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54 Cards in this Set

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Each Wagon has a unique alpha-numerical identification Number, what do each of the 4 letters in the ID mean?

1st - Indicates Ownership.

2nd - Indicates the General Category in which the wagon belongs.

3rd - Allocated at the discretion of the Owning/Registration system and may be used to denote special operating characteristics.

4th - Indicates authorized maximum track speed of the wagon & bogie combination.

The Numbers that follow are a unique Identifier within that particular class of wagon.

How do you identify which wagon axle, wheel is which? How are they numbered?

Looking from above with A end at the top, wheels are numbers L/R 4 to 1 top to bottom.

How do you identify the wheel & axle numbers on articulated wagons (5,3,2 Pack)?

Same as single plaform wagon, from B end/highest platform number.

What are the 5 types of wheel tread defect?

Skids, Scaling, Spalling, Thermal Cracks, Hollows

What are the 4 main types of flange defects?

High flange, thin flange, arisses, steep flange.

What speed can draft gear normally absorb the impact of?

7kmph. Don't make a habit of it.

Where can you find operational information about any class of wagon operated by PN?

'Wagon Data For Train Operations' Manual/Document. Found on PN Intranet.

What 5 conditions can affect/cause bogie hunting?

Wheel condition, Speed, Track Gauge, Weight/Loading, Wagon Type & Condition.

Speed limits on wagons are imposed to..

Reduce bogie hunting.

What is the difference between EX, IP & HP on the grade control valve?

EX = 6-10 second release time. IP = 50-55 second release time. HP = 100-110 second release time.

Note - We only use EX.

What are the types of train inspection?

Full Inspection (FX), General Inspection (GX), Roll By Inspections (AX, DX & RX).

What inspections and tests are required for a GX or FX inspection?

Mechanical Inspection. Continuity Test. Brake Pipe Leakage. Holding Test.

What are the 4 types of cards you may find/use for wagon defects?

Red Card (Not to go), Green Card (For Repairs), Shunter's Hazard Cards, Customer Defect Card.

What is the procedure for carding a wagon?

Fill in 2 cards and place in waybill clip on each side. Advise terminal manager or IPS to make sure info is entered in to TMS.

If you need info on operating restrictions for defects what would you consult?

Wagon Pocket Field Guide.

Where should a Shunter's Hazard Card be placed?

On the defective equipment where possible. (Handrails, handbrakes, lifting rods etc).

What colour are the 3 copies of a Train Inspection Certificate and where should each copy be kept?

White - To remain with train until destination. Yellow - To be kept by original inspector/driver & filed. Pink - Remains in TIC book.

A TIC must not be issued unless which 3 criteria are met?

1. Wagons have passed an FX or GX Inspection. 2. Last 3 Vehicles have passed a holding test. 3. Train has passed a continuity & leakage.

How long is a pre-test certificate valid for after the inspection time?

24 hours.

How many Train Inspection certificates can a train depart with?

At least 1. Up to 3.

How long does a holding test remain valid?

Until train has reached it's destination. Unless the train remains stationary for 24 hours or more with no braoe pipe pressure.

How long does a holding test remain valid?

Until train has reached it's destination. Unless the train remains stationary for 24 hours or more with no brake pipe pressure.

What are the steps to a GX inspection?

1. Leakage.

2. Drain Brake Pipe.

3. Mechanical Inspection. (One side).

4. Holding Test. (Check at rear).

5. Release Brakes.

6. Mechanical Inspection (Other Side).

7. Full Continuity.

8. Train Inspection Certificate.

What are some of the Major Components to be checked during a GX (mechanical) inspection?

Brake Pipe Hoses & Cocks, Auto Couplers & Draft Gear, Knuckles, Container Doors & Twist Locks, Brake Blocks, Brake Pistons, Brake Rigging, Load Comps, Grade Control, Wheel Tread, Wheel Flange, Visually Obvious Bearing Defects, Side Bearer Clearance, Bogie Springs, Wagon Body, Steps & Handrails, Handbrakes, Shunting Hazards.

What are some common types of wagons in use by PN Intermodal?

Flat, Skeletal, Louvered Van, Slab Steel Wagon or Tilt Wagon, Container Well Wagon, Well Wagon, Fridge Van, Curatin Side, Open Wagon & Passenger.

