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190 Cards in this Set

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Everything is made of substances called __________.
A(n) __________ is the smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that element.
The center of an atom is called the ___________.
The positively charged particles in nuclei are called _________.
The particles that have no charge that are in the nuclei of an atom are called ___________.
The region of space surrounding the nucleus contains extremely small, negatively charged particles called _________.
Electrons exist around the nucleus in regions know as _________.
energy levels
The first energy level can hold only ______ electrons.
The second energy level can hold only ____ electrons.
The third energy level can hold up to ____ electrons.
Atoms contain _______ of electrons and protons.
equal numbers
Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are called _________.
A __________ is a substance that is composed of atoms of two or more different elements.
Atoms combine with other atoms only when the resulting compound is more ________ than the individual atoms.
For many elements, an atom becomes stable when its ________ energy level is full.
Atoms combine with each other by __________ electrons.
When two atoms share electrons the force that holds them together is called a(n) _______.
covalent bond
A(n) ___________ is a group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
Atoms that combine by losing electrons instead of sharing them have an electrical charge and are called a(n) _______.
The attractive force between two ions of opposite charge is know as a(n) _____________.
ionic bond
Chemical reactions occur when bonds are formed or broken, causing substances to recombine into different substances. All of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism are referred to as the organism's __________.
A(n) ________ is a combination of substances in which the individual components retain their own properties.
A(n) _________ is a mixture in which one or more substances are distributed evenly in another substance.
A solution is a mixture in which one or more _______ are distributed evenly in a _________.
solutes, solvent
The _____ is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is.
A(n) ______ is any substance that forms hydrogen ions in water.
A(n) _______ is any substance that forms hydroxide ions in water.
A(n) _________ is a molecule with an unequal distribution of charge so that each molecule has a positive end and a negative end.
polar molecule
The attraction of opposite charges between hydrogen and oxygen forms a weak bond called a(n) ___________.
hydrogen bond
Because if its polarity, water has the unique property of being able to creep up thin tubes. This property is called _________.
capillary action
List four unique properties of water.
it is polar
has capillary action
resists temperature changes
expands when frozen
__________ is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration due the random motion of the atoms.
List the three key factors that effect the rate of diffusion.
concentration, temperature, and pressure
Compounds with the same chemical formula but different three-dimensional structures are called ________.
Large organic compounds with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of carbon atoms are called ____________.
A(n) _________ is a large molecule formed when many smaller molecules bond together.
A(n) ______________ is a biomolecule composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with a ratio of about two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom for every carbon atom.
_____ are large biomolecules that are made mostly of carbon and hydrogen with a small amount of oxygen.
A(n) _________ is a large, complex polymer composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur.
The basic building blocks of proteins are called ________.
amino acids
The covalent bond formed between the amino acids is called a(n) __________.
peptide bond
A(n) __________ is a protein that changes the rate of a chemical reaction.
A(n) ____________ is a complex biomolecule that stores cellular information in the form of a code.
nucleic acid
Nucleic acids are polymers made of smaller subunits called _________.
Using a series of lenses, these ________________ can magnify things up to 1500 times.
compound light microscopes
Name the three main ideas in cell theory.
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization of organisms.
3. All cells come from preexisting cells.
Instead of using light a(n) ________ microscope uses _________ and can magnify structures up to 500,000 times.
electron electrons
All cells contain small, specialized structures called __________. Many but not all are surrounded by membranes and each has a specific function in the cell.
Cells that do not contain any membrane-bound organelles are called ____________. Single cells of this type are called __________.
prokaryotic prokaryotes
Cells that contain membrane-bound organelles are called ___________. Most multi-cell organisms are made up of these types of cells and are called _____________.
eukaryotic eukaryotes
Amoebas, some algae and yeast are unicellular organisms of the ____________ type.
Eukaryotic cells contain a prominent structure responsible for cell division called the __________.
The flexible boundary between the cell and its environment that allows a steady supply of nutrients to come into the cell no matter what the external conditions are is the ______________.
plasma membrane
_______________ is a process in which a membrane allows some molecules to pass through while keeping others out.
Selective permeability
A ______________ has a glycerol backbone, two fatty acid chains, and a phosphate group.
The process of maintaining balance in the cell's environment is called ___________.
The plasma membrane is composed of two layers of ___________.
