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176 Cards in this Set

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who's popular balance theory in social psychology-cognitive dissonance?
Who challenged ethnocentric view of western psychotherapists?
Which two theorist said that regardless of culture humans hvae an instinct to fight?
Freud and Lorenz
Who wrote Season's of a Mans life and also postulated a midlife crisis for men between ages 40-45
Daniel Levinson
Who emphasized an understanding of the black experience?
Who outlined a framework for looking at the values of any culture and comparing those values with mainstreamed culture?
Who is concerned with broad application of White assertivetiveness training to black people, and the black experience ?
Who described the history of the difficulties attracting Navajo people into the health care professions?
Bequvaius and Draguns
Who developed and researched a triadic model for cross-cultural counselor training?
Who conducted research on the impact of culture on counseling first to research and publish on the concept of worldviews?
who contributed to understanding white racial identity?
Who developed and described the Ivey Taxonomy of the effective individual and how helpers can use the model in a culturally sensitive way to help increase cultural competence?
Who is the father of guidance and counseling first to focus on socio-cultural issues?
Frank Parsons
Who influnced school of counseling efforts developments in assessment and testing mental health and child study movements?
Jesse B. Davis
what are the 3 personal dimensions that impact the counseling relationship?
Self Identity, values, stereotyping
____________ are standards used by people and groups in determining behavior
There is a need to be aware of ______ values as well as values of various cultural groups
_________ are false or biased generalizations
Stereotyping is influnced more by ___________ ________ roles than by ethinicity, race or gender/
Socioeconomic status
The role of ________ in counseling is to provide the counselor with a framework to better understand the systems of relationships involved in multicultural counseling
______ counseling recognizes culture signified differences in ethnicity, and also age, lifestyle preferences, values, gender roles, religious/spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic stauts and so on
In ____________ culture the minority group person will be affected by special concerns of his or her distinctive group situation as well as issues that are present in the dominant culture
in ____________ __________ the dominant culture benefits from interaction and coexistance with cultures of additional groups
Cultural Pluralism
_____ refers to position held or the function served by a person at some given time
______ ________ are affected by social status
Social Roles
____________ refers to when a person is expected to act in a certain way because he or she holds a certain role
______ _______ is when a person holds multiple roles that call for incompatible behaviors
Role Conflicts
________ ________ is when one role may call for more than one possible behavior, and these behaviors may conflict
Intra-role conflict
___________ is when a person acts according to the expectations of a group
_____________ is when a person is not influnced one way or other by social expectations
_________ is when a person is not influenced one way or other by social expectations
_______ includes overgeneralizations that suggest all members of a group can be expected to behave in identical ways
__________ means a role has led to a positive reinforcement or a positive event
_____ means a role that has lead to a negative result
cooperative and competitive behaviors are influenced by ________ expectations
a ______ is 2 people in a group
_______ is three people in a group tend to be unstable and promote internal competition
______ _______ is when a group is acting as a whole, risking taking becomes greater than that of a single member acting alone
risky shift
______ _______ assumes that heterosexuality is or should be the only acceptable sexual orientation.
cultural heterosexism
________ ________ manifested in widespread discrimination in employment, housing, and within religious organizations of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
cultural homophobia
_______ _________ is an ideology if assimilation into american society which allows for the possiblity for people of diverse racial and ethnic identities to retain those identies within the framework of the larger society
Cultural Pluralism
_____ ______ are thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are acceptable standards that a cultural group develops over time.
Cultural standards
_______ refers to a group of people who identify or associate with one another on the basis of some common purpose similarity of background, or need
____ is an anthropological term based on the word emigration
_____ ______ is a person's sense of belonging to an ethnic group and the part of an individual's personality that can be attributed to membership in a ethnic group
ethnic identity
_____ _______ is defined as groups of people identified by cultural practices sch as language, accent, customs, religion, beliefs, and styles of living.
ethinic minority
_______ is the national, regional, or tribal orgins of one's oldest remembered traditions and anscestors, which among the ethnic group members are assumed by their culture.
_________ is the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own group and culture coupled with a contempt for other cultures and groups
___ ____ is when counselors will use teh same strategies and technique on virtually any client
etic viewpoint
_______ ________ are feelings, thoughts, ans behaviors of superiority by an individual based on racial background in relation to others who are viewed as inferior.
individual racism
______ _________ favors self-definition based on gratification of an individual's personal needs and desires
individualisitic culture
________ includes incorportation of citizens as equal before the law; political management
_________ is a fixed or overly general mental picture sometimes representing a negative judgement of a group or individual
______ is a social construct
_______ is the belief that some races are iherently superior to others
_______ racism includes thoughts behaviors, an feelings motivated by beliefs of superity assumed by a person in relation to others who are viewed as infererior
individual racism
________ racism includes social, educational, economic, and political forces that foster discriminatory outcomes or give preferential treatment to members of one group over other groups
Institutional racism
______ racism icludes beliefs, behaviors, and feelings of members of one cultural group that asserts superiority of their groups' achievements over thos of other groups.
