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38 Cards in this Set

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causes of the great depression

overproduction, uneven spread of income, stock market crash, unstable banking system, weak industries, weak economy

Black Tuesday

the day the stock market crashed; Oct 29, 1929

over speculation

people would buy stock bc they believed in it potential; made the stock of a company more valuable than the company itself

weak industries

cotton was in competition with synthetic materials, railroads by cars, and farming with processed food


consumers began to spend less on goods and there was too much surplus and not enough demand

uneven distribution of income

5% of the population made 30% of the income; low wages for unskilled laborers; 50% of the nation lived in poverty

unstable banking system

due to mismanagement and over speculation; 1% of banks controlled 46% of bank resources

weak economy

trade policies stopped international trade; Hawley Smoot Tariff is the highest in US history; 23 nations imposed tariffs on the US

Crash of 1929

caused by a bull market, overspeculation, and buying on margin

bull market

people are continuously investing in the stock market

bear market

people save their money and invest less in stocks

buying on margin

banks and businesses loaned money to investors to pay portions of their stock investments; lost a lot of money this way

mass production

production of large amounts of products in factories


people bought hints on credit to substitute paying with real money until they actually could

boom and bust markets

stock market goes through cycles; boom is when the market is high and banks are at their peak and bust is when things decline in value and a recession has begun

interest rates

the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower

Dust Bowl

period of dust storms and drought that swept the midwest and dried up the land; led to people like Okies and Arkies moving west to find new land and resources to places like california

Hoovers Response

do nothing and let it ride out on its own; Federal Farm Board lent money to create agricultural surplus and used federal spending to give money to banks and to restore buildings and landmarks

Bonus Army

WW1 vets marched in DC to get bonus payments for their time in the military; Hoover sent them away

New Deal

FDRs plan to restore the US in its time of need; addressed banking crisis, economy, created new jobs, and created organizations to help the people; from 1932-5; expanded the role of federal gov in helping restore these things; relief, recovery, reform

Second New Deal

2nd part; from 1935- WW2

Emergency Bank Act

expanded gov. assistance to sound banks and reorganized weak ones

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

guaranteed bank deposits up to $2,500

Securities and Exchange Commission

regulated the stock market

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

furnished funds to state and local agencies

Civilian Conservation Corps

combined work relief and conservation; reforested, built roads and bridges, created new jobs

Social Security Act

provided unemployment compensation, old age pensions, and aid for dependent mothers and children and the blind; excluded more that 1/4 of all workers and did not include health insurance; funded by payroll tax

Banking Act of 1935

decreased power of private bankers

Agricultural Adjustment Act

allowed farmers to receive money for empty land bc overproduction of crops was an issue and raise the values of crops

Civil Works Administration

created 4 million jobs including unskilled labor, teachers ad singers and artists

National Industrial Recovery Act

halted the slide in prices, wages, and employment; promote interest in both small and big business

Public Works Administration

work relief through building schools, hospitals, dams, roads, bridges, sewers, etc; created useful structures and provided employment and nations structure

Tennessee Valley Authority

provided Tennessee and other states with navigation, flood control, electricity, fertilizer, and economic development

Work Progress Administration

gave 9 million jobs, schools, hospitals, and parks, bridges, roads and sewers

Wagner National Labor Relations Act

provided employees with rights, created unions, and penalized unjust employers

essay against

being socialist and killing individualism, adding debt, wasting money, encouraging laziness, violating Constitution and states rights. and increased gov. power

essay for

gave poor people compensations and jobs, gave electricity, improved economy and work conditions, gave optimism and hope to the people

Bank Holiday

after FDR's inauguration, he declared a 4 day banking holiday where money could not be exported to deal with the banking crisis