved solids

B. Suspended solids

C. Volatile solids

D. All of the above

Suspended solids

A violationof the maximumcontaminant level (MCL) for total trihalomethanes occurs when

The running average of quarterly samples during the previous 12 months exceeds for MCL

Which Is the correct order of regeneration of a zeolite softening unit after it has been removed from service?

Backwash, brine, rinse, and return to service

Two pumps of the same flow capacity and pressure rating that are piped in series would result in

A. Heating of the pumps

B. Double the flow rate, same head

C. Double the flow and head

D. Double the head

Double the head

Which of the following elements causes hardness in water?

A. Sodium and potassium

B. Nitrogen and sulfur

C. Fluoride and oxygen

D. Calcium and magnesium

Calcium and magnesium

If raw water turbidity changed from 10 to 300 turbidity units and the finished water turbidity had increased from 0.1 to 1.0 turbidity units, the unit process having the most impact to correct this situation is

A. Coagulation

B. Sedimentation

C. Filtration

D. Disinfection


The granular filtration process is designed to reduce

A calcium and magnesium sulfates

B. True color

C. Total dissolved solids

D. Turbidity


To protect stored water from contamination, a ground storage Reservoir should

A. Be totally ir tight

B. Have both the overflow piping and the vent screened

C. Have cathodic protection

D. Have its interior surface coated with an AWWA approved paint system

Have both the overflow piping and the vent screened

When compared to a 1-million gallon resvoir at the same water elevation, how much pressure in the mains will a 100,000 gallon Reservoir develop?

A. Exactly one tenth as much pressure

B. Less

C. More

D. The same

The same

Flammable liquids are those that have flash points

Below 100°F

Material safety data sheet are required for

A. All chemicals used in the workplace regardless of hazard.

B. Only chemicals with known or suspected health hazards

C. Only flammable or explosive chemicals

D. Both b and c

All chemicals used in workplace regardless of hazard

Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, "lead free" means

A. Absolutely no lead content in solder or pipes/fixtures

B. Up to 8% lead content in pipes/fixtures and solder

C. Up to 8% lead content in pipes/fixtures and 0.2% lead content in solder

D. Any amount of lead content in pipes/fixtures and solder provided the existence of an impermeable coating to prevent lead leaching

Up to 8% lead content in pipes/fixtures and 0.2% lead content in solder

The least amount of head loss in a pipeline would be caused by a fully open

A. Angle valve

B. Check valve

C. Gate valve

D. Globe valve

Gate valve

A method used to soften water is

A. Aeration

B. Sedimentation

C. Ion exchange

D. Adsorption

Ion exchange

The maximum contaminant level for trihalomethanes is?


According to the lead and copper rule. The action level for the 90th percentIle lead level is


What size bubbles does aeration create?

Smaller size bubbles

Which valve is most suitable for a throttling application?

A. Butterfly

B. Check

C. Gate

D. Tapping
