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25 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is a major cause of the panic that broke in 1873?

expansion of more factories, railroads, and mines than existing markets could bear

What was one result of the Republican "hard-money" policies in the mid-1870s?

a political turn to the Democrats and the new Greenback Labor party

Democrats and Republicans in the Gilded Age generally

had few significant policy differences.

In religious and cultural terms, republicans generally appealed to groups that derived their views from which of the following?

Puritan tradition of strict moral codes and government regulation of morality and society

Although there was a lack of major national political issues, Gilded Age elections often produced fierce local contests over culturally and religiously charged issues like which of the following?

prohibition and education

Which of the following best represents one reason for the extremely high voter turnouts and partisan fervor of the Gilded Age?

sharp ethnic and cultural differences in the membership of the two parties

During the Gilded Age, the lifeblood of both the Democratic and Republican parties was

political patronage.

The political base of the Democratic party in the late nineteenth century lay especially in which of the following areas?

the white South and big-city immigrant machines

Which of the following was the most major problem in the 1876 presidential election?

two sets of election returns submitted by Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana

Which of the following best explains the result of the Compromise of 1877?

federal troops were withdrawn from the South and the Republicans abandoned black rights in the South

Which of the following statements about the Civil Rights Act of 1875 is not true?

it was supposed to guarantee equal rights in voting and access to education for blacks and whites

Which of the following best summarizes the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?

"separate but equal" facilities were constitutional

Which of the following is a way in which Southern whites disenfranchised (denied the vote to) African Americans?

poll taxes

economic and physical intimidation

literacy requirements

all of these

Rutherford B. Hayes began his presidency with which of the following issues at hand?

sharp class conflict and a national railroad strike

Why did the national railroad strike of 1877 begin?

the four largest railroads cut salaries by 10 percent

Which of the following best describes the fundamental attitude of Hayes and other Republican administrations toward labor agitation in the Gilded Age?

strong support for the railroads and business in their efforts to crush labor organizing

Which of the following is a reason that the Chinese came to the United States?

to dig for gold

Which of the following best describes the Pendleton Act's effect on people applying for federal government jobs?

Those applying for federal jobs had to take a competitive examination.

Which of the following did Grover Cleveland gain during his presidency as a result of his strong belief in a laissez-faire approach to government?

support from businesspeople

Which of the following was the most major issue of the 1888 presidential election?

tariff policy

Cleveland's proposal to address the problem of the large federal budget surplus angered big business, and gained the support of many farmers. What was his proposal?

lower the tariff

How did the Billion-Dollar Congress dispose of rising government surpluses?

by expanding pensions for Civil War veterans

Which of the following was not among the platform planks adopted by the Populist party in their convention of 1892?

Government guarantees on parity prices for farmers

Which of the following best describes the Pendleton Act's impact on American political campaigns?

Political contributions from federal workers (in return for jobs) were prohibited, which led to politicians seeking money from big corporations.

Which of the following best describes how the white "Bourbon Democrats" of the South succeeded in crushing the Populist revolt?

appealing to poor white farmers' anti-black racial feelings against their economic interests