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24 Cards in this Set

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Where are the tonsils located

Palatine tonsils - throat

Lingual tonsils -tongue

Pharyngeal tonsils -nasal cavity

Tubal tonsils - ears

Describe the thoracic duct

Drains 3/4 of the body

Ascends along vertebral bodies

Empties into venous circulation

Is the left duct

Describe the right lymphatic duct

Empties into right internal jugular and subclavian arteries

Not present in all people

Where do T&B lymphocytes originate and where do they end up

They originate in bone marrow.

T lymphocytes travel to thymus gland

B lymphocytes stay in bone marrow

What is a lymph node

Bean shaped organ situated along collecting lymphatic vessels. They cleanse the lymph of pathogens

List in order the parts of the Brachial tree



Primary (main) bronchus (right/left)

Lobar (secondary) bronchus (3 right/2 left)

Segmental (tertiary) bronchus


Terminal bronchioles

What is surfactant and what does it do

Surfactant is secreted by type II alveolar cells and it reduces surface tension within the alveoli

(Without it the walls of alveoli would stick together)

List the fissure of left and right lung

Right lung

Horizontal fissure and oblique fissure

Left lung

Oblique fissure

What is the alternative name for the pharyngeal tonsils


What are the differences of the left and right lung


Superior and inferior lobes

Oblique fissure

Cardiac notch


Superior, middle, and inferior lobes

Horizontal and oblique fissures

What cavity are the lungs in

The thoracic cavity

Explain lacteals

They are specialized lymphatic capillaries located in the villi of the small intestine and receive digested fats

What organ stores blood platelets

The spleen

What do type I and type II alveolar cells do

Type I

Single layer in the walls of each alveolus. Combines with capillary walls and basil laminae to form the respiratory membrane

Type II

Scattered among the type I.

They secrete surfactant which reduces surface tension within the alveoli

What is the membrane where gas exchange occurs

Respiratory membrane

Where the O2 and CO2 are exchanged between the alveolus and the blood

(Google called it the alveo-capillary membrane)

Give location of each lymphoid organ

Tonsils- in pharynx

Thymus- in thorax

Spleen- curved around left side of stomach

Aggregated lymphoid nodules- in small intestine

Appendix- on right side, at bottom corner of of large intestine

Which organ atrophies over time

The thymus

What organ is most active during youth


Main features of thymus

Secretes thymus hormones

Where immature lymphocytes mature into T cells

What are the main functions of the spleen

Removal of bloodbourne antigens and removal/destruction of old/defective blood cells.

It is the site of hematopoiesis in a fetus

What is the largest lymphoid organ


Which lymphoid organ is the simplest


How are the tonsils arranged

Arranged in a ring to gather and remove pathogens

Which lymphoid organ recycles blood cells

The spleen