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135 Cards in this Set

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What merchants controlled the overland routes to Asia?
What monarch sponsored Columbus' first expedition?
During the 16th century which country dominated exploration of the New World?
The defeat of the Spanish Armada was did not
bring an end to the power of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe
The first permanent English settlement in the New World
Important river discovered by Hernando de Soto
Mississippi River
Title given to daring Spanish soldiers/explorers
The London and Plymouth Companies wanted to colonize which territory?
What early English colony was assisted by the Indian princess Pocahontas?
In what type of company did investors share profits from colonies without sharing liabilities?
Indian chief who threatened Jamestown
Indian princess who brought peace to Jamestown
Made a vain search for the Seven Cities of Cibola
Spainard who journeyed throughout the southeastern U.S.
de Soto
Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztecs
Sponsored two vain attempts to establish colonies to Roanoke Island
"pioneer" of the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Which captain helped Jamestown to survive?
John Smith
Circumnavigation of the globe
Discovered Newfoundland for the English
English ruler who approved the colonization of North America
Elizabeth I
Powerful Spanish ruler
Philip II
Realized the discovery of a new continent
The explorer who journeyed to China during the rule of Kublai Khan
Marco Polo
The "sea dog" who attacked Spanish ships in the New World
Aztec emperor
First European to sail to India
Vasco da Gama
First modern European to reach the Western Hemisphere
First to round the southern cape of Africa
Primary motivation for settlement of Massachusetts
Religious freedom
Why did the Pilgrims' leave Holland
Dutch culture was harming their children
First European to explore Florida
de Leon
Puritan attitude toward the Anglican church
Stay in the church and improve it
Major reason for the quick growth of Massachusetts
Great Migration
House of Burgesses
First self-governing assembly in America
Colony set up as a refuge for Catholics
One purpose for the settlement of Georgia was to...
Protect the colonies from Spain
In what colony did the Quakers undertake a "Holy Experiment"
agreement between God and His people
belief stated that obedience is not necessary for a proper relationship to God
colony controlled directly by the king
royal colony
colony governed by appointees of the king
contract that gave land to a colonist in exchange for labor
fifty acres of land received by colonists in Virginia
fifty thousand settlers who came to the New World in the 1630s
Great Migration
What Quaker undertook the "Holy Experiment"?
The first document of self-government in American
Mayflower Compact
First written constitution in America
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Who was expelled from Massachusetts for antinomianism?
Who was the Dutch Governor who purchased Manhattan Island for $24?
Who was a proprietor of the southern Carolina settlement?
Dutch governor of New Netherland who surrendered to the English
First governor of Maryland
Reforming governor of Georgia
two largest non-English groups in America
Main reason Scotch-Irish and Germans came to America
Escape religious persecution
Who were the Pennsylvania Dutch?
German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania
Why did American women in America marry earlier than women in Europe?
There were more men than women.
Why were epidemics more common in the 18th century colonies?
Crowded cities helped to spread diseases
Why did the Puritans emphasize education?
Study the Bible
Why did education in the Middle Colonies and the South lag behind New England?
The population was scattered in rural areas.
What new technique did Cotton Mather use against smallpox?
What city established the first public library in America?
Charleston SC
A paddle-shaped board for reading
style of colonial architecture
best access to the backcountry
Great Philadelphia Wagon Road
colonial newspaper
New England Courant
settlers from German areas
Pennsylvania Dutch
settlers from Ulster
standard text in the colonial period
New England Primer
Written by Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard's Almanack
What was the main difference between the Congregationalists and the Baptists?
came from France
Most influential religious movement in colonial America
What group became the Congregationalists?
Summary of doctrine in question-and-answer form
First book published in America
Bay Psalm Book
What were the "Old Lights"?
Presbyterians who opposed the extremes of revival
What 2 denominations grew the most as the a result of the Great Awakening?
Presbyterians & Baptists
Sect centered in Pennsylvania
Conservative branch of the Mennonites that practiced strict church discipline
Baptist of children of unconverted parents
Half-way covenant
Believed in the guidance by "inner lights"
Believed that believers should leave the Church of England altogether
complete political independence of each church
congregationalist polity
Desired to remove old ceremonies from the Church of England
Doctrinally sound group that wanted to keep the old ceremonies of the Church of England
Low Church Anglicans
Group that believed that the traditions of the Church of England were divinely ordained
High Church Anglicans
Practiced baptism by immersion of professing believers only
Rule by bishops who appointed lower officials
Episcopal polity
Rule by elders elected from among the people, who in turn elect higher officials
Presbyterian polity
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Jonathan Edwards
Anglican promoter of missions
Thomas Bray
Baptist worker in the South during the Great Awakening
Gilbert Tennent
Colonial Baptist leader
Roger Williams
Dutch Reformed pastor who helped start the Great Awakening
Theodore Frelinghuysen
Father of American Lutheranism
Henry Muhlenberg
Father of American Presbyterianism
Francis Makemie
Founder of the Quakers
George Fox
Minister to Algonquin Indians
John Eliot
Missionary to the Indians who wrote an inspirational journal
David Brainerd
Moravian mission at Gnadenhutten
David Zeisberger
Outstanding British evangelist during the Great Awakening
George Whitefield
Presbyterian graduate of the Log College who aided the Great Awakening
Shubal Stearns
Presbyterian minister who helped bring revival to Virginia
Samuel Davies
William & Mary college
James Blair
What geographic feature was at the heart of the Louisiana Territory?
Mississippi River
Why did the Iroquois ally with the British?
The Iroquouis' enemy hadjoined the French.
What event sparked the French and Indian War?
George Washington clashed with the French near the Ohio River
What advantage did the French have over the British during this war?
Stronger Indian allies
What was Britain's chief disadvantage during the French and Indian War?
Lack of colonial unity
Why was Franklin's Albany Plan a failure?
The colonists feared centralized government.
The key campaign of the French and Indian War was the capture of ___________.
Why was the Battle of the Plains of Abraham important?
The British captured the French Canadian capital.
Peace treaty that ended the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris
One of the major reasons that the colonists were taxed after the French and Indian War was that the British
needed to pay for the war
The first successful example of colonial unity was was the _______________ Congress?
Stamp Congress
What did the French call the territory they claimed along the Mississippi River?
What important fort did the French build on the Ohio River at the beginning of the French & Indian War?
Fort Duquesne
What colonial Congress attempted unsuccessfully to unite the colonies during the French and Indian War?
Albany Congress
During what incident were five colonists killed by British soldiers?
Boston Massacre
French trapper who explored the upper Mississippi River
Louis Joliet
British minister who attempted to collect new taxes from the colonists
George Grenville
Proposal to unite the colonies against France
Benjamin Franklin
Orator from Virginia who opposed British tyranny
Patrick Henry
Leader of the Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams
Author of Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies
John Dickinson
British commander who was badly defeated by French forces
Edward Braddock
British king who antagonized the colonists
George III
French priest who explored the upper Mississippi River
Jacques Marquette
Frenchman who explored the entire length of the Mississippi River
La Salle
Indian chief who confederacy devastated the frontier
Resourceful French commander during King William's War
Comte de Frontenac
Talented British general who died capturing Quebec
James Wolfe
Talented French leader during the French and Indian War
Marquis de Montcalm