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128 Cards in this Set

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What is family?
Not just those bound by traditional nuclear family, but also stepfams and unmarried couples
More violence among people who cohabitate rather than those formally married
Physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment of one family member by another
Family violence
Encompasses battering, marital rape, dating violence, child sexual/physical abuse, etc.
4 Factors of Family Abuse
1.) Occurs within ongoing relationships expected to be protecting
2.) Victim wants to escape violence but also wants to belong to a family
3.) Affection and attention may coexist with violence and abuse
4.) Ongoing family relationships create opportunity for repeat victimization
Sample bias
Bias towards lower income families because higher income can go to a hotel
Media generalizations
-Abused grow up to be abusers: NOT supported by research
-Poor people= more susceptible
Macro-System Influences for Tolerance of Violence
-Sanctity of family privacy
-Laws concerned with cultural beliefs
Abuse is illegal in ____ states
Exo-system influences for Tolerance of Violence
-Family and children exposed to violence through movies and games
-Sexualization of children in the media
-Violence is embedded in our culture (death penalty etc.)
6 Types of adult abuse and neglect
1.) Dating and courtship
2.) Partner
3.) Same-sex partner
4.) Stalking
5.) Elder
6.) Parental
Dating and Courtship Violence
1/2 to 2/3rds of survey respondants had experienced it, verbal sparring and "love taps", can be used to coerce someone into sex
Partner Abuse
All races experience at same rate, age 20-34 is highest, divorced/seperated is highest
Same-sex partner abuse
-Power, not gender, is the issue
-Just as prevelant as hetero partner abuse
-80% of all cases are after a breakup
-Rebecca Schaeffer attracted attention to it
Elder Abuse
-Harm/pain inflicted on someone 60+
-Mostly neglect, then physical, then financial
-Mostly white, then black, then hispanic
Parental Abuse
-Abuse of nondependent parents by children
-Menendez brothers made public awareness
-Patricide more often than matricide (2% of all homicides)
-Males more likely to perpetrate, females if sexual abuse
-Usually no criminal record
Definition of child abuse and neglect
Any recent act of failure to act resulting in imminent risk of serious harm, death, sexual abuse etc.
4 basic types of maltreatment
1.) Physical abuse
2.) Child neglect
3.) Sexual abuse
4.) Emotional abuse
What kind of child abuse is 2nd most prevalent?
Physical Abuse
What kind of child abuse is most common?
What kind of child abuse is 3rd most common?
Sexual Abuse
What is the least common form of child abuse?
Emotional Abuse
__ million cases of the major types of child abuse per year
Qualitative Research
Looks at phenomenon in natural setting (in-depth interviews, historical materials, personal accounts)
Quantitative Research
Deductive model with fixed outcome/steps (surveys etc.)
Sources of Family Violence Data (4)
Crime against society, court data, law-enforcement data, corrections data
Crime against society survey
National Crime Victimization Survery. Conducted by US dept of justice. 100,000 ppl 12+ interviewed every 6 months. Provides info on types of crime, victim and offender age, sex, etc. and victim-offender relationship
Basic screening questionnaire, 18 ?'s
Incident report, explores crime victimization, victim/offender characteristics, etc.
Law enforcement Data + Survey
FBI collects and publishes crime statistics w/ UCR. Comes from official police reports, good and bad because it only has reported crime
Uniform Crime Report, soon to be replaced with NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System)
__% of fam violence victims are women
UCR part 1 crimes (name 2)
murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny, automobile theft, & arson.
UCR part 2 crimes (name 2)
forgery, fraud, embezzlement, vandalism, weapons violations, sex offenses,
drug/alcohol abuse violations, gambling, vagrancy, curfew violations, runaways.
Court Data. State Court Processing Statistics.nformationaboutthosearrested&chargedwithfamily/non-familyassault. • Demographics:priorarrest&convictionrecords,criminaljusticestatusattimeofarrest. • Adjudication outcomes & type of sentence imposed.
Federal Justice Statistics Program. Info on violations of family violence-related federal statutes that were referred to federal court.
Survey of Inmates in State & Federal Correctional Facilities
-Most inmates imprisoned for fam violence convicted for violent crime against women.
-Most imprisoned for non-fam violence convicted for violence against men
Survey of inmates in local jails
Face-to-face interviews with incarcerated individuals.
Classical School of Thought
People choose to engage in crime
Classical. People have free will and are hedonistic, therefore we must have clear laws and punishment.
