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144 Cards in this Set

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Why did civil wars in Greece and China cause tension between the United States and the Soviet Union?

In the civil wars between leftists and conservatives in both Greece and China, the Americans and the Soviets supported opposite sides.

In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the United States

wanted the world economy to be based on free trade

What happened in Poland in 1945 to cause a clash between the United States and the Soviet Union?

The Soviets refused to allow the Polish government-in-exile in London to become part of the communist government in Poland sponsored by Moscow.

In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the Soviet Union's primary objective was to

secure its borders in order to prevent another invasion.

In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, Joseph Stalin

recognized the weakness of the Soviet Union compared to the United States and believed he had to try to achieve his objectives through cooperation.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, what destabilized the international system and caused friction between the Soviet Union and the United States?

The power vacuums created by the collapse of Germany and Japan.

What was a major Soviet objective in the aftermath of the Second World War?

To prevent another invasion of the Russian homeland.

Kennan argues that the US government should prioritize _____________about the realities of the Russian situation.

educating the American people

Increased tension with USSR, who believed U.S. set them up to be used as a tool to promote Capitalism

World Bank Opens

Former British leader calls for Anglo American partnership

Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speach

President pledges U.S. support of free people's fighting outside pressures

U.S. provides aid to Greece and Turkey

U.S.-Soviet conflict affected organizations structure and function

UN Charter signed

Both the Truman Doctrine and George Kennan's "Mr. X" article in Foreign Affairs made it clear that the Cold War policy of the United States was designed to

keep the Soviet Union from expanding outside its 1946 sphere of influence.

By the early 1950s, the Central Intelligence Agency

had begun to engage in secret operations designed to overthrow foreign leaders who were not friendly toward the United States.

The containment policy, expressed in the Truman Doctrine committed the United States to

assist peoples throughout the world in resisting Communist expansion.

containment doctorine

outlined by "Mr. X" aka George Kennan, Purpose was to stop the spread of communism

What was the provision of the Mutual Security Treaty between the United States and Japan?

The United States was granted a military base at Okinawa.

Many United States officials supported Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) because...

of their belief that Mao was part of an international communist movement.

Why did the United States refuse to recognize Vietnamese independence in 1945?

Since Ho Chi Minh was a communist, the United States chose to support the imperialist stance of its Cold War ally, France.

The first American president to provide military assistance to support a noncommunist government in Vietnam was

Harry Truman

After Mao Zedong's victory in Sept. 1949, a subsequent Soviet________________ raised alarm among U.S. officials. Yet Mao may have been, as some would U.S. officials called him, ____________. A Sino-Soviet ________ would complicate international politics throughout the cold war.

-treaty of friendship

-an Asian Tito


In the Korean War, General Douglas MacArthur

was mistaken in his belief that the Chinese would not enter the war.

Truman's claim that the Soviet Union was the mastermind behind North Korea's invasion of South Korea is questionable because available evidence now indicates that

President Kim Il Sung undertook the war for his own nationalist objectives and drew a reluctant Stalin into the crisis.

President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur because

the general denounced the concept of limited war supported by President Truman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

At the end of the Korean War ____________ of the prisoners of War chose to go back home.

more than half

During the Korean War, the U.S. defied the _________ by refusing to repatriate prisoners of war who did not wish to return to Korea or China.

Geneva Convention

With regard to the American military, President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles

emphasized nuclear weaponry and airpower.

In 1956, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles's goal of liberating states from Soviet domination was shown to be unattainable in an anti-Soviet uprising in


The "New Look" military of the Eisenhower-Dulles years emphasized

Nuclear weapons and airpower

As a result of the 1954 crisis concerning Jinmen (Quemoy) and Mazu (Matsu),

Congress formally gave up its constitutional authority to declare war by authorizing the president to use force if necessary to defend Formosa.

Why did the United States find it difficult to make friends in the Third World?

The United States usually supported the propertied, antirevolutionary elements in the Third World

With respect to Iran, how did the Shah of Iran consolidate power in his hands in 1953?

He accepted the help of the CIA in the overthrow of his rival, Mohammed Mossadegh.

The Eisenhower Doctrine promised that the United States would

intervene if asked to do so by any Middle Eastern country threatened by a communist takeover.

