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58 Cards in this Set

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Functions of the small intestine
secretion of water and electrolytes
2-3 liters of fluid to maintain the fluidity of the chyme
part of the immune response to "flush" infectioous or noxious agents
delivery of IgA's
Mixing and propulsion
secretion of hormones
digestion and absorption
"brush border" enzymes
carrier proteins
Participation in immune response
antigen-antibod interactions
cytokines,, PGs
Mucosal Architecture of the Small Intestine
Tight Junctoins
Permeable to water and solutes less then 300 MW
crypts more permeable than villi
permeabilitity decreases moving distally - higher in the deodenum then jejunum
Mucosal Architecture of the Small Intestine
Mucosal Lumenal Surface Area

increased by spiral and circular folds in the mucosa, mucosal villi (not present in the colon), microvilli on mucosal epithelial cells

high surface area for absorptive and secretory functions
components of the villus epithelium
endocrine cells
goblet cells
interaepithelia lymphocytes
Components of the Lamina Propria
blood vessels
lymph vessels
nerve fibers
smooth muscle
immune cells
components of the crypt epithelium
undifferential cells
goblet cells
endocrine/paracrine cells
caveolated cells
paneth cells
absorption occurs on
the villi
secretion occurs from the
Mucosal growth and adaption
high cellular turnovre rate
balance between cell production and cell loss exists
direct effects of food in the GI tract
increased local nutrition leads to growth of the mucosa
indirect effects of food in the GI tract
gastrin and enteroglucagons - trophic effects that lead to paracrine and endocrine effects which cause the growth of mucosa
secretions b the small intestine
mucus - goblet cells, brunner's glands (duodenum) = physical stimuli (ENS, short loop reflex) and PNS stimulation

sloughed mucosa

Water and electrolytes
2-3 L per day
cryyte cells secrete
villus cells absorb
Causes of Net Fluid Secretion
hyperosmolality of chyme
secretory filtratoin
active anion secretion coupled with inhibition of neutral NaCl absorption
increases water content of stools
Secretory Filtration
hydrostatic pressure gradient can be increased by hepatic portal hypertension and plasma dilution
physiological control of the absorption and secretion of water and NaCl
neural control
endocrine/paracrine control
muscosal immune system control - responsible for global regulation in response to a meal, also, permit local changes in luminal fluidity in response to cues provided by physicochemical status of the luminal contents
physiological control of the absorption and secretion of water and NaCl

Neural Control

via short and long loop reflexes the ENS integrates local and systemic inputs to coordinate intestinal ion transport with motor function (increasing or decreasing the residence time of the luminal contents in a given intestinal segment to increase or decrease the net flux of a substance across the epithelium

stimulators of net secretion (ACh, serotonin, VIP)

stimulators of net absorption (NE, NPY, SRIF)

PNS neural input to the ENS (stim net secretion)

SNS neural input to the ENS (stim net absorption)
physiological control of the absorption and secretion of water and NaCl

GI Hormones - stimulators of net secretion (serotonin, gastrin, secretin), stimulators of net absorption (SS)

Other Hormones - stimulators of net absoprtion (Epi, corticosteroids, angiotensin, and aldosterone (in the colon only)

Paracrine substances - stimulators of net secretoin (VIP, PGEs, His, and bile acids in the colon under pathological conditions)
physiological control of the absorption and secretion of water and NaCl

Mucosal immune system control
mast cells release stimulators of net secretion (His PGs, Serotonin, Leukotrienes)

directly activate receptors on enterocytes to stimulate net secretion or indirectly stimulate net secretion by action on receptors on ENS neurons to influence motor activity
Pathogens that cause net secretion
vibrio cholera toxin
escherichia coli entertoxin
clostridium difficle toxin (all stimulate Cl- secretion by crypt cells and all inhibit electroneutral NaCl absoprtion by cells on the villi)

Increased Net Fluid Secretion
Motility of the Small Intestine
coordinated contractions facilitate digestion and absorption by: mixing chyme with digestive secretions, exposing the lumenal contents to mucosal surface for digestion and absoprtion, moving lumenal contents towards the colon
interdigestive period pattern of motility
digestive period pattern of motility
rhythmic segmenting "ring" contractions (i.e. mixing contractions), peristaltic "ring" contractions that progress down the length of the intestin, "sleave" contractions (shortening of the intestine), contractions of the muscularis mucosae (cause folding of the muscous), contractions of the villi (shorten the villi, promote lymph flow)
Movement of intralumenal contents
conduit and pump are the same structure, secretion and absoprtoin both occur along the length (consequently, the movement of chyme is complex, in general aboral movement at 1-4 cm/min, more rapid in the duodenum than ileum)
intestinal absorptive pathways
epithelial barriers to absoprtion