Classical. Determined extent of punishment necessary to deter criminals.
Rational Choice Theory
Classical. Criminal behavior is a choice, and perpetrators weigh risks vs. benefits.
Deterrence Theory
Classical. Punishment must be swift and certain in order to deter crime
Positive School of Thought
Recognizes the causes of crime are from biological, psychological, and sociological viewpoints
Difference between Classical and Positive?
Positive is more scientific than legalistic
Positive. "Science of good breeding" Forced sterilization, marriage prohibition human breeding programs.
Biological Theories (2)
eugenics and biochemical imbalance theories
4 sociological theories in positive standpoint
1.) Culture of Violence Theory
2.) Social disorganization theory
3.) Strain theory
4.) Gender role Theory
Culture of Violence Theory
Acceptance of violence in our society is the foundation for violence within the family
Social Disorganization Theory
Disorganization of community life causes a lack of social control (Poverty= lawlessness)
Strain Theory
Struggle between desires and ability to fulfill them. Futility to fulfill desires may lead to crime
Gender Role Theory
blames traditional socialization of children into gender roles
-Women as passive and sexually desirable
-Men as aggressors who dominate women
Psychological Theories (2)
Social Learning Theory and Social Control Theory
Social Learning Theory
People are not born violent, violence is learned.
Behavior Modeling Theory
Aggressive children have parents who are aggressive when dealing with others
Intergenerational Transmission Theory
Abusive behavior is handed down from generation to generation as an appropriate way to deal w/ conflict
Social Control Theory
Crime and delinquency are likely to occur unless people conform to social demands
Attachment history (and 4 types)
Caregiver-child relationship effects relationship later in life.
1.) Secure attachment
2.) Resistant
3.) Avoidant
4.) Disorganized
Individual Pathology & Male Batterers
Violence committed against a wife is for the purpose of domination. Perpetrators exhibit characteristics similar to someone suffering from a personality disorder.
Conflict School of thought
Law seen as means by which ruling class maintains control. Lawmakers legitimize superiority by dominating lower classes. Those in power determine how laws are made/enforced.
2 Conflict Theories
Patriarchal Theory and Gender Inequality Theory
Patriarchal Theory
Questions the way women have been viewed in society & lack of legal options for those victimized
Gender inequality Theory
Goes w/ chivalry hypothesis: women are more likely to be protected by crimanal justice system and recieve more lenient treatment then men who do the same crimes.
What are the typical ages of children who are abuse victims?
Children under 1 year have highest rates
Are girls or boys more likely to be abused?
Victimized about equally
Type of abuse most common to boys?
Physical and emotional
Type of abuse most common to girls?
What ethnicity is most victimized?
1/2 of all victims are white. 1/4 African American. 18.4% Hispanic
What ethnicity is least victimized?
Infanticide Policy in Anceint Times?
Legal for "practical reasons" such as physical deformity, questionable health, etc.
Policy on child abuse in early colonial America?
Parents held responsible for childrens behavior, free to punish as long as they didn't disfigure. "Stubborn Child Law"= can kill disobedient child
Battered Child Syndrome
1962, Kempe. Repeated mistreatment or beating of a child that results in physical or psychological injuries. Increased public awareness of abuse
How many children received investigation by CPS in 2006? How many were confirmed cases?
3.6 million. 1/4 confirmed
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974. Requires states to assign an agency to receive and investigate reports of alleged child abuse and neglect
Emotional/Psycological Abuse Definition
injury to the psychological capacity or emotional stability of the child as evidenced by an observable or substantial change in behavior, emotional response, or cognition or as evidenced by anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or aggressive behavior
5 indicators of emotional abuse
1.)Rejecting: refusing to acknowledge the child’s work & legitimacy of the child’s needs
2.) Isolating: cutting the child off from normal social experiences
3.) Terrorizing: verbally assaulting the child, creating a climate of fear
4.) Ignoring: being psychologically unavailable to the child
5.) Corrupting: missocializing the child, stimulating the child to engage in destructive and
antisocial behavior
Neglect Definition
deprivation of adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision.
A severely neglected child, taken from her home at age 7. She was basically ignored for her whole life and was unable to speak, respond to others, be held, etc.