The phospholipid bilayer is made up of phospholipid chains where the polar ___________ forms the outer layers facing the watery internal and external environments and the non-polar _____________ form the interior of the membrane which is not water-soluble.
phosphate group
fatty acid tails
The model of the plasma membrane is called the ________________.
fluid mosaic model
____________ move needed substances or waste materials through the plasma membrane.
transport proteins
The _________ is a fairly rigid structure located outside the plasma membrane that provides additional support and protection to plant cells.
cell wall
Cell walls are composed of a carbohydrate called ___________.
The cell wall (does/does not) select which molecules can enter into the cell.
does not
The nucleus is the leader of the the eukaryotic cell because it contains the directions to make _________.
The master set of directions for making proteins is contained in ____________, which are strands of the genetic material, DNA.
Within the nucleus is a prominent organelle called the __________, that makes ___________, which are organelles not bound by a membrane.
_____________ are the sites where the cell produces proteins according to the directions of DNA.
Ribosomes are simple structures made of __________ and __________.
The nucleus is surrounded by the ______________ which is made up of two phospholipid membranes.
nuclear envelope
Ribosomes and translated RNA pass from the nucleus to the cytoplasm through ___________.
nuclear pores
___________ is the clear, gelatinous fluid inside a cell.
The organelle in a eukaryotic cell that is the site of chemical reactions is the ______________.
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
The ________________ is arranged in a series of highly folded membranes in the cytoplasm.
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
_______________ attach to the surface of the ER where they carry out the function of protein synthesis.
ER covered in ribosomes is called _________ endoplasmic reticulum.
ER that is not covered in ribosomes is called __________ endoplasmic reticulum.
Smooth ER is involved in numerous biochemical activities including production and storage of __________.
The ____________ is a flattened stack of tubular membranes that modifies proteins, packs them into membrane-bound structures to be sent to appropriate desitinations.
Golgi apparatus
Proteins are packed into membrane-bound structures called _________.
Cells store materials and waste products in membrane-bound compartments called ___________. These are not usually found in animal cells.
___________ are organelles that contain digestive enzymes and digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria.
A ___________ can fuse with a vacuole, dispense their enzymes into it, and digest its contents.
____________ are cell organelles that capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy. They contain ___________.
Chloroplasts belong to a group of plant organelles called _______ which are used for storage.
Some __________ store starches or lipids, whereas others contain pigments. They are named according to their color or the pigment they contain.
____________ are membrane-bound organelles in plant and animal cells that transform energy for the cell which is then stored in bonds of other molecules that cell organelles can easily access.
The support structure within the cell is called the ____________.
The cytoskeleton is made up of _________ and ___________ made of protein that can be dismantled and reassembled to change the shape of the cell. They provide anchors for organelles and a highway for moving materials within the cell.
________ are numerous hair-like projections made of microtubules on a cell that move like oars on a rowboat.
___________ are longer projectoins on a cell used for locomotion that move with a whip-like motion. A cell usually has only one or two of these organelles made of microtubules.
The diffusion of water across a selectively premeable membrane is called _____________.
In a(n) ____________ the concentration of dissolved substances in the solution is the same as the concentration inside the cell. Cells in this type of solution maintain their shape because water flows in and out of the cell at the same rate.
isotonic solution
In a(n) _____________ the concentration of dissolved substances is lower in the solution outside the cell than the concentration inside the cell. The cell swells as osmosis moves the water into the cell.
hypotonic solution
In a(n) __________ solution the concentration of dissolved substances is higher outside the cell than inside and causes water to flow out of the cell, shrinking it.
hypertonoic solution
When molecules pass through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion, requiring no energy from the cell, it is called ____________.
passive transport
The passive transport of material across the membrane using transport proteins is called ____________.
facilitated diffusion
When substances move through the cell membrane with the _________________ it is passive transport.
concentration gradient
To move a particle from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration is called ________________.
active transport
A _______________ first binds with a particle of the substance to be transported, then changes shape to move the particle into the cell and releases it.
carrier protien
___________ occurs when a cell surrounds material from outside the cell in the cell membrane which breaks away inside the cell to form a vacuole.
__________ is the expulsion or secretion of materials from a cell.
List the factors that limit cell size. (list 3)
surface area to volume ratio
__________ are the carriers of the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells. They appear just before and disappear just after a cell divides.
___________ are long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones.
Each group of histones in a chromatin strand is called a ____________.
The ___________ is the sequence of growth and division of a cell.
cell cycle
The majority of a cell's life is spent in the growth period known as _____________. The cell grows, carries on metabolism, and duplicates its chromosomes.