Extrinsic barriers
secretory IgA
unstirred fluid layer (300-899 nm thick)

intrinsic barriers
apical (brush border)
basolateral membrane
interstitial space
basement membrane
endothelial cell or lacteal
mechanism of absorption
diffusion - simple or facilitated

active transport - primary, secondary (electrolyte - coupled), tertiat (electrolyte-coupled), endo/exocytosisis
Sources of protein in the small intestine
exogenous (diet) protein
min daily requirement: 0.4 - 0.6 g/kg/day
not all dietary protein is highly digestable (plant proteins, high proline content proteins, cooking denatures proteins making them more digestable)
RDA = 0.8 g/kg/day

Nine "essential" amino acids must be obtained from the diet
val, leu, isoleu, phe, try, thr, met, lys, his
a single vegetable source does not provide a complete set of essential amino acids
Sources of protein in the small intestine
endogenous protein (approx. 35 g/d)
secretions from salivary glands, stomach, intestine, bilary tract, and pancrease make up a significant portion of the total protein presented to the small intestine (enzymes, glycoproteins, desquamated cells, bilary proteins, IgAs)
some proteins (intrinsic factor secreted by parietal cells) escape luminal digestion
Entry of protein digestion products into the enterocyte across the brush bored membrane of polarized intestinal epithelial cells
the enterocyte is equipped with transport systems at the two poles of its plasma membrane
the brush border and basolateral membranes exhibit different characteristics (enable cell to perform vectorial transporrt)
most of the transport systems are active and able to mediate uphill transport of substrate)

the brush border and basolatedal membranes are in contact with fluids of vasly different chemical composition (luminal fluid at the brush border membrane, ECF at the basolateral membrane)
The driving forces of active trasport in the brush border and basolateral membrane comes from
transmembrane ion gradients and membrane potenial
exit of protein digestion products across the basolateral membrane
there are at least 6 amino acid transport systems in the basolateral membrane

Na+ dependent pathways play a role in supplying the enterocyte with amino acids for cellular nutrition during period between meals

Na+ independent pathways are responsible for transport of amino acids from the cell into the blood (consequently Na+-dependent pathways participate in the overall process of thranscellular absorption og amino acids from the intestinal lumen)
Nutritional, clinical, and pharmacological relevance of intestinal peptide transport
absorption in the form of peptides rather than free amino acid appears to have nutrtional advantaves (mixtures of a.a. are nutritionally inferior to mixtures of small peptides of comparable a.a. composition)

Reasons include
1. faster absorption of aa's in the form of peptides
2. more even appearance of aa's in blood after absorption from peptide mixtures
3. a voidance of comopstion during transporting aa's and di and tri peptides rathen than single aa
4. conservation fo metabolic energyin transporting aa's di and tri peptides, rather than as single aa's
5. relative resistance of peptide transport compared with aa transport to numerous adverse conditions (e.g. starvatoin, protein-calorie malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, and intestinal disease)
Nutritional, clinical, and pharmacological relevance of intestinal peptide transport

clinical implications
enteral nutritional support in hospitalizated patients
some commerically available formulae contain amino nitrogen in the elementary form, namely, free amino acids

originially secreted on the assumption that protein digestion products are primarily absorbed as free aa's

enteral diets based on free aa's are hyperosmolar and may be contributing factor in commonly encountered diarrheal complicatoins associated with hyperosmolar forulars

amino acid-based enteral solutions generally lack tyr,glu, and cys, becaue tyr is insoluble, and glu and cys are unstable

enteral diets consisting of small peptides, instead of free aa's may have a greater clinical advantage and nutritional efficacy
Nutritional, clinical, and pharmacological relevance of intestinal peptide transport

pharmacological implications
absoprtion of orally active beta-lactam antibiotics

aminocephalosporins and aminopenicillins are structurally similar to tripeptides - these are transported across the brush border membrane by the peptide transport system, beta-lactam antibiotics are resistant to intacellularal protease and appear intact in the blood in pharmacologically active forms

other drugs appear to be absorbed, at keast in part, bia the peptide transport system (captopril, bestatin, renin inhibitors)
Absorption of intact proteins and peptides

paracellular route
the paracellular route through the tight junctions between epithelial cells may be significant for absoption of small molecules across the gi epithelium

"solvent drage"

alterations in tight junction permability - high luminal [glucose] increases permeability such that some small molecules can pass, cytokines from MIS alter the tight junctions
Absorption of intact proteins and peptides

intestinal closure
neonates can absorb a considerable amount of intact protein across their intestines

this ability begins to less just before birth in full term infants

closure in ont abrupt but can toake up to 140 days after birth
Dietary carbs
polysaccharides (starch, glycogen)
disaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose)
monosaccharides (glucose, fructose)
unavailable carbs
Unavailable carbs
indigestibile oligosacchardies (raffinose, stachyose)

dietary fiber from fruits, vegetables, cereals, and seeds

unabsorbable monosaccharides (sorbital)
only monosaccharides are absorbed
polysaccharides (starch) and disaccharides (sucrose) must be digested to yield monosaccharides)
carbohydrate intolerance: lactase deficiency
unabsorbed disaccharide accumulated in bowl, this increases osmolarity retains or draws water into lumen

