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10 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is a fiduciary duty of the buyer's agent?

Acting with the utmost loyalty and care toward the buyer.

Which of the following needs to be in writing to be enforceable under the Statute of Frauds?

A contract which is to be performed greater than one year after it is entered into.

Deficiency judgments can only be granted when:

a property has been judicially foreclosed

In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court barred all racial discrimination in the sale or rental of property. A person discriminated against should:

file a civil action in federal court.

The total security deposit allowable for an unfurnished residential unit may not exceed:

two months' rent.

Which of the following deed provisions are enforceable?

The property may not be used for religious purposes.

No matter how vested, all property acquired jointly by a married couple is presumed to be:

community property.

The relationship between the thing desired and the potential purchaser could be described as:


In the context of mortgage finance, a beneficiary statement is made:

by the lender to state the current balance required to pay off a real estate loan.

Real property does not include:

leasehold estates.