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80 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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emphasize verbal mediation
cognitive modifications
influence of past events on current functioning
cognitive insight therapies
use of imagery to bring about change
behavioral therapies
training procedures w/o mediation
behavioral modifications
increase awareness of influence of current feelings on attitudes/behaviors
active insight
Steps for Making Ethical Decisions
Identify Problem Clearly
Review relevant codes
Seek Consultation
List Consequences
breeching confidentiality to a 3rd party b/c client allowed you to
voluntary disclosure
breeching confidentiality to 3rd party w/o client's permission
non-voluntary disclosure
holds practitioner immune to disclosure
Ethical Issues
Informed Concent
Right to know
Conflicts of Interest
Professional Relationships
Steps for Disclosing Information w/ Client Consent
Discuss with client
Make sure client understands consequences
Specify EXACTLY what is being disclosed and to whom in WRITING
Show to client before releasing information
Client Threat Process
Discuss threat process w/ client
Seek Consultation
Seek legal consultation
Error on side of safety
Document Every Step in Writing
Warn client of legal constratins of confidentiality
Always act in good faith/follow guidelines
professional responsibility to inform clients about therapy/treatment and getting consent from person/guardian
Informed Consent
Inform the client of...
Theoretical Orientation
Types of techniques/treatment
How different
Professional Background
Limitations of Practice
Guidelines of Practice
Right to Terminate at Anytime
leads to possibility of exploitation of client - any relationship w/ client outside of treatment
Client-Therapist Conflict of Interest
conflict between clients and someone else involved with client
Client-3rd party Conflict of interest
when thereapist is in simultaneous relationship with more than one client
Client-Client Conflict of Interest
client's right to a careful explanation of the therapists perceptions of their problems and functioning shared in a way they can understand and that are therapeutic and not damaging
Right to Know
faiture to provide proper service through ignorance or negligence which results in injur or loss to client
Principles of Ethics
A - beneficence and Nonmaleficence (do no harm)
B- fidelity and responsibility (promote trust)
C- Integrity - promote honesty
D- Justice - protect client agains bias
E - repsect for people's rights and dignity
stresses role of unconscious and its functioning in psychic life

uses free association and relies on transference and resistance
belief that every psychic event you experience is determeind by ones that preceeded it; unconscious forces can be brought to consciousness and controlled
Psychic Determinism
Life Instinct whose energy is Libido
sriving for life and to become whole; founding behaivor for our reproduction
Death instinct whose energy is aggression and repitition compusion
sexual life energy that drives the ID
things you are currently aware of - constantly changing
Long term memory that influences behavior - can be retrieved if desired
unaware of but influential of behavior - primariy personality component
thoughts/memories that are too painful to keep in mind; what really drives us
ruled by pleasure principle; concerned with drive satisfaction
ruled by reality principle; controls and channels ID; rational thought
balance between ID and Ego; morals - like conscience
pleasure through oral mechanisms; 0-1 yr
oral stage
control over biological processes; pleasure through excretion of waste
anal stage
libidinal energy focused on genitals; pleasure through genital stimulation; become aware of gender
phallic stage
energy is focused on social environment
latency stage
sexual energy reoccur outside of family
genital stage
Four sources of Tension (psychoanalytic theory)
Phsiological growth
Four ways to deal with Reducing Tension
Anxiety and Defenses
refusing to accept that the feeling is present or that the event occurred
very primitive!
redirecting anxiety causing impulses into socially acceptable actions

most mature
reverting to the confort of behaviors of an earlier stage of development in order to cope
taking actions opposite to one's feelings in order to deny relatiy of the feelings
reaction formation
relegating anxiety-causng througths to the unconscious, refusing to think abuot them
substituting a less threatening object for the subject of the hostile or sexual impuse
creating intellectually acceptable arguments for thoughts or behaviors to hid actual anxiety causing impulses
attributing one's undesirable traits or actions so they become the problem instead of you
Change Process according to Psychoanalytic Theory (5)
Results from making unconscious conscious
Adops problem solving approach
Emphasis on affective behavior
Working through transference and resistance
therapist-patient relationship
the sum total of the emotional relationship between patient and therapist
everything that works against the progress of therapy
Main Stages of Therapy for Analysand
Establish Relationship
Analytic Honeymoon
First Therapeutic Crisis
Deepening of Therapy
Working through Transference
what client reports of dream/conscious dream
manifest content
real meaning of dream; analyzed and interpreted by analyst
latent content
guided imagery; allowing imagination to flow freely
allowing for telling of stories and events
techniques used to get you feeling/experiencing emotinos -- leads to unconscious process
Cathartic Techniques
Goals of Analyst
clarification of feeling
Interpretations (to make unconscious conscious)
Realtiy Testing
Clarificatino of Feelings
re-experiencing emotions/feeings associated with past experienes/events
particular behavior/thoughts in which clients begin to pay attention to views of the world and eventually come to see their view of reality as being distorted
reality testing
beliefs you come to hold about yourself and the world

emphasis on individual perception resulting from a unique cognitive organization (categories that make up phenomenological field)
Lifestyle Convictions
4 Categories of Phenomenological Field
Self Concept
Self Ideal
Ethical Convictions
Who Am I? - comes from interactinos early in life w/ significant others
self concept
what should i be? - who we need to be to get acceptance from others
what world expects you to be - things that are Not us
sense of what's right/wrong
ethical convictions
conflicts/discrepancies of convictions
Self-Concept vs Self-Ideal
Self-Concept vs Weltbild
Self-Concept vs Ethical Convictioons
results in feelings of INFERIORITY
Self-Concept vs Self-Ideal
results in feelings of INADEQUACY
Self-Concept vs Weltbild
results in feelings of GUILT
Self-Concept vs Ethical Convictioons
Life task in which we have a need to feel as though we are being socially contributive or "giving back"
Life task in which we are concerend with others work
Life task in which we have a need to understand and connect to the opposite gender
Life task in which we have a need to be less judgemental of ourselves and accept what we are and embrace differences
Life Task in which we have a need to be aware of and sense our connectiveness as a whole person; a sens of smallness in the grand scheme of things
belief about world where we tak in what we think are truths and incorporate them into the world (gives us direction)

imagined essential aols that give direction
Fictional Finalisms
Therapy Process of Individula Therapy
Establish Relationship
Uncover Dynamics
Insight through Interpretation
to liberate patients social interest; by changing faulty values, analyzing lifestyle and life tasks, identifying basic mistakes
Goal of Individual Therapy
using what happened in sessions as miniature to person's life - focus on immediate impact
immediacy (technique of adlerian therapy)
Techniques of Adlerian Therapy
Finding positive in every situation to instill hope
Exaggeration (distort peoples percetpions)
Acting in the way we want to be in life
Puprosely pointing out reason for behavior
Helping client to recognize own faulty thoughts
Steps of Adlerian Therapy
Foster Social interest
Decrease Feelings of inferiority
Change in lifestyle
Change in faulty motivation
Encourage feelings of equality
Become contributive
Basic Mistaks in Adlerian Therapy
False/Impossible Goals of security
Mispercetpions of lifes demands
Faulty Values