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30 Cards in this Set

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In what year was The Old Man and the Sea first published?
Which of the following is/are true of The Old Man and the Sea?
It was the last novel Hemingway published in his lifetime, it won Hemingway a Pulitzer Prize and it was cited as part of the reason Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
How many days of bad luck with Santiago does Manolin's father tolerate before making his son fish on a different boat?
40 days
Where does Santiago live?
A palm-leaf shack
How does Manolin feel about fishing with Santiago again?
Manolin wants to fish with Santiago again
What sports figure does Santiago admire most?
Joe DiMaggio
What do the pictures Santiago keeps on his walls depict?
Religious figures
How does Santiago get dinner on the first evening of the novel?
The owner of the Terrace café gives him dinner
What does Santiago have planned for the novel's second day?
Going far to sea alone
What does Santiago do during the first night of the novel?
Dreams about lions on the beach in Africa
Why does Santiago think most people are heartless about turtles?
Turtles' hearts beat for hours after they are butchered
What is the first creature that Santiago catches at sea?
A tuna
How does Santiago feel about not having Manolin on board?
He wishes Manolin were there to help and see what is happening
What was the saddest thing Santiago ever saw a marlin do?
Follow the fishing boat that captured its mate
After the giant marlin begins pulling Santiago's boat, what does he do with his remaining coils of reserve line?
He connects them together for more length
What part of Santiago's body is injured when, distracted by a warbler, the marlin's sudden lurch throws him forward?
His hand
What does Santiago do with the first creature he has caught at sea on his current trip?
Eats it for the sake of his strength
What does Santiago promise to do if he catches the marlin?
Make a pilgrimage to the Virgin of Cobre
What handicap does Santiago's favorite sports star have?
A bone spur
What had Santiago been called in his youth?
El Campeón (The Champion)
What does Santiago dream about on the second night he is at sea?
Porpoises, sleeping in his village, and the lions on the beach
What wakes Santiago up at the start of the third day that he is at sea?
The marlin jerking on the line
How does the marlin finally die?
Santiago stabs it with a harpoon
What does Santiago first eat after the marlin dies?
What is the first sea creature to try to eat the marlin?
A shovel-nosed shark
How much of the marlin is left when Santiago returns to his village?
Just the head and skeleton
What does Santiago do with the mast of his boat when he returns to his village?
He carries it back to his shack on his shoulder
Why does Manolin cry when he sees Santiago?
Santiago's hands are badly injured
How big do the fishermen say the marlin was?
18 feet long
What does Santiago do with the marlin's spear?
Gives it to Manolin