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14 Cards in this Set

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a characteristic that varies from one thing to another
Catergorical Variable
non numeric variables

example: eye color, gender, blood type
Quantitative Variable
numeric valued variable

example: weight, height, time, # of people in line
Raw data
listed in the order it was collected.
hard to spot meaningful data patterns in raw data
Lower Cutpoint
left hand boundary of the class description
Upper Cutpoint
right hand boundary of the class description
the number of items in a class
Relative Frequency
the ratio (as a decimal) of the number of items in each class to the total number of items
the average of the lower and upper cutpoints.
representative value for the items in the class
the difference between consecutive lower cutpoints
Rounding Note
if you round a relative frequency, always use at least 4 decimal places
Grouped Data Table
a table with classes, frequencies, relative frequencies, and midpoints (if appropriate)
Grouping continuous Data
when grouping continuous data, it is common to use the symbol, -<, We read -<as>.
Single Value Grouping
each class consists of a single value