_______ is a preconcieved judgement without sufficient knowledge or grounds directed against a individual or group
_______ a process of social control that perpetuates social distance; often rationalized and institutionalized
________ is discrimination by members of one sex against the other
sexism/sexual bias
_______ refers to position held or the function served by a person at some given time
the behavioral approach includes classical or respondent conditioning the two people associated with it are ________ and ________
Pavlov and Hull
the theorists associated with operant conditioning is ________ he is associated with behavior modification
________ _________ therapy is behavioral approached coupled with thinking processes.
Cognitive Behavior
a____________ reinforcement schedule is most helpful when learning new behaviors, it is easier to distinguish
a_____________ reinforcement involved present reinforcers occuring during select times, learning occurs at a much slower pace
_______ is the presentation of a consequence that is viewed as aversive or the removal of a pleasant consequence
________ is termination of the reinforcement (ignoring a response that had recieved attention before)
helms noted the following
_______ is the belief that immaterial forces, especially a supreme being, have power in determining what happens in people's everyday life
common concerns of all tribes are a feeling for loss of _____, a desire for self-_______, domination, a conflict of ______with mainstream culture,
land, determination, values
the majority of native americans have a belief in a
______ ________ who has a name, personage, and often a place of residence. It has an ominipotent spiritual rather than physical presence that controls all aspects of existence.
supreme creator
Humans are a composite of spirit, mind and body- the ____ is the most important because it defines the essence of the person
_____ is a disruption of the mind-body spirit homestasis
_______ is equilibrium or harmony of spirit-mind body. Tradtional native americans strive for _________.
disharmony or unwellness within the spirit mind body triad is caused by suppressed socially disengaging ________ that serve as catalyst for physical and mental deteration if spirtual energy is ____
________ americans come from the world's largest continent in both population and size
all eastern religions were founded in ______ such as confucianism, buddhism, Judaism, shintoism, taoism, and christanity.
________ occurs when the person is expected to function in harmony within his or her social context
_______ _________ involve one's obligations and duties to the group are defined by one's social role.
hierachical relationships
_____ ______ is the parent child bond is more critical than virtually any other
Filal piety
within the next 25 years _______ will be the largest miority group in US
______ involves loaylity, strong indentification with, attachement to, and interdependence on one's blood related extended family
_____ is respect accordied to people because of the status due to gender, age, and family role or position
______ is the belief in traditional healing and health practices
_____ is a gender role in which the woman is expected to emulate the spirituality of the virgin mary and to endure all suffering inflicted upon her by the men in her life. She is also expected to be passive, dependent, and defined by her family and home.
_______ is the male gender role in which the man is expected to be the primary provider of the family. the role also permits the males to be chivalrous toward women and sexually accessible to many of them.
_______ is the social, psychological and cultural features and charcteristics that have become strongly associated with the biological catergories of male and female.
in men the _______ stain results from emotional restrictiveness, proneness to shame sensitivity, and learned inability to deal with emotions.
coping with ______ is a common issue faced by the elderly.
_____ are behaviors that are based on morals.
a ______ describes correct, normal, or habitual behavior. breaking it generally results in embarrassment.
_______ is a process of change that occurs when two cultures come in contact with each other. occurs when an indivudual adopts the culture traits form a new culture.
______ is the dominate culture or the culture that is accpeted by the majority of citizens in a given society.
______ culture includes things like books, paintings, homes, and tools. refered to as artifacts.
______ culture includes things like customs, values, humor and traditions.
____ culture is the way indivuduals are supposed to behave
cultural _______ is being aware and understanding of cultural factors
_____ _____ theory states that all cultures pass through the same stages of development in terms of evolving and maturing
Culture epoch
______ is associated with innate aggeression theory
______ is one of the founders of modern Sociology
________ is the father of Hormic psychology. believed that individuals in and out of groups are driven by innate inherited tendencies
____ wrote social pychology and introduced it to americal
_____ wrote obidence to authority ex: salem witch hunts
in social psychology, ______ are viewed as important
_______ _________ contradicts the innate/instinct aggression theory by emphasizing the environment rather than genetics or inborn tendecies.
social learning
Social learning is associated with the work of ________
________ means the behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which it occurs.
the ______/________ theory was developed by dollard/miller the hypothesis asserts that frustration occurs when an individual is blocked so that he or she cannot reach an intended goal
the _____ _______ theory was developed by festinger and involves inconsistant thoughts are often called dissonance. The focus is on _____ and ______ formation.
cognitive dissonance
cognitions and attitude
the tendency of cognitive dissonance theory is to justify behavior to create a state of ______ or harmony between attitude and behavior
the social comparison theory was developed by ___________ it is involves people having a need to compare themselves with others to assess their own abilities and options
the term ______ states that we are all part of a universal culture
_______ and associates were the first social reformers concerned with guidance in the US. focused heavily on sociocultural issues.