How can you tell if a wagon is articulated based off TMS?

Length. Note - If the second letter of the Wagon ID is 'R' it is most likely an articulated wagon.

What does it mean when a wagon has a black or white square near the ID plate?

Load Compensating Equipment is fitted.

What does it mean if a wagon has a black triangle or diamond on/near the ID plate?

Fixed choke exhaust on wagon. Triangle = 40 seconds, diamond = 30 seconds.

Note - Circle is grade control equipment.

What can be found on the Wagon ID plate?

Wagon Number, Symbols (square, triangle etc.), Wagon Tare, Wagon Capacity, Length, Maximum Gross load, Loading Configuration.

The A end of a 5 pack wagon is what what platform number?


What types of bogies are used on PN wagons?

1, 2 or 3 piece.

What type of bogie doesn't have friction wedges and why?

1 piece. Wedges are fitted between the bolster and side frames, they create friction to dampen wagon movement.

If a wagon sideframe is cracked or bent what should be done?

Red card.

If a wagon sideframe or bolster is cracked or bent what should be done?

Red card.

What is the bolster?

Connects the 2 side frames and keeps them the correct distant apart, supports the weight if wagon & loading. Bolster contains centre plate (queen) and side bearers.

What is the bolster?

Connects the 2 side frames and keeps them the correct distant apart, supports the weight if wagon & loading. Bolster contains centre plate (queen) and side bearers.

What is the difference between Bolster (Secondary) Springs & Primary Springs?

Bolster - in the centre of the sideframe and act on the bolster, 2 & 3 piece bogies.

Primary - sit next to the axle box, 1 & 2 piece bogies.

What is brake rigging?

A system of rods, levers & beams that link the brake cylinder to the brake blocks.

!!! What are some ways you could tell the difference between a 50t and 70t bogie?

50t - 5 springs in nest. Brake Rod under bolster. 9R or 5×10 Bearings.

70t - 7 springs in nest. Brake rod through bolster. 18R or 6×11 Bearings.

Where would you normally find the brake cylinder on a wagon?

Normally mounted to the wagon body on either side. Some lesser used wagons it can be found on or under the bogie(s).

R clips, split pins & linch pins are not permitted below what height?

Below the axle centre line.

What is the biggest indicator a wagon has been bogie hunting?

Bolster gib and sideframe gib faces will have excessive wear and appear shiny.

What other components should be checked if a wagon has been bogie hunting?

Sidebearers, friction wedges, twistlocks, centreplate, bearing adaptor, wheel (sharp flanges & hollows), bogie springs.

What are the main components of a wagons draw gear?

Coupler Shank, Wear Plate, Yoke, Draft Pocket, Coupler Head, King Pin, Knuckle, Locking Block, Lock Lifter, Levers.

All wagon components must be at least what distance above the rail head?


What are the piston travel lengths for non-relayed and relayed wagons?

Non-Relayed - 150 to 200mm. Relayed - 100 to 150mm.

What are the piston travel lengths for non-relayed and relayed wagons?

Non-Relayed - 150 to 200mm. Relayed - 100 to 150mm.

What should be checked in regards to Brake Pipe hoses and end cocks?

Cock is on outside of pipe and correctly alligned. Hose and coupling heads are free of cracks, leaks or worn points.

When should the load compensator be moved to the loaded position?

The payload is equal to or greater than 20 tonnes or the figure shown inside the circle on the data panel.

If a load compensator was jammed in the loaded position what should be done?

Green Card. If wagon is loaded no further action required, of wagon is empty the air brake equipment must be isolated on that wagon.

What must be done if a mechanical slack adjuster is defective?

Green card and isolate air brake equipment.

What action should you take if a wagon's brake cylinder piston travel is exceeding or under allowable limits?

Green Card, wagon not to be considered in braking calculations. Roll test if travel is short to ensure brakes aren't jammed or sticking.

What should be looked at in particular in regards to brake blocks on a GX inspection?

Amount of Tread remaining is above limit. No more than 1/4 of material has broken away. No overhang.

What is the condemning limit for Brake Blocks?

Terminal - 12mm. Non-Terminal - 10mm.