Many reformers made up new ideals to make a perfect society to be fit for democracy. The people tried to get rid of the criminals as the Fourth Annual Report, Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City of New York, 1829 explained that “We must feel a pride in the reflection, that our young country … was the first to adopt the penitentiary system of prison discipline, and the first to attempt to prevent the commission of crimes, by seeking out the youthful and unprotected, who were in the way of temptation, and by religious and moral instruction, by imparting to them useful knowledge, and by giving them industrious and orderly habits, rescuing them from vice and rendering them valuable members of society.” The reformers were trying to protect the youth and try to make society a better place and also try to persuade people that a democratic government will make the United States great and a big part of making a society a better place was to teach the youth better ways and the criminals off the streets. Many people also wanted equal rights like the Germans and the Irish who immigrated to the United States. Poverty was a big problem in the United States and the reformers had many plans to bring equality, but failed. Many abolitionists were trying to abolish slavery. One famous example was Abraham Lincoln and he attempted to make up civil rights. There was also a big dispute on weather slaves were considered property. A famous case was the Dread Scott Case and the democrats who felt that slaves were property led the Supreme Court. In conclusion not all the democratic ideals were accepted by reformers and religion, politics, and slavery were some references to the reform movements to expand democratic ideals between 1825 through
Many reformers made up new ideals to make a perfect society to be fit for democracy. The people tried to get rid of the criminals as the Fourth Annual Report, Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City of New York, 1829 explained that “We must feel a pride in the reflection, that our young country … was the first to adopt the penitentiary system of prison discipline, and the first to attempt to prevent the commission of crimes, by seeking out the youthful and unprotected, who were in the way of temptation, and by religious and moral instruction, by imparting to them useful knowledge, and by giving them industrious and orderly habits, rescuing them from vice and rendering them valuable members of society.” The reformers were trying to protect the youth and try to make society a better place and also try to persuade people that a democratic government will make the United States great and a big part of making a society a better place was to teach the youth better ways and the criminals off the streets. Many people also wanted equal rights like the Germans and the Irish who immigrated to the United States. Poverty was a big problem in the United States and the reformers had many plans to bring equality, but failed. Many abolitionists were trying to abolish slavery. One famous example was Abraham Lincoln and he attempted to make up civil rights. There was also a big dispute on weather slaves were considered property. A famous case was the Dread Scott Case and the democrats who felt that slaves were property led the Supreme Court. In conclusion not all the democratic ideals were accepted by reformers and religion, politics, and slavery were some references to the reform movements to expand democratic ideals between 1825 through