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47 Cards in this Set

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Rhomboids minor

O: C7-T1

I: medial border of scap

Rhomboids Major

O: T2-T5

I: medial border of scap

Upper Trapezius

O: Occipital protuberance

I: clavicle

Mid Trapezius

O: C1-C7 vertebra and C7-T2 supraspinous ligaments and inferior angle of scap

I: acromion process

Lower Trapezius

O: supraspinous ligaments of T3-T12

I: spine of scap

Serratus anterior

O: medial border of scap

I: upper 8-9th ribs

Pectoralis minor

O: 3-5th ribs

I: coracoid process

Levator scapulae

O: Upper 3-4th cervical vertebrae

I: medial scap margin


O: supraspinous fossa

I: greater tubercle if humerus

Deltoid Anterior

O: anterior clavicle

I: deltoid tuberosity

Deltoid Middle

O: acromion process

I: deltoid tuberosity

Deltoid posterior

O: spine of scap

I: deltoid tuberosity

Pectoralis Major clavicular

O: medial anterior clavicle

I: bicipital groove of humerus

Pectoralis Major sternocostal

O: manubrium of sternum and anterior 6th rib

I: bicipital groove of humerus

Biceps brachii long head

O: supraglenoid tubercle of scap

I: radial tuberosity


O: Coracoid process

I: medial shaft of humerus

Latissimus dorsi

O: T7-L5, iliac crest, 3-4th ribs, inferior angle of scap

I: intertubercular groove of humerus

Teres Major

O: dorsal surface of scap near inferior angle

I: intertubercular groove of humerus


O: subscapularis fossa

I: lesser tubercle of humerus

Teres minor

O: lateral border of scap

I: greater tubercle of humerus


O: infraspinous fossa

I: greater tubercle of humerus

Biceps brachii short head

O: coracoid process

I: radial tuberosity


O: anterior shaft of humerus

I: coronoid process and ulna tuberosity


O: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus

I: distal radial styloid

Pronator teres

O: common flexor tendon

I: lateral radius

Triceps brachii long head

O: infraglenoid tubercle of scap

I: olecranon process of ulna

Triceps brachii lateral head

O: above radial groove

I: olecranon process

Triceps brachii medial head

O: below radial groove

I: olecranon process


O: lateral epicondyle of humerus

I: olecranon process


O: lateral epicondyle, radial collateral ligament, annular ligament

I: radius

Pronator Quadratus

O: anterior ulna

I: anterior radius

Ulna collateral ligament anterior

O: medial epicondyle

I: coronoid process

Ulnar collateral ligament posterior

O: Medial epicondyle

I: olecranon

Radial collateral ligament

O: lateral epicondyle

I: annular ligament (radial notch of ulna)

Flexor carpi ulnaris

O: common flexor origin, medial epicondyle and olecranon

I: pisiform, book of hamate and 5th metatarsal

Flexor carpi radialis

O: medial epicondyle

I: 2-3rd metacarpals

Palmaris longus

O: medial epicondyle

I: palmar aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum

Flexor digitorum superficialis

O: medial epicondyle

I: 1-4th phalanges

Flexor digitorum profundus

O: upper ulna

I: base of distal phalanges

Flexor Pollucis longus

O: mid anterior radius

I: base of phalanx of thumb

Extensor carpi radialis longus

O: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus

I: base of 2nd metacarpal

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

O: lateral epicondyle, common extensor origin

I: base of 3rd metacarpal

Extensor carpi ulnaris

O: lateral epicondyle common extensor origin

I: base of 5th metacarpal

Extensor digitorum

O: lateral epicondyle

I: 2-5th phalanges

Extensor Indicis

O: posterior ulna

I: index finger

Extensor pollicis longus

O: posterior ulna

I: distal phalanx of thumb

Extensor pollicis brevis

O: trapezium

I: proximal phalanx of thumb