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53 Cards in this Set

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Which muscle from the list is most important for push-ups?

-Pectoralis major

Which of the following belongs to the triceps surae of the calf?

-The soleus muscle

Prominent tendons on the dorsum of the hand belong to the ______ muscle

-Extensor digitorum

Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the lower extremity?

-Flexor carpi ulnaris

Which of the following muscles is NOT below the knee?

-Rhomboideus major

Which muscle abducts and medially rotates the thigh, and helps to stablize the trunk during bipedal walking?

-Gluteus medius

What muscle is an antagonist to psoas major?

-Biceps femoris

Two prominent tendons you can palpate at the popliteal fossa arise from...

-Semitendinosus and biceps femoris

Crossing your legs while sitting employs mainly...

-The sartorius

The longest muscle of the human body is...


The calcaneal (Achilles) tendon arises from

-The gastrocnemius and soleus

Which of the following does NOT act on the tibia or fibula?

-Tibialis anterior

What does gluteus maximus do?

-It acts in climbing the stairs by extending the thigh

Which tendon(s) run(s) through the carpal tunnel?

-Flexor digitorum profundus

When you take a deep bow, you use...


When you see the word______, you know it must have something to do with the thumb.


The quadriceps femoris includes all of the following parts EXCEPT

-The vastus femoris

The _____ is one of the hamstring muscles on the posterior side of the thigh.


Which of the following muscles produces plantar flexion of the foot?


The teres major and teres minor originate on the ______ and insert on the ______.

-Scapula; humerus

Which muscle extends the elbow?

-Triceps brachii

What is a connective tissue band on the lateral thigh that helps stablize the knee?

-Iliotibial band

Which muscle is NOT in the anterior compartment of the forearm?


What are muscles that abduct the fingers?

-Palmar interosseus muscles

Which muscle is especially important when lifting the arm overhead as when grasping "monkey bars" on a playground?


What muscles insert on the intertubercular (bicipital) groove of the humerus?

-Latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

A person experiences muscular weakness on the palm and lateral side of the hand and pain that shoots up the arm. These symptoms are most likely caused by

-Compression of the median nerve

A muscle found in the thenar eminence is...

-Opponens pollicis

-What muscle acts to ever the foot?

-Fibularis (peroneus) longus

An adductor of the thigh that originates on both the pubis and the ischium is...

-Adductor magnus

What muscle inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur?


A prime mover for extending the arm is...

-Latissimus dorsi

Which muscle flexes the knee?


What muscles make up the triceps surae?

-Gastrocnemius and soleus

What muscle does NOT flex the wrist?

-Pronator teres

Which muscle does NOT extend the knee?

-Biceps femoris

Which muscle is most important when using oars to row a boat?

-Latissimus dorsi

Why is it sometimes advantageous to injeect drugs intramuscularly rather than subcutaneously or intravenously?

-Drugs injected into muscles are absorbed gradually into the bloodstream

Where does gluteus maximus insert?

-Gluteal tuberosity

Which muscle does NOT have an origin or insertion on the linea aspera?


Where does biceps brachii insert?

-Radial tuberosity

The _____ ____ has two heads and is an anatagonist of the rectus femoris.

-Biceps femoris

The prime mover of elbow flexion is the ______.


The _____ _____ is a connective tissue band that holds down extensor tendons on the posterior side of the wrist.

-Extensor retinaculum

The _____ _____ is a powerful hip flexor that originates on the lumbar vertebrae and inserts on the femur.

-Psoas major

The _____ _____ has part of its origin on the iliac crest and is the prime mover for extension of the arm.

-Latissiumus dorsi

The prime mover for extension of the forearm is the _____ _____.

-Triceps brachii

A strong sheet of connective tissue called the _____ _____ extends from the iliac crest to the lateral condyle of the tibia and helps stabilize the knee.

-Iliotibial band

_____ _____ is a condition associated with inflammation at the origin of the extensor carpi muscles on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus due to the activity that requires rotation of the forearm and firm grip of hand.

-Tennis elbow

____ ____ ____ is a condition caused by prolonged repetitive motions of the wrist and fingers

-Carpal tunnel syndrome

The ____ ____ ____ is a muscle that allows the fingers to be curled into a fist because it inserts at the distal phalanges II-V.

-Flexor digitorum profundus

The ____ ____ dorsiflexes and inverts the foot.

-Tibialis anterior

The ___ ___ originates on the head of the fibula and plantar flexes and everts the foot.

-Fibularis longus