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56 Cards in this Set

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in which region are the palatine tonsils found?



What part of the larynex covers the laryngeal inlet during swallowing to keep food out of the lower respiratory passages



During the Valsalva's maneuver, what part of the larynx closes to increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as to help with defecation?

During the Valsalva's maneuver, what part of the larynx closes to increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as to help with defecation?



Which cartilage belonging to the larynx anchors the vocal cords?


Which cartilage belonging to the larynx anchors the vocal cords?

Arytenoid Cartelages

Arytenoid Cartelages

What respiratory Structure is more commonly known as the "throat"?



What part of the upper respiratory system is also known as the "Guardian of the airways"



Jane had been suffering through a severe cold and was complaining of a frontal headache and a dull, aching pain at the side of her face. What regions are likely to become sites of secondary infection following nasal infection?

paranasal sinuses


paranasal sinuses

Why do patients with Rhinitis often have "watery eyes"?

Why do patients with Rhinitis often have "watery eyes"?

the infection has caused inflammation of the nasolacrimal ducts

the infection has caused inflammation of the nasolacrimal ducts

Why do Adenoids normally destroy pathogens?

Why do Adenoids normally destroy pathogens?

Because they contain Lymphocytes

What does the loudness of a person's voice depend on?

Force with which air rushes across vocal folds

What maintains the patency (openness) of the Trachea?

What maintains the patency (openness) of the Trachea?

C-shaped cartilage rings

C-shaped cartilage rings

What does the Auditory Tube drain into?

What does the Auditory Tube drain into?



What type of Cartilage does the Larynx contain?

What type of Cartilage does the Larynx contain?

Thyroid Cartilage

Thyroid Cartilage

Why do particles such as dust fail to reach the lungs?

ciliated mucous lining in the nose

True or False. The olfactory mucosal lining of the nasal cavity contains the receptors for the sense of smell.


True or False. The functions of the nasal conchae are to enhance the air turbulence in the cavity and to increase the mucosal surface area exposed to the air.


True or False. Tracheal obstruction is life threatening.




List the organs of the upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal Cavity



List of organs from Lower Respiratory Tract

Trachea, Primary (main) Bronchus, Secondary (lobar) Bronchus, Tertiary (segmental) Bronchus, Bronchioles, Terminal Bronchioles, Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, Alveoli

Trachea, Primary (main) Bronchus, Secondary (lobar) Bronchus, Tertiary (segmental) Bronchus, Bronchioles, Terminal Bronchioles, Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, Alveoli

Why would cartilage be absent at the posterior aspect of the trachea?

Why would cartilage be absent at the posterior aspect of the trachea?

Allows expansion of the esophagus when food is swallowed 

Allows expansion of the esophagus when food is swallowed

what is the Adventitia

what is the Adventitia

Outer most layer of bronchus. 

Outer most layer of bronchus.

what do the walls of the Alveoli consist of?

Simple Squamous Epithelium and a sparse Lamina Propria containing elastic fibers and pulmonary capillaries 

Simple Squamous Epithelium and a sparse Lamina Propria containing elastic fibers and pulmonary capillaries

moving down the bronchial tree does the Airway Diameter increase or decrease?

moving down the bronchial tree does the Airway Diameter increase or decrease?



moving down the bronchial tree does the number of airways increase or decrease?

moving down the bronchial tree does the number of airways increase or decrease?



moving down the bronchial tree, does the total surface area, provided by airway walls increase or decrease?

moving down the bronchial tree, does the total surface area, provided by airway walls increase or decrease?



moving down the bronchial tree does the thickness of the airway walls increase or decrease? 

moving down the bronchial tree does the thickness of the airway walls increase or decrease?



moving down the bronchial tree does the amount of hyaline cartilage in the airways increase of decrease?

moving down the bronchial tree does the amount of hyaline cartilage in the airways increase of decrease?



moving down the bronchial tree does the relative amount of smooth muscle in the airways walls increase or decrease?

moving down the bronchial tree does the relative amount of smooth muscle in the airways walls increase or decrease?



moving down the bronchial tree does the height of the epithelial cells lining the airways increase or decrease 

moving down the bronchial tree does the height of the epithelial cells lining the airways increase or decrease



how many microscopic alveoli are in each lung?

how many microscopic alveoli are in each lung?

150 million

150 million

What accurs in the respiratory membrane

What accurs in the respiratory membrane

Gas exchange 

Gas exchange

list the layers of the respiratory membrane in the order through which CO2 diffuses

Capillary Endothelium, Fused Basement Membrane, Alveolar Epithelium 

Capillary Endothelium, Fused Basement Membrane, Alveolar Epithelium

List the layers of the respiratory membrane in the order through which O2 diffuses

Alveolar Epithelium, Fused Basement Membrane, Capillary Endothelium 

Alveolar Epithelium, Fused Basement Membrane, Capillary Endothelium

What cells normally keep the alveolar surfaces sterile?

Alveolar Macrophages

Alveolar Macrophages

what are the simple squamous epithelial cells called, that form only one layer of the respiratory memebrane

Type 1 alveolar cells 

Type 1 alveolar cells

What cell secretes alveolar fluid, which coats the inner surfaces of the alveoli

Type 2 Alveolar Cells

Type 2 Alveolar Cells

What keeps the apical surface of the alveolar epithelium moist

Alveolar Fluid

Alveolar Fluid

what is the detergent-like complex of amphipathic lipids and proteins that reduces surface tension called


what contains surfactant?

Alveolar Fluid

Alveolar Fluid

what is the condition called when a premature baby is born without enough surfactant in their lungs, causing the alveoli to collapse after each expiration.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

what kind of membrane is in each pleural cavity

Serous Membrane

Serous Membrane

what is the portion of the pleura lining the wall of the pleural cavity called

Porietal Pleura

Porietal Pleura

what is the portion of the pleura covering the lung called

Viseral Pleura

Viseral Pleura

what type of epithelium is serous membranes composed of?

Simple Squamous Epithelium

Simple Squamous Epithelium

what type of connective tissue is serouse membranes composed of

Areolar Connective Tissue

what is each lobe of a lung divided into?

Bronchopulmonary Segments

Bronchopulmonary Segments

What is the indention in an organ called, through which vessels and nerves enter and exit the organs



what vessels are at the root of the lung @ Hilum

Left/Right Main Bronchus

Left/Right Pulmonary Artery

Left/Right Pulmonary Vein

what is the exchange of respiratory gases between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries called

External Repiration

External Repiration

what is the exchange of respiratory gases between the blood in the systemic capillaries and interstitial fluid in the body tissues called

Internal Respiration

Internal Respiration

what is atmospheric pressure ant sea level?

760 mmHg

what is the individual pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases called

Partial pressure

what is directly proportional to concentration

Partial Pressure

what does the rate of external respiration depend on

Partial Pressure Gradient (directly Related)

Gas Solubility (directly related)

Surface Area Available For Gas Exchange (Directly Related)

Diffusion Distance (Inversely Related)

what is it called when the alveolar walls disintegrate, decreasing the surface area across which gas exchange can occur and decreasing external respiration rate.

