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128 Cards in this Set

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Study of bones

How many bones make up the adult skeleton?


Axial skeleton

Skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage...down a longitudinal axis

Appendicular skeleton

Upper and lower limbs attached to girdles

How many cranial bones are there?


How many facial bones are there?


The roof of the skull is composed of which bones?

Parietal, frontal, and occipital

The base of the skull is composed of which bones?

Occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, and temporal

The frontal bone forms which three things?

Superior/anterior parts of the skull

Part of the anterior cranial fossa


The parietal bones forms what?

Most of the lateral and superior walls of the skull

Each parietal bone is bordered by __ sutures


The temporal bones forms what two things?

Inferior lateral part of the cranial floor

Part of the lateral wall near the ear

Petrous/external auditory meatus

Part of what bone?

Temporal surface feature

Protects sensory structures of the inner ear

Mastoid process

Part of what bone?

Temporal surface feature

Attachment site of some neck muscles to extend/rotate the head...protuberance behind ear

Zygomatic process

Part of what bone?

Temporal surface feature

Articulates with the temporal process of the zygomatic bone to form the zygomatic arch

Zygomatic arch

Part of what bone?

Temporal surface feature

Formed from the zygmomatic process and the temporal process

Mandibular fossa

Part of what bone?

Temporal surface feature

Depression that joints the processes of the mandible

The occipital bone forms what two things?

Posterior wall and floor of the skull including most posterior cranial fossa

Base of the skull

Foramen magnum

Part of what bone?

Occipital surface feature

Large circular opening that helps form the base of the skull...where the spinal cord enters

Which is the largest foramen in the body?

Foramen magnum

Inferior/superior nuchal lines

Part of what bone?

Occipital surface feature

Used for attachment of the neck ligaments/muscles...think bald guy with fat folds on neck

Occipital condyles

Part of what bone?

Occipital surface feature

Articulate with the atlas (C1)

Ligamentum nuchae

Part of what bone?

Occipital surface feature

Elastic ligament with muscles that extends from the external occipital protuberance to C7...supports the head

Sphenoid bone
Articulates with many cranial/facial bones...complex shape resembling a bat

Which bone articulates with almost every other bone in the skull?

Sphenoid bone

Medial sphenoid bone

Thick body that contains the sphenoid sinuses

Lateral sphenoid bone

Forms the greater/lesser wings

Helps form part of the orbit

Sella turcica

Part of what bone?

Sphenoid surface feature

Depression on superior part of sphenoid bone that houses the pituitary gland

Pterygoid process

Part of what bone?

Sphenoid surface feature

Vertical projections that begin at the boundary between the greater/lesser wings...provides the attachment surface for muscles that move the lower jaw and soft palate

The ethmoid bone forms which four things?

Anteriomedial floor of the cranium

Roof of the nasal cavity

Part of the medial wall of each orbit

Part of the nasal septum (perpendicular plate)

Where is the ethmoid bone positioned in the skull?

Between the orbits

Cribiform plate

Part of what bone?

Ethmoid surface feature

Forms the floor of the cranium

Crista galli

Part of what bone?

Ethmoid surface feature

Thin elevation on superior surface...point of attachment for the falx cerebri

Falx cerebri

Tough membranous sheet that separates the L and R hemispheres and helps support the brain

Perpendicular plate

Part of what bone?

Ethmoid surface feature

Inferior, midline projection...forms the superior part of the nasal septum

Superior/middle nasal concha/turbinate

Part of what bone?

Ethmoid surface feature

Filter/warm the air we breathe...gives our voice its resonance

Coronal suture

Articulation between the anterior front bone and the more posterior parietal...unites the frontal and parietal bones

Lambdoid suture

Articulation between the parietal and occipital bones...extends like an arc across the posterior surface

Sagittal suture

Articulation between L and R parietal bones...midline of cranium

Squamous suture

Articulation between the temporal bone and the parietal bone on that side

Zygomatic bones (2)

Forms the cheek and lateral part of the orbit

Lacrimal bones (2)

Depression that continues into the maxilla...forms the medial wall of the orbit


Forms the inferior/posterior parts of the nasal septum with the perpendicular plate...unpaired bone

Inferior nasal conchae

Curved bone that protects the lateral walls of the nasal cavity...help to swirl/filter air before it passes into the lungs

Palatine bones

Forms the posterior part of the hard palate, the small part of the nasal cavity, and orbit wall

The maxillae bones forms what five things?

Anterior portion of the face

Upper jaw

Parts of the hard palate

Inferior parts of the orbit

Parts of the nasal cavity


Forms the lower jaw

Most of the bones of the skull are comprised of what type of bones?

Flat bones

External surfaces of parietal bones are concave/convex?

Convex (rounded)

Orbits are formed by __ facial bones and __ cranial bones

4, 3

What are the three unique features of the skull?


Paranasal sinuses


Paranasal sinuses

Cavities within frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones that lighten the skull's mass and play a role in voice resonance


An immovable joint in adults

Cranial fossae

Three distinct regions of the cranium that correspond to the major contours of the inferior surface of the brain

Do fontanels grow or shrink as aging occurs?

Shrinks to form sutures

What may bone loss of mandible and maxilla cause?

Tooth loss in older adults

What is the hyoid bone attached to?



Lateral curvature of the spine


Curvature of the thoracic region of the spine


Excessive pushing forward of the lumbar spine

Spina bifida

Tail of spine (between L1-L4) coming out of vertebral column at birth

What three things do vertebrae typically consist of?

Vertebral body

Vertebral arch


Long spinous processes are indicative of _______

Thoracic vertebrae

How many cervical vertebrae are there?


What are the five surface features of cervical vertebrae?



Bifid (C3-7)

Vertebral foramina

Transverse foramen



Lacks a vertebral body

Articulates with the head to allow you to nod your head "yes"

Cervical vertebrae have ___ spinous processes

Very short

The dens is specific to which vertebra?


Atlantoaxial joint

Atlas and dens of axis articulating together to allow you to nod your head "no"

The body of thoracic vertebrae articulate with __________

The heads of the ribs

Which vertebrae looks like a crown?

Lumbar vertebrae

Which vertebrae lack facets?

Lumbar because they don't articulate with the ribs

How many thoracic vertebrae are there?


How many lumbar vertebrae are there?


Posterior crest

Part of what bone?

Sacral surface feature

Fused spinal processes of S1-5

Sacral ala

Part of what bone?

Sacral surface feature

Fused transverse processes of sacrum

Sacral hiatus

End of sacral canal

How many sacral vertebrae are there?

5 (fused)

How many coccygeal vertebrae are there?

4 (fused)

True ribs

1-7...directly articulate with the sternum

False ribs

8-10...cartilage helps bring them up to articulate with sternum

Floating ribs

11-12...do not attach anywhere on the sternum

What are the seven surface features of the ribs?

Costal cartilage

True ribs

False ribs

Floating ribs




Vertebrosternal aka ______

True ribs

Vertebrochondral aka _______

False ribs

Which vertebrae have more facets on them?

Thoracic...that's how they articulate with the ribs

Hyoid bone

Slender, curved bone located inferior to the skull between the mandible and the larynx

How many adult vertebrae are there?


Vertebral body

Anterior, rounded region that is the weight-bearing structure of almost all vertebrae

Vertebral foramen

Forms the vertebral canal when vertebrae are stacked on one another...contains spinal cord

The vertebral arch and body enclose what?

Vertebral foramen

The vertebral arch is composed of __ pedicles and __ laminae

2, 2

Spinous process

Part of what bone?

Vertebral surface feature

Posterior projections from the left and right laminae of vertebrae

Transverse processes

Part of what bone?

Vertebral surface feature

Lateral projects on both sides of the vertebral arch

Articular processes

Part of what bone?

Vertebral surface feature

Projections on superior/inferior surfaces of vertebrae from the junction between the pedicles and the laminae

Which is the smallest vertebrae?


Which is the largest vertebrae?


Transverse foramina are only present on which vertebrae?