Those members of Congress who warned the Eisenhower administration against military aid to the French in Vietnam did so, in part, for what reason?

They did not want another situation similar to the Korean War.

Because of its strategic and economic interests in the Third World, the United States

tried to thwart challenges to U.S. influence in the region by directing more foreign aid toward the Third World

Upon learning that Cuba had signed a trade treaty with the Soviet Union in 1960, the Eisenhower administration responded by

ordering the CIA to plot Castro's overthrow.

What do Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán of Guatemala and Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran have in common?

Both threatened American investments in their respective countries and were overthrown in CIA-supported coups.

Why did Ngo Dinh Diem and President Eisenhower refuse to allow national elections in Vietnam as called for in the Geneva Accords?

They feared that communist leader Ho Chi Minh would win

The Vietminh were:

A nationalist Vietnamese organization.

Allies of the U.S. in 1945.

Enemies of Japan in 1945.

The leader of the winning faction in the Chinese Civil War was:

Mao Zedong

The policy that called for the nuclear obliteration of the Soviet Union or its assumed client, the People's Republic of China, if either took aggressive actions was called:

"Massive retaliation."

The authorization by Congress for the president to deploy American forces to defend Taiwan and adjoining islands was called:

The Formosa Resolution.

Barbudos were:

Cuban rebels led by Fidel Castro.

"bearded ones"

Profoundly anti-American.

The modern nation of Israel was created:

In 1948 by the United Nations

As the baby-boom generation grew older, it would have an impact over the decades on such things as

housing, education, the job market, and retirement funds.

Despite economic problems in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the American economy quickly recovered largely due to

consumer spending.

By making higher education available to more people, the GI Bill

created social mobility and fostered the emergence of a national, middle-class culture.

What is true of many federal programs during the late 1940s and 1950s?

They were often biased in favor of white males.

The main reason that suburban growth happened on such a grand scale in the postwar era was

The construction of a national highway system.

In large part, Truman won the presidency in 1948 because

African American voters gave him the edge necessary.

President Eisenhower's philosophy of "dynamic conservatism" is best illustrated by his willingness to

accept an expansion of Social Security coverage and benefits.

As the 1948 election neared, President Truman

found that opposition from Republicans and southern Democrats in Congress had left him with very few legislative victories.

As a result of the anticommunist fervor of the 1950s,

fear related to Cold War tensions led to a suppression of dissent and even to the persecution of innocent Americans.

Under the Internal Security (McCarran) Act, anyone belonging to a "Communist-front" organization was

prohibited from holding a government job.

The legislation that made belonging to the Communist Party illegal in the United States is the

Communist Control Act of 1954.

Which of the following contributed to the emergence of McCarthyism?

The use of redbaiting by politicians.

Which of the following describes HUAC?

It targeted university professors and those in Hollywood.

The post-World War II agenda for the civil rights movement was laid out in

a report published by a committee appointed by President Truman.

In the Brown decision, the Supreme Court held that

segregation in public educational facilities was unconstitutional

Thurgood Marshall, Harry S Truman, and Earl Warren all played important roles in

landmark advancements in area of civil rights in the United States.

Martin Luther King first came to national prominence as a civil rights leader in connection with

the Montgomery bus boycott.

During Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency, the federal government's greatest non-judicial contribution to the eventual success of the civil rights movement was

the use of federal troops in Little Rock, Arkansas.

During the post–World War II period, African Americans made gains in their struggle for civil rights because

racist practices at home made it more difficult to compete with the Soviet Union for the support of nonaligned nations.

By the end of the 1950s, blue-collar workers

were outnumbered by white-collar workers in the American workforce.

The suburbs brought together people of diverse backgrounds and

helped forge a national, middle-class culture.

The author of the 1950s' most popular how-to manual for bringing up babies was

Benjamin Spock.

Which of the following was an important social trend during the 1950s?

Early marriages

Which of the following was the most important factor in defining youth culture during the 1950s?


During the 1950s, books such as The Organization Man and The Lonely Crowd

criticized the rise of conformity in American life.

After 1945, poor Americans were most likely to live in

the inner cities

Which of the following had the largest concentration of the nation's poor after the Second World War?

Native Americans.

As a result of the termination policy supported by the Eisenhower administration,

the impoverished condition of many Indians was made worse.

The U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education is important because:

It desegregated public schools in the United States.

The government attempted to stabilize the post-war economy by gradually introducing veterans into the workforce with:

The GI Bill.

The process of "redlining" in lending and denying mortgages:

Was generally employed to deny African Americans and Hispanics mortgages.

Republican senator Joseph R. McCarthy is best known for:

Launching a national witch hunt for communists.

Which of the following is true about Rosa Parks?

a. She was a NAACP activist.

b. She was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.

c. She was a seamstress.

The "Little Rock Nine" were:

Nine African American teenagers who braved physical and verbal threats to attend Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.

Alfred Kinsey is most well known for:

His research regarding human sexuality.

Movies like Rebel Without a Cause are examples of:

youth culture

Works like J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead:

were profoundly critical of american society

Which of the following characterized women's participation in the American workforce in the early World War II era?

a. Twice as many women were employed in 1960 than 1940.

b. Most women worked for a specific family goal like a new car or college tuition, not for independence from the family.

c. Women were generally restricted to lower-paid fields such as secretaries, teachers, and nurses, and faced pay discrimination compared to men.

Operation Mongoose was designed to

force the collapse of Fidel Castro's regime.

A beneficial effect of the Cuban missile crisis was

installation of a Washington-Moscow hot line.

what organization is associated with Kennedy's nation-building policy among developing nations?

The Peace Corps.

How did the Soviet Union respond when President Kennedy refused to consent to Soviet demands in the 1961 Berlin crisis?

they built the Berlin wall

The concept of nation building was based on the idea that

the United States could win the friendship of Third World countries by helping them as they struggled through the infant stages of nationhood.

In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs invasion, President Kennedy

vowed to bring down the government of Fidel Castro.

When Martin Luther King, Jr., put children in the front lines of protest in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, the city's police commissioner

used powerful water guns and attack dogs against the protesters.

In relation to his program called the New Frontier, John Kennedy

did little to push his social-policy agenda through Congress.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

used the federal government's control of funding to enforce its anti-discrimination provisions.

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party of 1964

Its delegation challenged the delegation of regular Mississippi Democrats at the Democratic National Convention.

Achievements of the War on Poverty...

Poverty among the elderly fell significantly.

It directly attacked the housing, health, and nutritional problems of the poor.

The presidency of Lyndon Johnson was characterized by ....

Intensification of the Vietnam War, enactment of a wealth of legislation attacking economic and social ills in the country, and a dramatic increase in black elected officials in the South.

As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965,

the number of registered African American voters in the South dramatically increased.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was

a congressional resolution that granted President Lyndon Johnson the authority to take military actions in Vietnam without further consultation with Congress.

The main reason President Johnson kept sending more and more American troops to Vietnam was that

c. he and other American leaders were afraid that if the United States did not prevail in Vietnam, both friends and foes would find the nation's power less credible.

America's reliance on such things as carpet-bombing, napalm, and crop defoliants in the Vietnam War

alienated many South Vietnamese, bringing new recruits to the Vietcong.

The Kerner Report, issued in 1968 by the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, blamed the urban riots of the mid- to late-sixties on

white racism within American society.

The urban race riots of the 1960s and the emergence of black nationalism in the voices of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael were the result of

the deterioration of the social and economic conditions of many northern African Americans.

Both the Sharon Statement and the selection of Barry Goldwater as the Republican nominee for president in 1964 suggest that

conservatism did not disappear from the political landscape during the Johnson years.

Increased use of the birth-control pill in the late 1960s was in some measure responsible for

the trend toward more casual sexual mores among young people.

Malcolm X was assassinated by

Black Muslims who believed he had betrayed their cause.

The urban area most closely associated with the birth of the youth counterculture of the 1960s is

the Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco.

Which of the following was a major target of student protesters in the 1960s?

The doctrine of in loco parentis.

Which of the following is true of American popular culture in the late 1960s?

It was heavily influenced by the music and styles of young people.

The Black Panthers were

African American activists who embraced separatism and communism.

