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87 Cards in this Set

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is the study of law making, law breaking, and the social reaction to law breaking (according to Edward Sutherland)
Laws against murder and theft are more of a mutual consensus because everyone agrees that these behaviors are inappropriate. We can argue against punishment for murder, but not really murder it self because everyone values life and property. This viewpoint describes what model?
The Consensus model of law
Crimes such as murder fall under the consensus model of law. what are some things that would fall under the conflict model of law and why?
Abortion, is it murder? Largely debated. Current legislation on abortion reflects the viewpoints of those in power.
Society's response to law breaking
The criminal justice system: Police, courts, etc.
What is the goal of any scientific study?
To establish a link between variables
Race, age, sex, education, and crime rate, are all examples of?
Finding a link between two or more variables is known as an:
empirical regularity
This is the major source of official information on crime
UCR, compiled by the FBI.
What are some un official sources of crime information?
NCVS, Case studies, and other statistics that don't come from some official agency
the difference between the sample that you have and the population that you are really after.
Sample bias
what are the 2 types of index crimes listed on the UCR
Crimes against persons, and crimes against property
what are the 4 index crimes against persons listed on the UCR?
o homicide
o robbery
o rape

aggravated assault
what are the 4 index crimes against property, listed on the UCR?
o burglary
o larceny theft
o auto theft
o arson (illegal lighting of fires)
the unlawful entering of a structure with the intention of committing a crime or larceny therein
the taking of the property of another by force or threat of force and or by putting the victim in fear
an unlawful attack of one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury
aggravated assault
the unlawful taking of property from the possession of another. Examples may include, shop lifting, pick-pocketing, or stealing something from someone's front yard..
Larceny theft
· In the last 5 years more people have been murdered in the United States than in the Arab-Israeli conflict
the number of murders in the U.S. has gone up since 1991.
False, down
What are 4 reasons why certain crimes are considered serious?
very violent and injury causing crimes are going to be serious

or if the value of the loss is very high it is considered serious (even for property crimes)

another factor has to do with the vulnerability of the victim

The relationship between the victim and offender are also taken into account
burglaries against a household is considered more serious than crimes against businesses or establishments
Crimes between families, friends, and intimates are considered less serious than crimes against strangers
What are the top 2 crime categories that result in arresst (highest number of arrests)?
Drug abuse violations followed by DUI.
what is the equation for calculating the crime rate?
(# of crimes/population) X 100,000
A murder rate of 5.7 means?
that there are 5.7 murders for every 100,000 people
the percentage of offenses cleared by an arrest
clearance rate
What is the formula for calculating the clearance rate of a given crime?
(# of arrests/# of offenses) X 100.
Clearance rates tend to be higher for violent crimes like murder versus crimes against property crimes like burglary because there is more pressure to solve these crimes and there are possible witnesses with physical evidence.
What are the six conditions that must be satisfied for a crime to be recorded officially?
1. A crime must occur.
2. There must be the perception of a crime by someone else
3. The act must be defined as a crime.
4. The crime must be reported.
5. Redefinition
6. It must be recorded.
if several crimes are committed at once, only the most serious gets reported
General reporting

