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28 Cards in this Set

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Made it clear that national interests were to be put above state interests


Called for relocation of 5 major Native American groups from their homelands to an area west of the Mississippi River

Indian Removal Act

Occurred when feelings of sectionalism in the North and the South emerged

Missouri Compromise

A largely dispute over how power should be divided between the federal government and state governments

Second Bank of the United States

The belief that one’s one region of the country is more important than the whole


Samuel Slater helped spark ... in the United States when he brought important information with him from Great Britain

Industrial Revolution

First women rights convention

Seneca Falls Convention

A system of cooperation among active antislavery people in the U.S. before 1863 by which fugitive slaves were secretly helped to reach the North or Canada

Underground Railroad

Preachers if the religious movement during the 1820s and 1830s told people how to live well and work hard

Second Great Awakening

The anti-immigrant group that eventually organized into a political party called the American Party


Although the plight of tenement dwellers sparked early efforts at reform, serious efforts at reform would not begin until the late 1800s


The first meeting address women’s rights

Seneca Falls

Declared America’s off-limits to European colonization

Monroe Deoctrine

Native Americans, increasing sectionalism, and the national bank were all increasing issues during...

The Age Of Jackson

True or false: Industrialization in the North prompted people to move out of cities and into the rural farmland


The creation of Maine was made through which item?

Missouri Compromise

The reform era was created due to which previous movement?

Second Great Awakening

White settlers moving into Indian land would create issues, the result of those conflicts is

Indian Removal Act

The abolition movement in the 1830s resulted in the creation of ...

Over 1500 chapters of the American Anti-Slavery Society

The early 1800s showed an increase nationalism by ...

The Era of Good Feelings

An anti-immigration group


To gain control of California and New Mexico, the U.S declared war on which country?


If one believes more in the power of his state, and shows loyalty to his state more, that is what?


Who were the first settlers in the region of present-day Texas?

Native American Groups

Dorothea Dix helped to change and create the first what?

State-run mental asylums

Which event occurred in Sonoma, California?


The growth of large cities, First real immigration of people from Asia to the U.S., the ability to declare statehood due to new immigrants all occurred to achieve what?

The California Gold Rush

Who was the leading activist who made the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman