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41 Cards in this Set

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the state of being free from observation by others


state of being with another person but free from the outside world


state of being unknown even in a crowd


state in which a person employs psychological barriers to control unwanted intrusions


the study of human use of space & the effects that population density has on behaviour , communication , & social interaction


Branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves & others

0.5 m

Intimate space

1. 2m

personal space

3 m

Social Space


a line established by two points in space, about which forms & spaces can be arranged in a symmetrical or balance manner


the balance distribution & arrangement of equivalent forms & spaces on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane , or about a center or axis

Bilateral symmetry

refers to the balanced arrangement of similar or equivalent elements on opposite sides of a median axis so that only one plane can divide the whole into essentially identical halves

Radial symmetry

refers to the balanced arrangement of similar, radiating elements such that the composition can be divided into similar halves by passing a plane at any angle around a center point or along a central axis


the articulation of the importance or significance of a form/space by its size, or placement relative to the other forms & spaces of the organization


a unifying movement characterized by a patterned repetition / alteration of formal elements/ motifs in the same/ a modified form


refers to any movement characterized by a pattern recurrence of elements/ motifs at regular of irregular intervals


a line, plane/ volume that, by its continuity & regularity, serves to gather, measure, & organize a pattern of forms & space


Organizes a random pattern of elements through its regularity, continuity , & constant presence


principle that an architectural concept , structure, or organization can be altered through a series of discrete manipulations & permutations in response to a specific context/ set of conditions without a loss of identity/concept

Art Nouveau

Flowery & more decorative (1890- 1910). A result to major world events (Industrial Revolution & World War I )

Art Deco

Streamlined & Sleeker & Geometric (1920's in Europe , 1930's in USA). A result to major world event (Industrial Revolution & World War I )

Art Deco (more Masculine)

Architectural style of Chrysler Building

Jugenstil( German Art Nouveau- more feminine)

Architectural style of the historic center of Riga, Latvia

Art Deco

Architectural style of Niagara Mohawk Building

Beaux Arts

Symbolises Wealth ; uses formal symmetry, Italian Renaissance form, and classical Greek and Roman decorative elements like columns, pediments and balustrades to create a grand and imposing architectural statement; a grandiose, ornamental, and symmetrical style of design popular throughout the Golded Age of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century

Post Modernism

Architectural style of Philip Johnson's AT & T building


highlights the pure functions in design; focuses on creating a relationship between the material & structure


Considers aesthetic value in design. emphasizes the vitality of historical elements in design


Architectural Style of the Barcelona Pavillion


Architectural style of Pavillion de I' Esprit Nouveau


Pure & refine form (between 1918- 1925)


Clean lines & strive to convey the message of simplicity (art movement after World war II)

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Which of these two used stainless steel Facade

* Walt Disney Concert Hall or

* Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao

Problem: reflection, excessive glare

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao

Which of these two used Titanium Facade

* Walt Disney Concert Hall or

* Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao

Frank Ghery

Architect of the Guggenheim Museum, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Frank Lloyd Wright

Architect of the Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA

I .M. Pei

Architect of Louvre Museum in Paris, France

Jean Nouvel

Architect of Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Frank Ghery

Architect of Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao

Richard Rogers & Renzo Piano

Architect/s of Centre Pompidou ( Beauboug) in Paris, France

Shigeru Ban

Architect/s of Centre Pompidou in METZ, FRANCE