A limitation of official statistics
they don’t distinguish between completed and uncompleted acts of crime. This is known as what type of limitation on official statistics
if you look at what proportion of robberies were unsuccessful you will have to look elsewhere. This is what limitation of official statistics
police reporting to the FBI is voluntary and it is not yes or no and it varies in accuracy. IS this a limitation of official statistics
Explain why politics may be a limitation, or why it may skew official statistics
ou can have mistakes and carelessness and sometimes there can be political pressure to play with the numbers in two directions. You can make it look better or worse
Can changes in recording practices be a limitation of official crime statistics?
yes, for example the UCR changed its forms to make it easier to fill out and more and more departments got on board which is an administrative change and can cause error
when police don’t come in for a variety of reasons and it does not get reported properly. This describes what limitation of official statistics?
benign neglect.
could include theft of a pen from a store to a diamond ring and there is no way to categorize them by law. This describes what type of limitations of official statistics?
broad categories of crime
There are several categories of white collar and organized crime listed on the UCR
NIBRS will include much more detailed information than the UCR.
What are the 4 segments of the NIBRS?
1. Administrative segmet: records the incident's date and time along with ID numbers
2. Victim Segment: includes offense type, victim's age, gender race, etc., relationship to offender, jurisdiction type, injury suffered, and victim type (business, family, etc.
3. Offense Segment: includes offense type, successful or not?, weapons used?, alcohol or drugs used?, location type
4. Offender segment: offender's age, gender, race, etc.
20% of the country is using the NIBRS system already
What are the biggest variables that influence crime according to official statistics?
Age and gender
Crime rates are highest in the center of big cities
Both victimization and crime are highest in black communities
Crime rates are higher in the north and always have been.
False, south
This unofficial source of crime data uses a rotating sample of households (phone survey), and includes only index crimes,
What is the biggest advantage of the NCVS over UCR and other official sources
You get an enourmous amount of detail that you dont get from official sources. It is the biggest source of info on why people do or do not report crimes.
What are some of the major disadvantages of the NCVS?
Lots of crimes are missing, the information may be unreliable (due to either forgetfullness or fabrication of things by the person being interviewed), telescoping of events, sample bias
What is the crime prone age?
15 to 24
Who is most and least likely to be victimized
Most: 15 to 24 year old male.
Least: Elderly
Which category of crime has the highest percentage of reporting? The lowest?
Auto theft is the highest because people have to claim insurance money. Larceny theft is the lowest.
What is the most important factor that lead to the crime increase in the 1960's?
The baby boom: the children of the baby boomers entered the crime prone age in that decade.
The age curve of crime is much sharper in industrialized nations
What are the effects of the net population undercount on crime rates?
It tends to inflate the crime rate and exaggerate race differences.
Wrote the book entitled, The Man-Child in Harlem, which described 13 to 18 year old males living in Harlem projects.
Claude Brown
What are the most important changes that took place in Harlem according to Claude Brown.
Obsession with materialism (name brand madness). Loss of Fagan like characters, obsession with the "glory" of violence, and people who did time are now looked up to.
What are the the three stages of black/white relations according to William Julius Wilson?
1. Plantation economy and racial caste oppression
2. Industrial Expansion and Race Conflict
3. Progressive Transition from Racial Inequalities to Class Inequalities
This following describes which stage of Wilson's history of black/white relations? industrialization comes and scrambles the labor market and it made things complex. It threw black and white labor in competition for jobs. Blacks lost out to white labor and white labor became very powerful. White labor was big in resources, number, and power. They used their power to dominate Blacks. This was intense during the latter part of the 19th century. Period of racial antagonists (lynchings).
Industrial Expansion and Race Conflict
What 2 things happened that greatly influence the life of inner city blacks in Wilson's 3rd stage (Progressive transition from racial inequalities to class inequalities)?
Civil rights movement and the the growth of the government (public) sector of the economy
Why would the growth of the public sector of the economy be a bad thing for poor, inner city blacks?
The growth of the public sector generated alot of jobs. In black inner cities, only the working class/middle class could take advantage of those jobs. They took the jobs and moved to the suburbs. This left the poverty class in the inner city.
Author of the book, The Declining Significance of Race.
William Julius Wilson
This sociologist says that the main factor of crime is race and it will always be
Douglas Massey
What is the main reason for higher crime rates in inner cities, according to Massey
Residential segregation- the tendency for blacks and whites to live apart.
How is segregation in America maintained according to Massey?
Threats and intimidation, residential steering, and red-lining.
What are the economic consequences of residential segregation according to Massey?
because of poverty and concentration there are few role models to teach you about jobs and help you be successful. The majority of jobs are controlled by whites
What are the political consequences or residential segregation according to Massey?
Political isolation: social segregation will politically isolate. Races can come together to end neighborhood problems. Political segregation makes inner city blacks vulnerable.
This sociologist says that the crime rates in the inner city have changed because the structure of the city has changed
Jack Kasarda
industries began to sort themselves in the city. It made sense for people to go into the suburbs – cheaper land, delivery, etc. so all the low skilled jobs went out to the suburbs (manufacturing, low-skill, etc.). This phenomena is known as?
Industrial Drift (Associated with Kasarda)
there is a geographical mismatch between the kinds of jobs available and the kinds of people that can take them. This phenomena is known as?
Spatial Mismatch (Associated with Kasarda)
· The late 1600s – the cause of criminal behavior is supernatural

Crime is viewed as a sin and against God.
Demonic perspective of crime
This perspective on crime is associated with Cessare Beccaria, and labels crime as rational hedonism. It goes under the assumption that people's goal is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain
Classical perspective of crime
Under this perspective of crime. the crime is supposed to fit the punishment. Came about during the industrial revolution
Classical perspective of crime
This perspective of crime is associated with Cesarre Lambroso. It came about in the 1800's, and goes under the assumption that crime is a sickness
Pathological perspective
What is Robert Merton's structure of crime?
Success goals-> means deficiency-> strain-> anomie-> crime
is a weakened attachment to norms (rules). produced by strain.
What is the aim of Robert Merton? What is the outcome?
Group differences in criminal behavior, why some groups are under greater pressure to deviate than others
2 structural conditions that are crime producing according to Merton are:
Success goals and Means Deficiency
Stouffer's studies of attitudes of WWII black soldiers lead to this important idea. Your happiness does not depend on an absolute amount, written in a book or paycheck. It depends on a reference group
Relative Deprivation (term coined by Merton)
situation where someone is doing well in life, good, job, making a good salary, but there group is not doing that well, the individual can feel a tremendous sense of anomie and relative deprivation even though they are doing fine
Fraternal Deprivation
What is meant when we say that anomie is a shared problem?
It turns out that when the feelings of anomie and relative deprivation become much more intensified and much stronger when they are in a shared group.
What is the long term effect of anomie?
Sub cultural adaptation, in which the group experiencing anomie gets rid of the old norms and substitutes new goals and acceptable ways of achieving them.
Did a study called Delinquent Boys
What was the goal of Cohen's study?
He wanted to study what kind of adaptations or adjustments lower class youth make to the middle class measuring rod in our school system
What adaptations did Cohen find that the lower class youth made to the middle class measuring rod?
the lower class youths made their own measuring rod since they could not live up to the middle class one due to their background. Their measuring rod emphasized different things, like being a good fighter, being able to hustle, being street wise, and being a lady’s man.
De-emphasize materialistic goals, or change success goals slightly away from consumption and materialism; subsequent generations are more consumption oriented than previous generations. This describes whose solution to crime?
Get rid of means deficiency by making things more equal. making college more affordable for example. This describes part of whose solution to crime?
1 out of every 10 children in the U.S. is born straight into poverty.
False, 1 in every 4