_______ is that which pertains to a large group of individual who are categorized by racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural attributes
________ developed a social distance scale which evauated how an indivdual felt toward other ethnic groups
the _____ ______ theory assumes that rewards are things or factors we like , while costs are things we dislike
social exchange
the ________ theory states that a relationship becomes stronger as two people's personality needs mesh
a _______ _____ applies to the emotional content of a word which is different than the true or dictionary defination
Connative error
a _____ view asserts that change comes from within
an _____ view is were the client can cope best by changing or altering external factors in the enviornment
_______ tranference occurs when the client rapidly shifts his or her emotional attitiude toward the counselor based on learning and experiences related to authority figures form the past
_____ implies that the counselor will make the best progress if he or she see the client primarly as a person who has learned a set of survivial skills rather thana displeased patient
_____ means that an individual exists in more than one category
______ _______ occurs when a person of a cultural hertiage retain their traditions and differences, yet cooperates in regard to social, politicaland economic matters
cultural pluralism
____ _____ is when the presence of other persons improves an individuals performance even when there is no verbal interaction
social facilitation
the ____ _____ in social psychology,means that after a period of time, one forgets the communicator but remembers the message.
sleep effect
the _____-______ conflict is when two equally attractive options are presented simultanously
the________-_______ conflict presents a positive factor with a negative factor at the same time. this si the toughest type of conflict for client to handle.
the ______-_______ conflict is when two negative alternatives are presented at the same time - both choices undesireable. the client often waivers when he becomes clos to making a choice. Often daydream, flee, or regress instead of conforming to the choice.
the _____ theory can be described as a tendency to move from cognitive inconsistancy to consisitency
the _____ theory by Osgood and Tannenbaum states that a client will accept suggestions more readily if he the client likes the counselor.
the term_____ explains the decline in racial prejudice when whites live next door to minority persons.
Minority clients respond best to ______ therapy
a theorists whose major focus is adult development is_______
______ is the main factor in defining a minority
in order to better serve hispanic american clients, more counselors need to be ________ and ________
Bilingual and bicultural
counselors who do not resolve their own ________ will undermine their own work with minority clients.
the "superwoman syndrome" is an example of ________
role strain
when too many demands come from various sources of an indivduals life, _____ ____ occurs.
role conflict
sex role ______ is unhealthy, whereas _____ promotes better functioning
Times of change from onem role or stage to the next are referred to as______.
Discrimination of the eldery, _____, makes employment, housing, medical, and other services difficult to obtain.
_____ is detrimental to a counselor's work with gay men and lesbian women
in determining, treatment situations for clients, counselors should look for the _____ _____ _____
least restrictive environment
Public Law 94-192 improved services for children with _____
in building rapport with minority clients, counselors need to be especially aware of _______ communication.
the major _____ ____ are child, parent, and grandparent.
Family roles
Females actually have greater ____ abilities than males.
a balance between work life, family life, and leisure is know as _____ _____
role integration
_____ _____ dictate the customs, attitudes, and beliefs of a particular racial or ethnic group.
culture bound values
culture conflict is a major issue for man ____
Sterotypes of _____ _____ include pessimism, stocism, and laziness.
native americans
before effective ______ can take place, counselors must accurately diagnose the problem, taking culture mores into consideration.
Counselors who take the ____ view believe clients should change to fit the environment, whereas the _____ view suggests changing the outside world.
autoplastic, alloplastic
in dealing the _____ counselors are often called on to collaborate with medical and legal personnal.
the traditional _____ _____ is declining as nontraditional families increase.
nuclear family
as one's age increases, ones _____ ____ decreases.
Cohort Group
in the process of ____ ____ lesbians and gays reveal their sexual orientation to themselves and/ or others.
Coming Out
____ is known for the life-career rainbow
____ is known for five life span eras
____ is know for the grieving process
___ is know for development stages
_____ is know for emic-etic dilemma
____ is known for life review therapy
____ is known for the sex role inventory
Atikinson, Morten,and Sue are known for the _____ model
social learning theorists believed that ________ is learned
_______ is the father of multicultural counseling
Gilligan was critical of kohlbergs theory of moral development bc she felt is was moral applicable to _____ than _____
______ helped to abet the intercultural counseling movement
civil rights movement
the frustration aggression theory is associated with _______ and _______
dollard and miller
a popular balance theory in soical psyhology is _________ cognitive dissonance theory.
________ was the first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues
biological simularites and sameness are indicated by _______ _______
universal culture
in the 1920s Bogardus developed a ______ ______ scale which evaluated how an indivudal felt toward other ethinic groups
social distance