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26 Cards in this Set

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What is the primary function of digestion system?(433)

Is to break down or digest the food into particles that are small and simple enough to be absorbed

What is mechanical?

Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of large food particles into smaller pieces by physical means

GI is known as the?

GI Tract and digestive system

Structures of the GI include mouth,pharynx, esophagus, stomach, stomach, small intestine, large intestine,rectum and anus

How long is the GI tract?

Mouth to anal 25 ft

Define Peristalsis?

Contraction and relaxation

of muscles that pushes the food in a forward direction through the digestive tract.

How does the food move? (438

Esophagus stimulates peristaltic activity active and causes the food to move through the esophagus into the stomach.

How are the most nutrients absorbed ?

Through small intestine

How is the food broken down for absorption?

Converted through digestion

Why is it dangerous to miss the fluid to a comatose patient?

Epiglottis does not close

What are the three splinters?

The mouth, esophagus and pharynx

What is Achalasia?

condition in which the muscles of the lower part of the esophagus fail to relax, preventing food from passing into the stomach. S/S pain, vomiting, weight loss

What is lower pyloric sphincter?

(Valve) Helps regulate the gastric contents that are delivered to the small intestine

Where is the digestive enzyme produced?


SATA: Liver:

Removes excess glucose, storage VIT A,B, 12, delivers to bile, deliver Kupffer cells (page 447).

SATA- Pancreas enzymes are produced:

Amylase,Lipase. Proteases

Which structure assists with the structure of food?


The flow of food and liquid is controlled by the Pyloric Sphincter SATA-

This enzyme is also known as amylases, prolease,

What is is sigmoid colon

The decending colon

SATA: Know the description of enzyme amylase:’(449)


SATA: Description and function of small intestine:

Start at duedeodem and ends at the ileum

SATA: Accessory organs

liver, gallbladder, pancreas



What is chemical digestion

the chemical change occurring primarily in response to digestive enzymes and other aids.

Rugae is

Lining, folds of the stomach

Where is digestive enzymes produced

In pancreas

What is your stomach

Hydrochloric acid-