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32 Cards in this Set

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the social institution through which a society provides its members with important knowledge, including basic facts, jobs skills, and cultural norms and values.


formal instruction under the direction of specially trained teachers.


a lack of the reading and writing skills needed for everyday living.

Functional illiteracy.

integrating students with disabilities or special needs into the overall educational program.


illiteracy is most common in which continent?


What are the 5 functions of schooling?

1. Socialization.

2. Cultural innovation.

3. Social integration.

4. Social placement.

5. Latent Functions(unintended)

what are some Latent Functions of schooling?

1. Schools as child care providers.

2. Engages young people at a time in their lives when jobs are not plentiful.

3. Sets the stage for establishing relationships and networks.

4.Link between particular schools and career opportunities.

What are the 3 ways in which schooling causes and perpetuates social inequality?

1. Social Control.

2. Strandardized Testing.

3. Tracking.

assigning students to different types of educational programs.


What are the 5 ways in which large, bureaucratic schools undermine education?

1. Rigid uniformity.

2. Numerical ratings.

3. Rigid expectation.

4. Specialization.

5. Little individual responsibility.

the awarding of ever-higher grades for average work.

Grade Inflation.

giving parents options for schooling their children might force all schools to do a better job.

School choice.

What percent of American children are home-schooled?

About 3%.

What factors discourage many people from seeking careers in teaching?

low salaries, frustration over extensive bureaucracy, and increases in class size due to rising enrollments.

the social institution that focuses on fighting disease and improving health.


a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being


the study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society's population.

social epidemiology.

a physical and mental disorder that involves intense dieting or other unhealthy methods of weight control driven by the desire to be very thin.

eating disorder.

assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease; also known as

mercy killing.


an approach to health care that emphasizes prevention of illness and takes into account a person's entire physical and social environment.

holistic medicine.

a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians.

socialized medicine.

a medical care system in which patients pay directly for the services of physicians and hospitals.

direct-fee system.

an organization that provides comprehensive medical care to subscribers for a fixed fee.

Health Maintenance organization. (HMO).

patterns of behavior defined as appropriate for people who are ill.

sick role.

the killing of a whole gender in a particular society or culture


Schooling in India vs Japan vs the United States.

India depends on children's income and see less reason to educate girls.

Japan has high achievers and difficult tests. Only half of high school graduates enter college.

America has equal opportunity and practical learning. The united states was among the first countries to set a goal of mass education.

illiteracy id most common in what parts of the world?

Africa and India.

process by which one's expectations about another person eventually lead the other person to behave in ways that confirm these expectations.

self-fulfilling prophecy.

School inequality.

Low income schools don't get all the same amenities as high income schools. Private schools funded by parents.

Community colleges.

Low tuition.

Special importance for minorities.

Attracts students from abroad.

Faculty focuses on teaching.

problems in schools.

Discipline and violence.

student passivity- many students are bored.

Dropping Out

dropout rate has declined slightly in recent decades.

hispanics dropout most.

non-hispanic whites drop out least

Dropping out because of problems with english language, pregnancy, and need to work to help family.