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21 Cards in this Set

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Exotic Settings: Glorification of the "rugged individual," A yearning for an idealized past, an appeal to the concept of a higher truth

Music: Ludwig van Beethoven

Literature: Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson

Realism & Naturalism

-Character is determined in part by environment

-Setting required to play a larger role therefore representing the societal forces that shape character and consequently action

-Each plays scenic needs are unique

-Scientific outlook is important: understanding human behavior in terms of cause and effect

-Truth must be verified through the 5 senses

-Writers of both realist and naturalist movement saw the decline in America's ethics and felt a strong sense of pessism


-Rejects romanticism

-Sought to portray real and typical contemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy

-Led by Gustave France

-Application to arts and literature, of the belief that "the truth of everything can be confirmed through scientific inquiry."


-More pessimistic in tone

-Acknowledged that forces greater than man, such as nature and fate, were in control

-The Civil War was a contributing force in literature at this time

Sturm and Drang (Storm and Stress)

-Experimental movement of young men in revolt against rationalism

-Completely formless rebellion against neoclassicism

-Freidrich Maximillian Klinger- 'Storm and Stress'

- Plays showed a wide variety which confused audiences

-Intention was to challenge all artistic and social values

-Allowed greater acceptance of Shakespeare's plays

Weimer Classicism

-Drama should transform ordinary expeirence rather than create an illusion of real life

-Blank verse

-Conventionalized structural patterns

-Simple but harmonious settings and costumes

-Precise rhythmic speech

-Attempted to lead spectators beyond normal perceptions into the realm of Ideal Truth

-Very complex interweaving historical, philosophical and individual conflicts

-Idea of the distinction between classical and romantic poetry

The Aesthetic Movement

-Artists shouldn't be concerned about morality or utility or the pleasure it might bring to the audience

-Don't define art, let it be what it is

-"All art is at once surface and symbol......It is the spectator, and not life, that art really


Independent Theatre Movements

-Andre Antoine

-Constantin Stanislavskyn

Georg II: Duke of Saxe Meiningen

-Invented blocking

-Choreographed large crowd scenes, stunning audiences

-Known for developing the Meiningen Ensemble using his court theatre

-Creates illusion of everyday life

Caroline Neuber and Johann Gottsched

-Agreed to work together to reform the theatre in Germany Alliance between a literary figure and an acting troupes

-Developed a repertory

-Improvisation and burlesque after-pieces eliminated

-Translated or imitated the French Neoclassical plays The ideal form of drama

-Their efforts weren't very successful, didn't capture a large enough audience

-Did lay a path for the future

Gotthold Lessing

-1st truly significant dramatist in Germany

-'Miss Sara Sampson'

-Focus was on new rationalism

-Spurred the movement away from neoclassicism

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

-Greatest literary figure(Universal Genius)

-Made significant contributions to the Storm and Stress movement

-'Iphigenia in Tauris' (one of his greatest achievements)

Freidrich Schiller

-Considered one of the greatest literary dramatists

-Abandoned playwriting to study history

-In turn focused on turning points in history for his works

Fyodor Volkov

-Founder of the 1st Russian Professional Theatre

Maxim Gorky

-His political statements get him exiled

-Moscow Art Theatre becomes known as 'House of Gorky'

August Comte

-Father of sociology

-Developed a theory known as Positivism(an encouragement for understanding the cause and effect of nature through precise observation

Charles Darwin

-Survival of the Fittest --People were controlled by heredity and environment, behaviors were beyond their control, humanity is a natural object, rather than being above all else

-'The Origin of Species'

Karl Marx

-Wanted to move away from a capitalist environment and more towards distributing wealth equally reguarding the working class

Sigmund Freud

-The only human instincts are: aggression and sexuality/self-preservation and procreation

-Reward and punishment teach humans what is acceptable

-Language and behavior are only partial indicators of a persons 'state of mind'

The Romantic Poets


-Lord Bryon

-Sir Walter Scott

C: Willing suspension of disbelief

LB: Member of Drury Lane and successful

SWS: Best known for novels

