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30 Cards in this Set

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Describe Osteolepiformes
- Tetrapod ancestor
- Heavily scaled
- Large heads
- Labyrinthodont (tooth enamel folded inward)
Describe Elitostegidae
- Sister group to tetrapods
- Flatter body
- Elevated eyes
- Loss of dorsal and anal fins
What were the stem tetrapods?
- Acanthostega
- Ventastega
What are some characteristics of the stem tetrapods?
- Heavy
- 7-8 toed limbs
- Some had internal fish-like gills
- First to walk on land
Describe Tiktaalik roseae
- Fossil found in Canada in 2006
- 385 mya (late Devonian)
- "Fishapod"
- Retained fin rays
- Humerus with flexible wrist
What groups make up Lissamphibia?
- Caudata
- Anura
- Gymnophonia
What are some Lissamphibia synapomorphies?
-Moist, permeable skin
- Glandular skin
- Middle ear bones from fusion of columella to old operculum bones
- Pedicellate teeth
- Green rods
- Levator bulbi
What are some Caudata characteristics?
- Generalized tetrapod body plan
- Limbs splayed to side
- Some are paedomorphic
- Some exhibit direct development
What are some characteristics of Anurans?
- Hindlimbs modified for swimming and jumping
- Elongated ilium and urostyle
- Live in a variety of habitats
- Most numerous of the amphibians
What are some characteristics of Gymnophiona?
- Elongate and limbless
- Ring-like dermal folds (annuli)
- Protrusible sensory tentacles
- Fossorial lifestyle
What symplesiomorphies distinguish reptiles from birds and mammals?
- Ectomorphic
- Divided atria, incompletely divided ventricle
- Locomotor stance w/legs splayed to the side; lateral undulation
True or False, Reptiles are a polyphyletic group?
False, they are paraphyletic
What living members make up reptiles?
- Testudines
- Rhynchocephalia
- Squamata
- Crocodilia
What are some synapomorphies of Testudines?
- Shell (carapace and plastron)
- Covered in scutes
- Ribs external to limb girdles
- Horny beak
- Flexible cervical vertebrae
- Plastron may be hinged
What are Lepidosaurs and what groups are included?
- Reptiles with overlapping scales
- Rhynchocephalia and Squamata
What are some characteristics of tuatara?
- Lizard-like body
- Found in New Zealand
- Nocturnal and frequently burrow
- Low active internal body temperature
What groups are included in Squamata?
- Lizards (including amphisbaenians)
- Snakes
What are some general characteristics of Squamates?
- Most diverse reptiles
- Shed their skin periodically
- Mobile jaws
- Males have a hemipenes
What are some characteristics of lizards?
- Relatively diverse
- Most are small and insectivorous
- Great diversity in xeric conditions
- Some exhibit tail autotomy
What are some characteristics of amphisbaenians?
- Fossorial
- Elongate and limbless
- Nipping tooth
- Annuli
- Heavy skull
What are some characteristics of snakes?
- Ancestral forms likely fossorial
- Limbless, elongate
- Transparent eyelids fused to cornea
- No external ear openings
- Forked tongue
What are some synapomorphies of snakes?
- Kinetic skull
- Broad body scales
- Hollow venom fangs
What living groups make up Archosauria?
- Order Crocodilia
- Class Aves
What are some basic characteristics of crocodilians?
- Large and semi-aquatic
- Laterally compressed tail used for propulsion
- Elevated eyes and nostrils
- Bony, dermal armor
What species make up crocodilians?
- Alligators
- Caimans
- Gharials
What Archosaur groups are extinct?
- Crurotarsi
- Pterosaurs
- Dinosaurs
What are some characteristics of Pterosaurs?
- Flying
- Late triassic to vertebrae
- Wing formed from stretched skin by elongate 4th digit
- Hollow bone
- Enlarged sternum?
What are some characteristics of Dinosaurs?
- Dominant land vertebrates from Jurassic-Cretaceous
- Ancestrally bipedal, many became quadrapedal
- Made up of Saurischia and Ornithischia
What are Saurischians and what groups did they include?
- "Reptile-hipped" dinosaurs
- Sauropods- Long necked herbivores
- Therapods- bipedal predators such as T. Rex
What are Orntithischians and what groups did they include?
- "Bird-hipped" dinosaurs
- Herbivores
- Duckbills
- Stegosaurs
- Horned dinosaurs
- Armored dinosaurs