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58 Cards in this Set

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Is an object to aim for and also sets the standard for success.


"People will not only try to do what they think they can do, and won't try what they think they can't do."

Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory

Is the belief in one's own ability to successfully accomplish something


This happens when we do something and we become successful. Encouraged, we do it again and again until we have mastered it.

Mastery of Experience

This is the observation of success and failures of others through modeling, who are similar to one's self.

Vicarious Experience

The more people encourage one, the more likely person's self-efficacy increase.

Verbal Persuasion

This is about a person when doing something, the emotional state of the person will also have an influence in the success or failure of the task.

Somatic and Emotional States

"It's all in the mind."

Dweck's Mindset

Is the mental attitude one takes that determines how one will respond and understand the situation.


This mindset is the traditional way.

The intellect never changes no matter what we do.

This remains static.

Fixed Mindset

This mindset is developed by Dweck.

The success and failure of task is dependent of the kind of mindset a person has.

Growth Mindset

Setting Goals for life and happiness

Locke's Goal Setting Theory

Edward Locke's premise is

Man's ultimate goal is happiness

Is the successful state of life


The goal has to be specific and abstract


The more difficult the goal, the greater is the chance of achieving it because people tend to work harder.


These goal settings are largely dependent on the level of commitment the person has towards the achievement of the goal.


Two things to be commited

Belief that goal is important

Belief that one can do it

Gives them accountability and they would know if they have to change their pace or way of doing or to continue with how they are doing things


A complex task brings out the knowledge of the person

Task Complexity

Goal Setting Theory





Task Complexity

This occurs when our thoughts are not reflected in the reality


Being successful necessitates hard work

Success can only be achieved if there is an action

Unwillingness to put forth mental and physical effort

It makes us cover into submitting whatever fate has given us without taking control of our circumstances.


Blocks to Goals Achievement


Unwillingness to put forth mental and physical effort


A bundle of rights and duties and by an awareness of others

Filipino Citizenship

Rizal seeks the true identity of a Filipino


Filipino before described as barbaric, stupid, and idiotic


The citizen must not just only free and responsible

Movement towards common good

Those who have mothers and fathers are citizens of the Philippines

Seeking the Filipino Identity

Those who are naturalized in accordance to the law

Seeking the Filipino Identity

Respect and affirmation of individual

Developing a democratic culture

Willingness to listen to others

Developing a democratic culture

A citizen must develop a sense of community

Movement towards common good

Is driven by the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the unconscious mind, merely speaking or acting without much thought and more concerned about the now which may be regretted after.


Is based on information from both the conscious mind and unconscious mind taking the consideration of the well-being of not only you but those around you


This is a good stress. A stressor that motivates an individual toward an optimal level of performance


This is negative or positive stress. Any kind of information or sensory stimulus that is perceived as unimportant or inconsequential.


Known as stress. This is unfavorable or negative interpretation of an event to be threatening that promotes continued feeling or anger.


Any real or imagined situation, circumstance, or stimulus that is perceived to be a threat.


Strong stressors, may affect many people, in a form of disaster

Cataclysmic Events

Stressor in a form of major life events such as death of a loved ones

Personal Stressors

Stressors that are daily hassles

Background Stressors

Annoyance, anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame


Hormonal Fluctuations, memory loss, brain fog, sleep disorder


Blaming oneself, seeking help and solving problems


This is the body response to stress

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

This triggers stress hormones, heart rate, blood pressure


The body tries to normalize and struggling to concentrate and may be irritable


The body is tired of fighting stress, depression, and feeling unable to cope.


Refers to the efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress


The capacity of an individual to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health conditions

Health Literacy

Knowing your body mass index (BMI), cholesterol level, blood pressure, and engaging in health screening

Self-Awareness of physical and mental condition

Practicing moderate intensity physical activity such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports at a desirable frequency

Physical Activity

Having nutritious, balanced diet with the approximate calories intake.

Healthy Eating

Quitting tobacco, limiting alcohol use, getting vaccinated and using sunscreens

Risk Avoidance

Washing hands, brushing teeth, and washing food

Good Hygiene

Being aware of danger

Rational and responsible use of products, services, diagnostics, and medicines