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64 Cards in this Set

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Why cant we see venus and what is its atmosphere made of

-we cant see its surface from the think shroud of clouds that cover it

-made of 96% CO2 and 1% oxygen and the rest is nitrogen

(Little water vapour and no liquid on surface)

Why does venus have so much carbon dioxide compared to earth.

What are the 2 mechanisms for taking up CO2

1) no water on venus.

(Co2 dissolves with rocks into rainwater and is carried in runoff to form terrestrial rocks)

2) there is no life (helps prevent carbon from remaining in the atmosphere)

Why is there no water on venus

Lack if magnetic field on venus allowed sund radiation to reach atmosphere and dissociate thr water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen

What is retrograde rotation with regards to venus?

Its venus's backwardd rotation

-venus totatirs around its axis every 243 days

-rotation is backwards with respect to its orbital revolution around the sun

How does the greenhouse effect affect venus

Sunlight passes through its atmosphere and is absorbed by the ground

-it is rersdiated as infrared radiation

-co2 is opaque to IR radiation or it is trapped

-causes its surface temp to br high (500°c)

What is the best way to see venus

Ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths

(Extemly heard in optical (green) part of spectrum)

What is the venus Express

ESA mission

-launched in 2005

-2006 began surveying the upper atmosphere of venus

-took infrared images of venus's upper clouds

What was the BEHEPA (Venera)

-Russian mission that sent probes to land in venus in 1975 and 1982

-showed play, flat basalt type rocks with fine grained soil

-surface was compacted ash

-rocks are a grayish colour

What is RADAR

Radio detection and ranging

-used by Magellan

-mapped out venus surface

-shiwed volcanoes and lava filled craters

What is opposition

When mars is opposite of the sun in our sky

-best for viewing mars -closest to earth

mars -closest to earth

What is conjunction

When the sun is between earth and Mars


-6800km diameter

-spins on axis once every 24.6 hours

-orbits the sun every 23 earth months

-tillted at 25 degrees

-90% CO2

-has seasons just as earth cause if its tilt

Seasons of mars

-has polar caps of frozen CO2

-as they shrink, vegetation blooms

-caused by wind dust storms that cover mars with red dust

-when spring approaches winds blow the dust and show the darker vegetation/rocks

What were the viking missions

-NASA missions

-set landers on mars in 1976

-measurrf the seasonal changes and weather/ took pics

-determined its magnetic field switches off early in history

Is there water on Mars

-all rocks face the same way showering there once was

-all water left js under the surface in a layer of permafrost

What is the weather on Mars

Is dry cold and mostly clear

-clouds can form madd of dust; water ice and CO2 frost

What Is the aphelion cloud belt

The belt of clouds around mare equator

How are dust devils and planet scale dust storms created on mars

-from the large temp differences throughout the day which crests opposing warm and cold temperature fronts that form dust devils

What are the 2 moons of mars

Phobos and Deimos

-are asteroids that were either species of a later moon of mars that was shattered or were captured

-phobos is 27km

-Deimos is 15x12x11 km

-low albedo (7-8% of light that reach them is reflected)

What is mars gravity compared to earth

Mars gravity is 38% that of earth's

What are jovian planets

They are the gas giant planets

-high density, iron core

-liquid layer onto of iron core

-mantle (liquid rocks of silicon and carbon)

-crust (solidified elements of carbon, silicon ect)

What are terrestrial planets

-like earth

- small solid iron core


-thick cooled crust (mostly silicon and carbon)


-2/3 if the mass of all planets

-orbits sun every 12 years of 5 A.U

-318 more massive than earth

-0.001 times as massive as the sun

-bands of salmon colored cloud that circle the planet

-clouds (86.1% hydrogen and 13.8% helium) 99.9% of atmosphere

-other is made of ammonia and methane

-rotates once ever 10 hours

What is the great red spot

Spot of Stable storm in the atmosphere of Jupiter

- 13,000 km x 26,000 km

-spins counterclockwise

-full revolution ever 6 days

-winds to north and south blow in opposite directions

Jupiters magnetic field

Is reversed from earth's

-norty is at the bottom

-magnetic poles dont correspond to its rotational axes

What are Jupiters moons

-17 natural satellites

-4 brightest were by Galileo

-Lo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto

-these four are call Galilean moons (player a roll in the idea that the earth wsnt the only center of motion in universe)

What is Lo

-Has 15km high volcanoes

-youngest surface in solar system

-lava lakes and maybe an underground ocean of liquid sulfur

- surface temp of -143°c

What is Europa

-has an unchartered surface which is a layer of ice

-fractures in ice can be seen all over moon

- ice is 20km thick

-undee ice is a slushy ocean of liquid water up to 100km deep

-a prime location to check for signs of life

What is ganymede

-largest moon in solor system

-only moon that generates it's own magnetosphere

-surface is a mixture of high and low terrain with valleys filled in by water ice that seeped up from below

