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28 Cards in this Set

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The economy was based on agriculture and trade?
The people believed in simple luxury for themselves and their homes. Most excess money went to help improve the city-state?
Governed by an oligarchy run by five ephors and 30-man senate, these 35 men truly made all decisions for the city-state although there was a public assembly?
The women did not particapate in public life or own property. They took their status from their husbands and were only allowed to accompany them publicly to the theater or religious festivals?
Only noncitizens had occupations outside millitary, including trade, farming, and crafts?
Girls were allowed to marry between 15 and 20 years of age. The government encouraged them to have more then one husband so they could produce more children for the millitary?
The people believed in the beauty of mind, body, and spirit, which required vigorous exercise at the gymnasium, relaxation in the public baths, and stimulating conversation at the Agora?
At one time its large slave population revolted. So this city-state created a strong army dominated by a harsh lifestyle and vigorous training. The people were so devoted to patriotism that the government controlled all aspects of family life?
All citizens, regardless of social class, participated in making decisions for this government run by a democracy?
Boys of wealthy citizens entered private school at the age of six, accompanied by a tutor or pedagogue. They lived at home until the age of 18 when they joined the millitary?
The government gave each citizen a plot of land which was worked by state slaves called helots?
The basis of its economy was the millitary and its conquests. Millitary work was the only occupation allowed for male citizens?
The people required few luzuary good since they believed that a deoendence on comfort weakended the spirit?
Family life was controlled by the father. Boys were released from any parental authority at the age of 21?
Girls were considered adults at age 12 or 13. At the time they married and began having families and running households of their own?
the city-state prospered during the Golden Age under the leadership ofPericles. The Acropolis was built to protect and beautify the city?
New babies were inspected by the government. If the government felt they were healthy and strong, the babies remained with the family. Otherwise, the government took the baby and put it outside the city to die?
Boys joined the military barracks from ages 7-18 and did not live with their families. Their training involved terrible hardships in which they ate little, wore few clothes, endured pain, and spoke few words. All of these things were to strengthen their minds and bodies?
different citizens pursued different occupations, depending on their family trade, such as farming, trading, and crafting?
Girls and women were athletic and competed in sports to create healthy mothers who would bear healthy children?
girls did not recieve a formal education nor did they participate in athletic competition. Instead, they were taught household by their mothers and were educated in reading, writing, math, music, literature, and dance?
Although families lived together, there were sperate quarters for men, women, slaves, and children?
Women had many freedoms and were considered full citizens. They could own land or run their own businesses, but they could not vote in the assembly or join the military?
Males did not gain full citizenship until the age 30. At the time they were allowed to marry, but they were not home much because they were constantly training or fighting in battles?
What is Athens?
-economy based on agriculture and trade
-believed in luxuary for themselves and their homes
-woman couldn't participate in any activities
-people believed in buety, ming, body, and spirit
-all citizens made decisions for the government
-boys went to private schools at age 6
-family life was controlled by father
-girls were considered adults at age 12-13
-the acropolis was to protect and beauty the city
-different citizens pursued different occupations depending on family trade
-girls didn't recieve a formal education
-families lived together
-patron goddess=athena
What is Sparta?
-governed by an oligarchy
--noncitizen had occupations the military
-girls were allowed to marry between 15-20 years old
-large slave population revolted
-government gave each citizen a plot of land which was worked by slaves
-the basis of its economy was military
-people required few luxuary goods
-babies were inspected by government and if weren't healthy they would leave them outside on the city streets
-boys joined the military at ages 7-18
-girls and women were athletic
-women had many freedoms
-males didn't gain full citicenship until age 30
-patron god=ares
-used iron bars/rods for money
What is a few people hold power
what is people who take power by force and rule with total authority?