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77 Cards in this Set

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the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.
a person's fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling.
Freud's term for the human being's basic drives.
Freud's term for a person's conscious efforts to balance innate pleasure-seeking drives with the demands of society
Freud's term for the cultural values and norms internalized by an individual.
Sensorimotor stage
Piaget's term for the level of human development at which individuals experience the world only through their senses
preoperational stage
Piaget's term for the level of human development at which individuals first use language and other symbols.
concrete operational stage
Piaget's term for the level of human development at wich individuals first see causal connections in their surroundings.
formal operational stage
Piaget's term for the level of human development at which individuals think abstractly and critically.
George Herbert Mead's term for the part of an individual's personality composed of self-awareness and self-image.
looking-glass self
Cooley's term for a self image based on how we think others see us.
signigicant others
people, such as parents, who have special importance for socialization.
generalized other
Mead's term for widespread cultural norms and values we use as a reference in evaluating ourselves.
Socialization develops our _________, as well as our ____________ _____________.
humanity, particular persoanlities.
Give an example of the importance of socialization
extended periods of social isolation result in permanent damage. I.E. the cases involving Anna, Isabelle, and Genie.
Socialization is a matter of __________ rather than __________.
Nurture, nature
A century ago, most people thought human behavior resulted from __________ __________.
Biological instinct.
As human beings it is our __________ to ___________.
Nature, nurture.
What 3 parts were involved in Sigmund Freud's model of human personality?
ID, Superego, Ego.
Jean Piaget believed that human development involves both ____________ ___________ and gaining __________ ___________.
biological maturation, social experience.
What 4 stages of cognitive development were identified by Jean Piaget?
1. Sensorimotor
2. Preoperational stage
3. Concrete operational stage
4. Formal operational stage
Whose approach did Lawrence kohlberg apply to stage of moral development
What are the 3 stages of moral development defined by Lawrence Kohlberg
We first judge rightness in preconventional terms according to our individual needs. Next, conventional moral reasoning takes account of parental attitudes and cultral norms. Finally, postconventional reasoning allows us to criticize society itself.
Carol Gilligan found that gender plays an important part in moral development. Males rely more on __________ ________ of rightness, while females rely on the __________ ____ ________ on relationships.
abstract standards, effects of actions.
To George Herbert Mead the self is part of our __________ and includes ______ ____________ and ______ __________.
personality, self-awareness, self-image.
To Goerge Mead the self develops only as a result of _________ _________.
Social experience
To George Mead, social experience involves the ___________ of ___________.
exchange, symbols
To George Mead, social interaction depends on understanding the __________ of another, which requires taking the __________ of the other person.
intention, role
To George Mead, _________ _______ is partly spontaneous (the I) and partly in response to others (the me)
human action
To George Mead, we gain social experience through _______, _________, ________, and _____________ the generalized other.
imitation, play, games, and understanding
Who used the term looking-glass self to explain that we see ourselves as we imagine others see us?
Charles Horton Cooley
Who identified the challenges that individuals face at each stage of life from infancy to old age?
Erik H. Erikson
Peer group
a social group whose members have interests, social position, and age in common.
Anticipatory socialization
Learning that helps a person achieve a desired position.
Mass Media
the means for delivering impersonal communications to a vast audience.
a category of people with something in common, usually their age.
Acceptance of death and dying is part of socialization for the elderly. This process involves 5 stages. What are they?
Denial, anger, negotiation, resignation, and acceptance.
total institution
a setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society and manipulated by an administrative staff.
radically changing an inmate's personality by carefully controlling the enviroment.
What is usually the first setting of socialization?
The family has the greatest impact on ____________ and ___________.
attitudes, behavior
A family's social position, including _________ and _________ ___________ shapes a child's ___________.
race, social class, personality.
Your ideas about gender are first learned from what?
What gives a child their first experience with bureaucracy and impersonal evaluation?
Schools teach ____________ and ________ needed for later life.
knowledge, skills
Schools expose children to greater __________ __________.
social diversity.
Schools reinforce ideas about ___________.
The peer group helps shape _________ and ____________.
attitudes, behavior
The peer group takes no great importance during ______________.
The peer group frees young people from _________ ______________.
adult supervision.
What type of societies are hugely impacted by the mass media?
modern, high-income societies.
The average U.S. child spends as much time _____________ ________ and ___________ as attending school and interacting with parents.
watching television and videos.
The mass media often reinforce stereotypes about ___________ and ____________.
gender, race.
The mass media exposes people to a great deal of _________.
The concept of childhood is grounded in __________ and not ____________.
culture, biology
In what kind of countries is childhood extended?
high-income countries.
Adolescence varies by ________ __________
social class
The emotional and social turmoil of adolescence results from ___________ _________ in defining people who are not children, but not yet adults.
cultural inconsistancy.
The stage of life when most accomplishments take place.
Old age is defined as much by ___________ as ___________
culture, biology.
__________ societies give power and respect to their elders.
__________ societies define elders as unimportant and out of touch.
List 3 types of total institutions.
Prisons, mental hospitals, and monasteries.
In total institutions, _______ _________ supervise all aspects of life.
staff members.
In total institutions, life is __________, with all inmates following set rules and routines.
Resocialization is a _______ _______ process.
2 part
List the 2 part process for resocialization.
1. Breaking down an inmate's existing identity.
2. Building a new self through a system of rewards and punishments.
Kingsley Davis's study of Anna, the girl isolated for 5 years, shows that...
without social experience, a child never develops a personality.
Most sociologists take the position that...
it is human nature to nurture.
Lawrence Kohlberg explored socialization by studying....
moral reasoning.
Carol Gilligan added to Kohlberg's findings by showing that...
girls and boys typically use different standards in deciding what is right and wrong.
George Herbert Mead said the "self" is...
the part of the human personality made up of self awareness and self image.
Why is the family so important to the socialization process?
Family members provide vital caregiving to infants and children. Families give children social identity in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion. Parents greatly affect a child's self-concept.
Social class position affects socialization: Lower class parents tend to stress _________, and well to do parents stress ____________.
obedience, creativity.
In global perspective, which statement about childhood is correct?
a. In every society, the first 10 years of life are a time of play and learning.
b. Rich societies extend childhood much longer than poor societies do.
c. Poor societies extend childhood much longer than rich societies do.
d. Childhood is defined by being biologically immature.
B. Rich societies extend childhood much longer than poor societies do.
Modern, high-income societies typically define people in old age as...
Less socially important than younger adults.
According to Erving Goffman, the purpose of a total institution is...
to change a person's personality or behavior.