The period of nuclear division is called __________. Two daughter cells are formed during this period.
Name the three sequential parts of the interphase cycle, in order.
1. cell growth and protein production
2. chromosomes are copied through DNA synthesis
3. all other structures are duplicated in preparation for mitosis
Name the four phases of mitosis, in order.
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
In the __________ the chromatin coils to form visible chromosomes. The nucleus begins to disappear as the nuclear envelope and the nucleolus disintegrate. This is the longest phase of mitosis.
In animal cells, _____________ made up of microtubules located just outside the nucleus move to opposite ends of the cell during the last part of prophase.
Each duplicated chromosome is made up of two halves called ___________.
sister chromatids
The center of a duplicated chromosome is called the _________.
The last structure to form at the end of the prophase is the _________. It is a football-shaped, cage-like structure consisting of thin fibers made of microtubules.
_____ is the third phase of mitosis. During this phase the centromeres split apart and cromatid pairs from each chromosome separate from each other.
_________ is the last phase of mitosis. It begins as the chromatids reach the opposite poles of the cell.
In ________ the cell divides forming two new identical cells.
When single cell organisms divide, they have reproduced a new organism but in multicellular organisms, cell growth and reproduction results in groups of cells that work together as _________ to perform a specific functions.
Tissues organize in various combinations to form ________ that perform more complex roles within the organism.
Multiple organs work together to form ____________ that work together for the survival of the organism.
organ systems
The cell cycle is controlled by proteins called _________ and a set of enzymes that attach to them and become activated.
List the three potential causes of uncontrolled cell division.
1. failure to produce certain enzymes
2. overproduction of enzymes
3. production of other enzymes at the wrong time
_________ is a malignant growth resulting from uncontrolled cell division. This uncontrolled growth deprives normal cells of nutrients.
Enzyme production is directed by a segment of DNA that controls the production of protein called a ___________.
A ____________ is a large complex polymer composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur.
Cancer cells form masses called _______.
The process by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body is called ___________.
Cancer can be caused by ________ and ___________ factors.
Environmental factors, including excess sun, toxins and viruses, can cause cancer by damaging _________.
Eating more ____________ and less __________ can reduce your risk of cancer.
fiber (vegetables, fruit, grain)
Taking key __________ and _______ supplements may also reduce the risk of cancer.
Getting enough __________ and not using ___________ can also help reduce your risk of cancer.
ATP stand for _________________.
Adenosine TriPhosphate
ATP is composed of a(n) ___________ molecule and three ___________ attached to it. Because these are charged particles it takes energy to bring them together and energy is released when they are allowed to come apart.
phosphate groups
ADP is composed of a(n) __________ molecule and two __________.
phosphate groups
The energy stored in ATP is released when the molecule is ____________.
broken down
Many ____________ have a specific site where ATP can bond and the energy can be released and used. Once the phosphate group is release the result is _____.
List at least three cell activities that require energy.
1. making enzymes, molecules, proteins
2. maintain homeostasis
3. active transport
The process that uses the sun's energy to make simple sugars is called __________.
In the first step of photosynthesis, ______________ convert light energy into chemical energy by creating molecules of ATP.
light-dependent reactions
In the second step of photosynthesis, ATP fuels the __________________ that produce simple sugars.
light-independent reactions
To trap the energy in the sun's light, the thylakoid membranes contain _________ which are molecules that absorb specific wavelengths of sunlight.
The pigments in the thylakoid disks in chloroplasts are arranged in clusters called _____________.
Leaves turn different colors in the Fall because the plants stop making ____________ which absorbs all lightwaves except green. Without it, the other pigments in the leaves become visible.
When sunlight energy excites the electrons in the chlorophyll these excited electrons pass to the _______________, a series of proteins embedded in the thylakoid membrane.
electron transport chain
Energy is lost as it travels down the chain but this energy is used to make _____ from ____.
_________ is used to transfer energy to the stroma of the chloroplast.
When NADP+ is combined with two excited electrons and a hydrogen ion it forms _________.
________ molecules are used to restore the lost electrons to the chlorophyll molecules.
The process of splitting water molecules to restore the lost electrons used in photosynthesis is called ___________.
For every water molecule used in photolysis, ______________ is/are released into the air, __________ is/are added to a chlorophyll molecule, and __________ is/are released into the thylakoid where they accumulate in high concentrations.
half an oxygen molecule
two electrons
two hydrogen ions
Because the difference in positively charged ___________ in the thylakoid creates a concentration gradient across the membrane, these diffuse out of the thylakoid and provide energy for the production of ATP.
hydrogen ions
As hydrogen ions diffuse out of the thylakoid the movement fuels the production of ATP is called _____________.