Nixon won the 1968 presidential election with a promise to

win the peace in Vietnam.

As a result of the Tet offensive,

President Johnson decided to ask Hanoi to negotiate.

The 1968 Democratic presidential candidate killed by an assassin's bullet was

Robert Kennedy.

President Johnson referred to his ambitious program of civil rights and other liberal legislation as:

The Great Society.

Profiles in Courage was a Pulitzer Prize winning book by which president?


Who chanted "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"?

Alabama governor George Wallace.

The Warren Commission decided what in regards to the assassination of President Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964:

a. Was signed into law by President Johnson.

b. Ended legal discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, and national origin.

c. Eventually included banning discrimination based on sex.

The Tonkin Gulf Incident:

a. Occurred when North Vietnamese patrol boats reportedly attacked U.S. destroyers.

b. Resulted in Congress giving President Johnson authority to intervene in Vietnam militarily.

c. Helped Johnson's political standing.

Malcolm X

a. He converted to the Nation of Islam while in prison.

b. He emphasized the importance of sobriety, thrift, and social responsibility.

c. He championed black pride and separatism from white society.

The British Invasion of 1964 refers to:

The arrival of the Beatles in New York.

The Tet Offensive refers to:

The mass attack by North Vietnamese & VC troops on the cities of South Vietnam.

Rather than the EEOC having to prove an employer's intentional discrimination against an individual, some argued that it was possible to prove discrimination by

using statistics on the relative number of women or minorities hired or promoted by an employer to determine whether or not there was a discriminatory pattern.

In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan blamed the dissatisfaction felt by many American women on

Society's assertion that the only proper role for women is that of housewife and mother.

Antifeminists were successful in achieving which of the following?

They stalled the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

The Stonewall riot

marked the symbolic beginning of the gay rights movement.

The national movement for social justice for Mexican Americans began with

a group of migrant farm workers in California.

An important inspiration for the reemergence of the women's movement in the mid-1960s was

Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique.

Like the younger generation of African Americans, the younger generation of Mexican American and American Indian activists in the late 1960s and early 1970s emphasized

their own distinct cultures and histories.

In the late 1960s, radical feminists differed from the members of the National Organization for Women. How?

Radical feminists practiced direct action and personal politics; NOW was a traditional lobbying group.

Antifeminist forces were able to prevent ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by

arguing that ratification of the ERA would lead to the decriminalization of rape and to women being subject to the draft.

President Nixon's Vietnamization policy sought to

build up South Vietnamese forces to replace American troops.

Which of the following was the site of an antiwar demonstration in May 1970 that led to the deaths of four demonstrators?

Kent State University

When President Nixon ordered an invasion of Cambodia in 1970 and widened the Vietnam War,

the Senate terminated the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.

Under the Nixon-Kissinger policy of "Vietnamization,"

withdrawal of American troops was accompanied by increased bombing of the North and the invasion of Cambodia.

In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, Americans

disagreed over the lessons to be drawn from the experience.

The War Powers Act required the president to

obtain congressional approval in the commitment of U.S. forces to combat action lasting more than sixty days.

The policy of détente called for

limited cooperation with the Soviet Union through negotiations within a general environment of rivalry.

Which of the following was a major foreign-policy achievement during the Nixon presidency?

Improved relations with Communist China.

Nixon's foreign policy and the operations of the CIA reflected Cold War fears of leftist-inspired instability in which of the following countries?

Angola and Chile.

Which of the following correctly states a major feature of President Nixon's foreign policy?

less military commitment to allies; more—but guarded—cooperation with the Soviet Union

In 1975 Secretary of State Kissinger persuaded Israel and Egypt to accept

A United Nations peacekeeping force in the Sinai.

César Chávez and Dolores Huerta were:

Labor organizers and political activists.

The Nixon Doctrine refers to:

A policy stating that allies should no longer count on the help of American troops.

The Arab members of OPEC imposed a total embargo on oil shipments to the U.S. in the wake of:

U.S. support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

Men working on behalf of Nixon's re-election campaign bugged the Democratic National Committee in a scandal referred to as:


In 1979, Islamic revolutionaries overthrew the government of the shah in Iran. They were led by:

Ayatollah Khomeini