metabolism of lactose by bacterial in terminal

this further increases osmolarity, increases flatus, increase H2 and Co2, causing osmotic diarrhea
dietary fiber
carb components of plant cell walls

undigested by endogenous secretions of the human digestive tract

usually contain beta 14 linkages or other undigestable componentes
dietary fiber polysaccharides
dietary fiber non-polysaccharides
silica proteins
dietary fibers
binds water, increases mass of stool, increases motility

can adsorb certain miners (Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn)

can adsorb organic molecules (bile salts, lipids, drugs)
absoprtion of water solube vitamins
the majority of all water-soluble vitamines are absorbed from the jejunum and ileum

a variety of mechanisms are involved

some dietar forms of vitamins must first undergo some digestion prior to absoptions

dietary form
nicotinamide nucleotides
in the forms, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), its functions in the body as a coenzyme

hydrogen acceptors, which combine with hydrogen atoms as they are removed from food substrates b man different types of dehydrogenase

tryptophan is converted in limited quantities to niacin
niacin defciency

decreased dehydrogenation

decreased oxidatoin of hydrogen

decreased delivery of energy from foodstuffs to functioning elements of cell

GI symptoms - irritation and inflammation of mucous membranes (sore swollen tongue, gastritis, diarrhea)

Neurological disturbances - dementia, psychosis, depression, apathy

Skin - dermititis (photosensitivity)

dietary forms
flavin mononucleotide (FMN)

flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

absorbed by secondary active transport
Riboflavin (Vit B2)
hydrogen carriers in several important oxidative systems of the body

relatively rare in humans due to prevalence in diet
fine, scaly dermatitis at angles of the nares and mouth
kerititis of the cornea, with invasion of the cornea by small blood vessel

frequently occurs in association with lack of thiamines and/or niacin

deficiency syndromes including pellagra, beriberi, sprue, and kwashiorkor, are probably due to a combined insufficien of several of these vitamins and also proteins
folic acid
dietary folic acid= pterolypolyglutamate

only pterolypolyglutamate folate (free folate) transported (facilitated diffusion or tertiary active transport)
folic acid
acts as a carrier of hydroxymethyl and formyl groups
syn of purines and thymine are required for DNA sun (required for growth, maturation of RBCs)

megaloblastic anemia, diarrhea, weight loss, glossitis

requirement increases during pregananc and lactation (neural tube defects)
Cobalamin (essential for DNA syn)
found in mammalian tissues

vit B12 (cyanocobalamin)
artifact of the isolation procedure, stable, shares the same transport mech

is produced by bacteria and protozoa associated with foods (meat, fish, milk, eggs, not on fruit, veggies, or grains)
dietary cobalamin is bound to dietary protein

in the stomach:
HCl in the stomach frees cobalamin from dietary proteins, haptocrrin (Hc) a protein saliva and gastric secretions, binds to cobalamin (Hc has higher affinity for cobalamin than intrinsic factor (IF); Hc blocks the binding of IF to cobalamin)

In the duodenum:
Hc is digested away from cobalamin by pancreatic enzymes (allows the IF to bind with cobalamin

In the terminal ileum:
the cobalamin-IF complex binds to receptors on enterocytes and is taken up by REM endocytosis, cobalamin is removed from the IF and exits the basolateral membrane bound to transcobalamin II (TCII)
hydrogen receptor coenzyme for reducing ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides (promotes growth and RBC maturation)

failure of RBCs to mature properly; rapidly destroed
demylination of large nerve fibers of the spinal cord (psoterior columns espically, lateral columns occasionally) loss of peripheral sensation and paralysis
7 possible causes of cobalamin deficienc
1. dietary cobalamin deficiancy (vegetarian or vegan diet)

2. depressed IF secretion
(gastrectomy, pernicious anemia)

3. Gastrinoma (Zollinger - Ellision Syndrome)
(excessive HCl secretion impairs pancreatic proteases)

4. Pancreatic insufficieny
(insufficent pancreactic proteases)

5. interference with IF_Cbl complex binding with ileal receptors
(bacterial overgrowth of terminal ileum)

6. decreased ileal receptor numbers
(ileal resection, ileal disease)

7.Transcobalamin II deficiency
(defective TCII dyn, defective transcytosis cholchicine therapy)
Water absorption in the small intestine
approx 80% of the water entering the small intestine is absorbed by the small intestine (only 1.5 - 2 L passed on to the large intestine)

max rate = approx. 15 L/day

Passive; coupled to transepithelial movement of solute, water is absorbed primarily via the paracellular route: "tight junction" permeability is high in the duodenum and decreased over the length of the small intesting, active transport of solute across epithelial establishes an osmotic gradient
Na absorption in the small intesting

4 mechanism
1. non-nutrient dependent Na+/H+ exchange (proximal small intestine)

2. solute-dependent Na+ transport (throughout the small intestine)

3. coupled electroneutral Na+-Cl- transport (distal small intestine)

4. connective Na+ movement (bulk flow) - throughout the small intestine