4 Categories of neglect
1.) Educational
2.) Emotional
3.) Medical
4.) Physical
Educational Neglect
Chronic truancy, failure to enroll in school
Emotional Neglect
Exposure to intimate partner violence, drug use encouragement or permission, not seeking psychological help for child
Medical Neglect
Parents have a duty to seek medical care for child when necessary. 30 states have a religious exemption
Educational Neglect
Chronic truancy, failure to enroll in school
Physical Neglect
Failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, etc.
Emotional Neglect
Exposure to intimate partner violence, drug use encouragement or permission, not seeking psychological help for child
Medical Neglect
Parents have a duty to seek medical care for child when necessary. 30 states have a religious exemption
Physical Neglect
Failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, etc.
Physical Abuse Definition
Any non-accidental physical injury to child. Includes striking, biting, burning, kicking, throwing, etc.
_____ children died of abuse or neglect in 2006
Sexual Abuse Definition
Employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person in any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct.
– The rape, and in cases of caretaker or interfamilial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children.
Beth Thomas
"Child of Rage" who suffered reactive attachment disorder after being sexually abused as a child
1. According to the Riverside County Department of Public Services, what is the time frame for investigation after an incident report has been filed?
24 hours - 10 days
4 Riverside County Responses
1.) No evidence, case closed
2.) No evidence, referred to parenting classes etc.
3.) Evidence: resolved w. family maintenance services
4.) Evidence, child removed from home
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Medical Term used to describe violent shaking of baby causing brain to slam against skull. Causes brain damage, retinal hemorrage, blindness, seizures, paralysis, death
Burns on purpose vs. accidental
Oval burn on buttocks or genitals, glove or stocking burn (symmetrical), donut-shaped burn around buttocks, no burns on bottom of feet
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
Caregiver fabricates illness and genuinely believes child is sick. Involves both physical abuse and mental neglect
Killing of fetus
Killing of brother or sister
Killing of child by parents
What are the 7 forms of sexual assault on children?
Molestation, Rape, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Pornography, Forced prostitution, Incest
Sexual activity between persons who are so closely related that their marriage is illegal.
Behavioral Indicators of Sexual Abuse?
1.Complaining that his or her genitals hurt or were touched
2.Acting out sexually 3.Inappropriate sexual knowledge for environment and age
4.Fearful or unwilling to explain the cause of any injury 5.Regression
___ of girls & ____ of boys will be sexually abused during childhood
1/5 girls, 1/10 boys
5 typologies of sexual abuse?
1. Secrecy: Rewards/incentives, shame/guilt, fear of cost of breaking silence
2. Helplessness:anxiety & insecurity; won’t cry out
3. entrapment and accommodation: feels responsible; blackmail; promise to not hurt siblings
4. Delayed, conflicted and unconvincing disclosure: kept secret in family; event triggers disclosure
5. Retraction: victims of incest may later deny abuse
What age group is most likely to be victims of sexual abuse?
Ages 12-15
Child competency
means that a person is fit to stand trial and to take the oath. Knows the difference between truth and lie, fact and fantasy. Memory cannot be influenced by others.
Child credibility
refers to whether or not the child witness can be believed. Difficulty remembering and recounting events.
Menendez Brothers
Killed their parents for their money
Who is more likely to suffer elder abuse?
White, over 60
Family systems theory
Interconnectedness of entire family is the focus
Ineffective parenting theory
Poor monitoring etc can cause problems for child, overwhelmed parents
6 patterns of adolescent perpetrators
Animal cruelty, juvenile child care offenders, firesetting, murder, runaway, sexual offending
In the us, juveniles were involved.in what percent of murders in2002
Older children account for as many as what percent of offenses in childcare context
How many runaways per year
1.6-2.8 million
What fraction of 10-18 yeae olds will run away
How many runaways per year
1.6-2.8 million
Types of adolescent violence
Sibling, teen dating, parent, pedophilia, child pornography
What fraction of 10-18 yeae olds will run away
what fraction of teens involved in abusive relationships?
Types of adolescent violence
Sibling, teen dating, parent, pedophilia, child pornography
Teen. Dating violence risks later to girls
Alcohol, tobacco and drug use, drunk driving, unhealthy weight behavior, risky sexual behavior
what fraction of teens involved in abusive relationships?
Teen. Dating violence risks later to girls
Alcohol, tobacco and drug use, drunk driving, unhealthy weight behavior, risky sexual behavior
Juvenile victim porn
Identifiable.victim of child abuse
Child exploitation porn
Child is sexually depicted but no other offense