-water ice under an ice layer

What is callisto

-oldeet surface of gas moons

-surface is converted in water ice, mixed with rock

-brighter cratered areas are younger

-darker redder coating show older rocks

What is Saturn

-diameter of 9 earth's

- mass of 95 times of warty

-92.4% hydrogen, 7.4% helium, 0.2% methane

-rotates once ever 10 hours

-bands rotate every 11 hours

-29.5 year orbital period

What are Saturn's rings made of

Made of individual chucks of ice and some rocks

-from the size of a house to microscopic

-they are probably the remnants of moons and comets in Saturn's Roche limit

What is the Roche limit

Is the shortest distance from a planet within which a smaller molten moon is not torn apart by tidal forces of the planet

-usally 2.5 times the radius of the larger planet

What is shepherding

When Saturn's 30 moons on either side of the rings keep the ring particles from straying

-uranus rings led to the original suggestions of this process

What are Saturn's moons

-totsl of 61 moons

-53 are great rocks

-7 are large enough to have sufficent gravitation to become spherical shaped

-meaning they would be classified as Dwarf planet if they weren't bound with saturn

What is Titan

-saturns largest moon

-has its own atmosphere(so thick it makes the moon to look bigger)

-larger than mercury

- it is -180°c causing oxygen and nitrogen to turn to liquids

-discovered by Christiaan Huygens

What is Cassini

-NASA/ESA mission to saturn in 2004

-probe called Huygens

What is Enceladus

Saturns moon

-has blue tiger stripes

-show the flow of ice under the surface

-observed ice fountains suggest this moons subsurface has reservoir of liquid water

What is Uranus

Discovered by william herschel

-bluish green disk

-5 major moons

-orbitd the sun ever 84 earth years at a distance of 19.5AU

-estimater rotation period of 12 to 24 hours

-temp of -225°c

-has rings

What give Uranus its bluish greenish glow

Methane is its principle gas

-it absorbs the organe and red wavelengths of sunlight

What is uranus rotation

Its rotation is aligned each the plan that it orbit

-itd ploes fracr the sun during different time of year

-prob from it being knocked on its side by a collision shortly after its formation

What are uranus moons

-10 in total

-many are named after Shakespeare's a midsummer nights dream

-only two can be observed so far (cordelia and Ophelia)

-water ice converter surfaces mixed with rocks, ammonia and methane

Neptune atmosphere

Hydrogen and helium

-Methane makes up a small amount but absorbs most of red sunlight making it look blue-greenish

-high cloudd made of methane ice

What I'd the great dark spot on Neptune

A cyclone as big as the earth's diameter

-shower on Voyager 2 probe in 1989

1989-Hubble ST didn't see the spot anymore

What is Triton

-neptunes largest moon

- temp of -236°c (making liquid nitrogen and oxygen freeze into frost

-has a retrograde orbit

-spin orbit locked (one side always faces the planet)

believed to be captured by neptune

What are asteroids

Small boied of rocket material

-scraps left over from the formation of the solar system


What is a meteorite

Any asteroid that falls to earth from space

Where and what I'd the asteroid belt

Between mars and Jupiter

Where most asteroids lie

What are Kirkwood gaps

Created by jupiters strong gravitation field that produces orbital resonances which make clear gaps in the belt

What is Ceres

(Roman goddess of the harvest)

Only arteroid large enough to become spherical from it's own self gravity

How is an asteroids composition and size determined

Through reflectivity

-by comparing the brightness in the voidable band to the brightness in the IR

Who discovered pluto

Clyde tombaugh in 1930

-named after hades or the initials of percival lowell

What did NASA new horizons mission do

Flew past pluto in july 2015

-ultra sharp view of Pluto's surface

What is Pluto's atmosphere

Primarily nitrogen gas with hydrocarbons like methane, hydrogen cyanide and smog

What is the orbit of pluto

248 year orbital period

-20 years it is closer to the sun than Neptune

-this us y it isnt a planet

What are dwarf plants

Thry are large enough go be round but are too small to have cleared the neighborhood around their orbits

What is Eris

Is about twice as flat from the sun as pluto

-5% larger by size

-27% more massive than Pluto

-has the same wild orbit as pluto

-557 years

What did Cusa and Bruno do

They said the sun isnt unique and that there are other stars in the solor system

What did huygens do

Published codmotheros

-book that imagines what life would be like on other planets

What did Drake do

Created an equation that predicts the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy


What did wolszczan and frail discover

Two rocky planets orbiting PSR B1257+12 (a pulsar in the constellation virgo)

What did Mayor and Queloz discover

The first planet orbiting a main sequence star (52 Pegasi)

What I'd the habitable zone

Tge zone in the galaxy favourable for the development of life

What is the circumstellar zone

Zone with a stellar system favourable for the development of life

-sherical shell around a star where liquid water could exist on a planets surface