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25 Cards in this Set

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Thyroid tissue along the line of descent

Ectopic thyroid

Swelling in the region of foramen caecum

Lingual thyroid

Autosomal recessive condition with deficiency of peroxidase or dehalogenase


Dyshormonogenesis with Congenital deafness

Pendred syndrome

Malignant ovarian teratoma containing thyroid tissue

Struma ovarii

Excessive iodine given for hyperplastic goitre resulting in hyperthyroidism

Jod basedow disease

Infiltration into trachea

Anaplastic carcinoma

Lower border not seen

Retrosternal goitre


Long standing mng

Cardiac failure

Secondary thyrotoxicosis

Carcinoma of thyroid infiltrating recurrent laryngeal nerve

Hoarseness of voice

Eye signs

Graves disease

Tremors of tongue and hands

Graves disease

Pulse rate

Increased in toxic goitres and decreases in myxoedema

Pretibial myxoedema

Treated Graves disease

Bony tenderness

Carcinoma thyroid

Blood pressure changes

Secondary thyrotoxicosis

Smooth surface

Adenoma, puberty goitre, Graves disease

Irregular surface

Carcinoma of thyroid

Nodular surface

Multinodular goitre

Soft consistency

Graves disease, colloid goitre


Adenoma, Multinodular goitre

Hard consistency

Carcinoma, calcification in mng

Palpation of lymph nodes

Positive for Papillary carcinoma of thyroid

Resonant note in percussion

Retrosternal goitre