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10 Cards in this Set

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30yo F with knee, wrist pain, morning stiffness

DDx? Dx? Optimal approach including tx?
DDx: OA, infectious arthritis, RA, SLE, gout and psoriatic arthritis

Dx: RA

Optimal management: PE (extremities, CV, lungs, abd, skin, HEENT and lymph nodes), RF or anti-CCF, CBC, arthrocentesis, ANA, ESR, CRP and joint XRs

Rx: NSAID or steroid + DMARD (methotrexate or etanercept)
65yo F with L sided CP, HTN, tachycardia w/ bounding central and peripheral pulses, diastolic decrescendo murmur

Dx? Optimal approach?
Dx: aortic dissection

Optimal approach: ECG 12 lead, portable CXR, stabilize with IV BB + another antihypertensive, IV morphine, continuous cardiac monitor, pulse ox. Once stable - CT chest w/contrast, echo or MRI. W/U: BMP, CBC, CPK, cardiac enzymes, d-dimer and type & crossmatch. Thoracotomy or dissection repair
4yo M w/ SOB for 3 days, coughing & wheezing esp after playing outside, h/o pollen allergy and atopic dermatitis

Dx? Optimal approach?
Dx: asthma

Optimal approach: targeted PE (HEENT, lung, CV and abd), pulse ox, O2 therapy, bronchodilators (albuterol) and steroids (betamethasone) are essential. Include - counseling family on asthma care, med side effects, chest exam after treatment
65yo M w/ sharp R-side CP and respiratory distress. No breath sounds on R lung exam.

Dx? Optimal approach?
Dx: pneumothorax

Optimal approach: focused PE, then needle thoracostomy followed by chest tube. CXR to confirm tube placement. Important to minimize W/U before needle decompression
31yo F w/ lethargy, N/V, h/o DM1. On exam, fever, tachypnea, tachycardia and hypotension. No insulin for 24hrs.

Dx? Optimal approach?

Optimal approach: focused PE (lung, CV, abd & neuro/psych), serum random glucose, UA, CBC, IVF (NS or Ringer's), broad spectrum abx (cephalosporin or fluoroquinolone). Once serum glucose is obtained, IV insulin and cardiac monitor. Include ABG, blood cx and BMP. Continue monitoring glucose, electrolytes, pH after treatment
25 yo F at 38wks gestation to ED after seizure w/ LOC. Exam shows tachycardia, low-grade fever, and HTN.

Dx? Optimal approach?
Dx: eclampsia

Optimal approach: focused PE (skin, HEENT, lung, CV, abd, genital, extremities, neuro), CBC, IV mag sulfate, IV antihypertensive (hydralazine or BB). Immediate delivery - vaginally (use oxytocin or misoprostol PRN) or C-section. Measure pt urine output. Include - BMP and PT/PTT.
Don't forget about pt comfort. How do you manage pt in pain, nauseous, constipated, with diarrhea or insomnia?
Pain: IV morphine
Nausea: IV phenergan or ondansetron
Constipation: PO docusate
Diarrhea: PO loperamide
Insomnia: PO temazepam
25F with urinary frequency and burning. LMP 24 days ago. No fever, N/V/D, or flank pain.

Optimal approach?
Focused PE. bhCG (positive), UA (positive nitrite and leukocyte esterase), urine cx

Uncomplicated cystitis - TMP-SMX 3 days
Complicated - TMP-SMX 7 days
If pregnant, nitrofurantoin PO, prenatal vitamins
List prenatal labs
Blood type, antibody screen, Rh type, CBC with diff, BMP, Pap smear, rubella status, syphilis screen (VDRL or RPR), UA and urine culture, hep B surface ag, HIV counseling and testing, chlamydia testing

Don't forget about counseling, prenatal vitamins, iron sulfate and folic acid
28M with bright red blood per rectum; also has colicky abd pain. Older brother has UC. Smoker.

Optimal approach?
Dx: UC

Focused PE (gen, skin, HEENT, CV, lungs, abd, rectal, extremities). CBC, BMP, stool for O&P/WBC/culture, LFTs, PT/PTT, ESR, sigmoidoscopy and rectal biopsy,

Rx: mesalamine, loperamide, dicyclomine (anti-cholinergic), dietary consult, counseling, smoking cessation