Apex of sacrum

Narrow, pointed portion that projects inferiorly

Medial sacral crest

Fusion of spinous processes of vertebrae

Lateral sacral crest

Fusion of transverse processes of vertebrae

Posterior thoracic cage

Thoracic vertebrae

Lateral thoracic cage


Anterior thoracic cage



Part of what bone?

Sternal surface feature

Widest and most superior portion of the sternum

Suprasternal notch

Shallow indention between the two clavicular notches of the sternum

Sternal angle

Articulation between body and manubrium of sternum

Xiphoid process

Part of what bone?

Sternal surface feature

Inferior tip of the body of the sternum

What is the function of the xiphoid process?

Muscle attachment

Angle of rib

Site where the tubular shaft begins curving anteriorly toward the sternum

Costal groove

Part of what bone?

Rib surface feature

Prominence along the angle of the rib's internal border that marks the path of nerves/blood vessels

The end of the rib typically articulates with the ____________

Vertebral head/capitulum

What are the articular surfaces of the head of the ribs divided into?

Superior and inferior facets

What divides the superior and inferior facets of the ribs?

Interarticular crest


Part of what bone?

Rib surface feature

Articulates with thoracic transverse process costal facet

Neck of the ribs

Lies between the head and the tubercle

Costal cartilage

Separate cartilaginous connections between true ribs and the sternum

The lacrimal bones:

a) are the smallest bones of the face

b) form the lateral walls of the orbits

c) form the bridge of the nose

d) house the lacrimal glands that produce tears

e) are superior and lateral to the ethmoid bone

a) are the smallest bones of the face

The palatine bones:

a) form the soft palate

b) form the anterior portion of the hard palate

c) form the medial wall of the nasal cavity

d) form the posterior portion of the hard palate

e) are involved in the sense of smell

d) form the posterior portion of the hard palate

The inferior nasal conchae:

a) are part of the ethmoid bone

b) help swirl, warm, and filter air as it enters the nasal cavity

c) form part of the medial wall of the nasal cavity

d) are part of the nasal septum

e) are involved in the sense of taste

b) help swirl, warm, and filter air as it enters the nasal cavity

The mandible:

a) is the largest bone of the skull

b) is the only bone of the skull, other than the ossicles, that moves

c) includes the coronoid and condylar processes

d) includes the mental foramina

e) all of these are correct

e) all of these are correct

The nasal septum:

a) is composed entirely of bone

b) includes the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

c) is considered deviated if it is aligned medially with the midline of the nose

d) a and b

e) a, b and c

b) includes the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

Which of the following bones does NOT contribute to the orbit?

a) zygomatic

b) sphenoid

c) occipital

d) ethmoid

e) frontal


The foramina of the skull:

a) allow passage of blood vessels though bones

b) allow passage of nerves through bones

c) may exhibit some phenotypic variation, e.g. supraorbital foramen vs. supraorbital notch

d) are associated with specific bones, e.g. the foramen magnum in the occipital bone

e) all of the above are correct

e) all of the above are correct

A suture:

a) may be movable in an adult but not in a young child

b) uniting the frontal and parietal bones is the lambdoid suture

c) is a joint between bones of the skull

d) uniting the occipital and parietal bones is the coronal suture

e) uniting the temporal and parietal bones is the metopic suture

c) is a joint between bones of the skull

Paranasal sinuses:

a) are elevated areas on craniofacial bones

b) are "vestigial" structures with no known function

c) are found on the mandible, temporal bone and zygomatic bone

d) are lined with mucous membranes

e) are not associated with any clinical problems

d) are lined with mucous membranes

All of the following are true of fontanels EXCEPT:

a) they are present between bones of the skull at birth

b) they facilitate passage of the baby through the birth canal

c) they allow for brain growth after birth

d) they are commonly called soft spots

e) they are composed of cartilage

e) they are composed of cartilage

The hyoid bone:

a) does not articulate directly with any other bone

b) is located with the space bordered by the mandibular body

c) is connected to the mastoid process by ligaments and muscles

d) serves as an anchor for posterior neck muscles

e) consists of a bat-shaped body with extensions called wings

a) does not articulate directly with any other bone