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38 Cards in this Set

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* Refers to the categories of being MALE or FEMALE

* Biologically Determined

* Constant

Sexual Self-esteem

This is the feelings you have about your body and your confidence level in how you relate intimately to someone else.


This is about your sexual feelings and behavior towards others

Difference between SEX and SEXUALITY


-biologically determined

-physical and psychological features


-feelings, thoughts, behavior, and desire

Sexual Selection

Includes the processes of intrasexual competition and intersexual selection.

Polygynous Relationship

A relationship that suggests that one male would indulge in reproductive activities with more than one female.

Aus-tra-lopi-the-cus afa-ren-sis -(living about 2.9 million to 3.8million years ago)

Monogamous mating

This is indulged by Neanderthals - 1:1, The males would impregnate the female and then to ensure lineage, the female was protected by the male.

Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Erectuscivilizations


This allows mates to receive extensive reproductive from kin and clan members.

Indulged by Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Erectus civilizations

Pro-mis-cuous relationship

- a relationship where species having or involving many sexual partners, regardless of class.

Homo-sapiens: Hunter-gatherersociety

Aus-tra-lo-pi-the-cus afa-ren-sis

Species that lived about 2.9 million to 3.8 million years ago

Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Erectus civilizations

Species where Neanderthals indulged in monogamous mating within their clan.

Monogamy seems to be the norm by thespecies of Homo-Erectus as this allows mates to receive extensive reproductive from kin andclan members

Homo-sapiens: Hunter-gatherer society

This societies were based largely on small roaming clans where men engaged in hunting, while women’s roles focusedaround gathering fruits, aswell as looking after the “home”.

Homo-sapiens: Modern society

Modern human beings have evolved into monogamous mates; this could be attributed to the biological features of male sexual organs and reproductive behavior.

Homo-sapiens: Modern society - Mat-riar-chal

Women can have multiple sexual partners and the children belong to the mothers.

Homo-sapiens: Modern society -Pat-riar-chy and Polygamy

Species where there are cultures where polygamy is a social norm. In 82% of cultures, polygamyis permitted and men can have social and sexual relationships with more than one female.

What Women Desire in a Marriage Partner : The Natural Body


- Able to invest resources in her and her children

- Able to physically protect her and her children

- Shows promise as a good parent

What Men Desire in a Marriage Partner : The Natural Body


- Powerful fertility cue

- Physical appearance or physical attractiveness

- Desire beautiful mate


Refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed

SOGIESC: The Genderbread Person Model in

SO - sexual orientation

GI - Gender Identity

E - Expression

SC- Sexual Characteristics

SR - Sex Role

SB - Sex Behavior

Anatomical Sex / Sex

This is Comprised of things like genitals, chromosomes, body hair and more.

- Assigned at birth

Gender Identity

Your psychological sense of self.

- Self Ascription

Gender Expression

The ways you present yourself through your action, clothing, demeanor, and more.

- Presentation


Like sex, this is not really a component of gender.

- Sexual orientation

Erogenous Zone

These are areas on our bodies where we are supposed to feel sexual pleasure

E.g - Neck, Fingertips, knee, back of the ear, and toes.


This is something that occurs when you are unable to resolve an issue during any of your psychosexual stages.

Stage and Erogenous Zone/Conflicts

Oral (0-18 months)

- Mouth; hunger

Anal (18-36 months)

- Anus

Phallic (3-6 years)

- Genitals

Latency (6 to puberty)

- dormant sexual Feelings

Genital (Puberty onwards)

- Whole body

biological influences

Factor I

Factor that pushes us to have sex -hormones that circulate through your body;

Eg. testosterone, androgen, estrogen, and progesterone.

social and psychological

Factor II

Factor that pushes us to have sex

Social factors like family, religion, and culture may affect our sexual

motivation in the same way

psychological factors like personality and emotions do

4 phases of sexual activity

(1) excitement (desire/arousal)

(2) plateau

(3) orgasm

(4) resolution


1st phase of sexual activity

This is divided in to 2

Desire / Arousal

- Desire happens when we feel sexual urges

- Arousal shows several physiological signs in both male and female.

- Plateau

2nd phase of sexual activity

This is usually the brief period before orgasm

- Orgasm

3rd phase of sexual activity


there is the feeling of inevitability of ejaculation, followed by ejaculation itself.


there is the feeling of intense sexual pleasure and contractions on the lower third of the vagina.

- Resolution

4th phase of sexual activity

This phase is usually characterized by the decreased arousal and sexual urge after ejaculation


The organ responsible for the process of love.

3 Stages of love





-Stage of love I

Stage of love that is highly influenced by two main hormones;

testosterone and estrogen.


-Stage of love II

In this stage of love where our brain releases increased amounts of adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin.


- Stage of love III

In this stage there is a strong feeling of affection or loyalty towards someone or something.