The second, light-independent phase of photosynthesis is called the ______________.
Calvin cycle
The ___________ in ____________ hosts the Calvin cycle.
_______________ is a sugar atom with 5 carbon atoms.
ribulose biphosphate (RuBP)
The Calvin cycle is called a cycle because ________________.
one of the last molecules produced in the series of reactions is required for the first reaction in the next cycle.
At the beginning of the Calvin cycle the ________ molecule from ____________ is added to one molecule of ___________ to form an unstable sugar.
carbon dioxide
RuBP (ribulose biphosphate)
The unstable sugar created during carbon fixation breaks apart into two _________ molecules.
phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL)
It takes ________ PGAL molecules to form three molecules of RuBP.
It takes ________ rounds of the cycle, each fixing one carbon dioxide molecule, to make enough PGAL to make three molecules of RuBP with one PGAL left over.
The PGAL molecules left over from the Calvin cycle is used to make other sugars, complex carbohydrates, and other compounds and plays a very important role in ____________.
cellular respiration
The process by which mitochondria break down food molecules to produce ATP is called ________________.
cellular respiration
_________ is a series of chemical reactions in the cytoplasm of a cell that break down glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid.
Glycolysis is not a very effective process because it uses two ______ atoms to produce four of them.
The electron carrier used by glycolysis is _______________.
NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
NAD+ forms ________ when it accepts two electrons.
To complete the first step in the process of glycolysis it requires ____________ and creates ______________.
1 glucose + 2 ATP
2 ADP + 2 PGAL
In addition to the 4 molecules of ATP, the final products of glycolysis are ________________.
2 pyruvic acid
2 hydrogen ions (H+)
The __________ is a series of chemical reactions that breaks down a molecule of acetyl-CoA and forms ATP and carbon dioxide and passes two energized electrons to the electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
citric acid (Krebs) cycle
________ and ________ deliver energized electrons to the top of the electron transport chain in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.
Similar to the electron transport chain in plants, the energy along the mitochondrial electron transport chain is used to create ____________ and is also used by an enzyme to pump H+ into the center of the mitochondrion.
The exterior of the mitochondrial membrane is __________ charged, which further attracts hydrogen ions.
The gradient of ____________ that results across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion provides the energy for ATP production.
hydrogen ions (H+)
The final electron acceptor at the bottom of the chain is _________ which reacts with four hydrogen ions and four electrons to form ___________.
2 water molecules
Without ________ the electron transfer chain cannot release the electrons, backs up, and stops producing ATP.
In the absence of ___________, an anaerobic process can produce small amounts of ATP to keep the cell from dying.
The anaerobic process that produces ATP in the absence of oxygen is called _____________.
_________________ is one of the processes that supplies energy when oxygen is scarce.
lactic acid fermentation
Lactic acid fermentation is where two molecules of _________ use NADH to form two molecules of lactic acid and releasing NAD+ to be used in glycolysis, allowing two ATP molecules to be formed from each glucose molecule.
pyruvic acid
The _______________ created during fermentation is eventually transported to the liver and turned back into _____________ but when it builds up in the muscle during strenuous exercise it causes muscle fatigue.
lactic acid
pyruvic acid
Both NAD+, which can be replaced by fermentation, and ________ are needed for ATP production through the citric acid cycle. Without oxygen the second electron transport can not be replaced and the cycle stops.
Lactic acid fermentation produces only 2 ATP from each glucose molecule whereas the citric acid cycle produces ____.
______________ is used by yeast and some bacteria to produce carbon dioxide and ____________.
alcoholic fermentation
ethyl alcohol
Both ________________ and ______________ use electron carriers and a cycle of chemical reactions to form ATP and both use an electron transport chain to form ATP and to create a chemical and a concentration gradient of H+ within a cell.
cellular respiration
The concentration gradient of H+ within both plant and animal cells can be used to create ATP by ____________.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complimentary processes because photosynthesis uses _____________ created during cellular respiration which uses the ______________ created during photosynthesis.
carbon dioxide
Photosynthesis uses _____________ to create complex carbohydrates and ATP while cellular respiration uses ______________ to break down carbohydrates to create ATP.
carbon dioxide
While photosynthesis only occurs in cells that contain chlorophyll, cellular respiration occurs in _________.
all living cells