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81 Cards in this Set

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Derived from the greek word meaning driedjoint

Joint or articulation

Where two or more bones come together



3. Movement

4. Storage

5. Blood cell production

Major function of Skeletal System

206 bones

Skeleton is made up of how many bones?




4. Ribs

5.vertebral column


7. Radius


9. Pelvis

10. Femur

11. Tibia

12. Fibula

12 Major bones of the skeletal system


Is a tough, rope-like protein


Are large molecules consisting of many polysaccharides attaching to and encircling core proteins.

Tendons and ligaments

The extracellular matrix of ... contain large amount of collagen fibers.


Extracellular matrix of ____contains collagen and proteoglycans


Mineral in bone is in form of calcium phosphate crystals called____

osteogenesis imperfecta or Brittle bone disease

Disorder caused by any one of a number of faulty genes that results in either too little collagen formation or poor quality collagen

•Long bone

•short bone

•flat bone

•irregular bone

4 classification of bone

Long bones

Enhance movement of appendages and Are longer than they are wide

Long bones

Bone of the upper and lower limb

Short bone

Help transfer force between long bones. Approximately wide as the are long.

Short bone

Bones of wrist and ankle

Flat bones

Well suited to providing a strong barrier around soft organs. Relatively thin flattened shape

Flat bone

Found in certain skull bones, the ribs, the scapula and the sternum

Irregular bones

These bones have specialized functions, such as providing protection while allowing bending and flexing of certain body regions.

Irregular bones

Bones of the vertebrae and facial bones. And spine


Central shaft of the long bone


Two ends of the long bone.

Articular cartilage

Covers the end of epiphyses where the bone articulates (joins) with other bones

Epiphyseal plate or growing plate

Bone that is still growing.

Epiphyseal line

When growth bones(epiphyseal plates) stops growing it is replaced by bones and becomes an ___\

Large medullary cavity

cavity in the diaphysis, as well as the smaller cavities in the epiphyses of long bone and interior of bones.


These Spaces are filled with soft tissue called___

Yellow marrow

Consist mostly of adipose tissue

Red marrow

Consist of blood-forming cells and is the only site for blood formation in adult tissue

Red marrow & yellow marrow

As a person ages the ____ marrow is replaced with ___marrow


Outer surface of the bone is covered by dense connective tissue called___

Periosteum (peri=around + osteon=bone)

Consists of two layers and contains blood vessels and nerves

Endosteum (endo=inside)

The surface of the medullary cavity in lined with a thinner connective tissue membrane


Function in formation of bone.


When osteoblasts becomes surrounded by the matrix


Contribute to bone repair and remodeling by removing of existing bones, called bone reabsorption


It is where bones are formed in thin sheets of extracellular matrix called___


Osteocytes between lamellae within spaces called____

Canaliculi (sing. Canaliculus)

Extracellular matrix of the lamellae within tiny canals called___

Compact bone

Is mostly solid matrix and cells

Spongy bone

Consist of a lacy network of bone with many small, marrow-filled spaces.

cortical bones or compact bones

Forms the perimeters of the diaphysis of a long bone and thinner surface of all other bones.


Predictable pattern of repeating units of the compact bone

Haversian canal or central canal

Osteon consist of concentric rings of lamellae surrounding a ____


Cell process which connects osteocytes to one another


Blood vessel in ____ canal, in turn, are connected to blood vessels in the periosteum and endosteum.

Spongy bone

Very porous and is located in the epiphyses of long bone , less bone matrix and more open space then compact bone


Spongy bones consist of delicate interconnecting rods or plates of bone


Spaces of trabecular is filled with ___

Ossification (os=bone +facio =to make)

Formation of bone by osteoblast

Intramembranous ossification

Bone formation that occurs within connective tissue membrane is called ___

Endochondral ossification

Bone formation that occurs inside hyaline cartilage

Intramembranous ossification

Occurs within a 12-week-old fetus at ossification centers in the flat bone of the skull.


During endochondral ossification, cartilage dells called __ in crease in number, causing the cartilage model to increase in size.

1. A cartilage model with the general shape of the mature bone, is produced by chondrocytes. A perichondrium surrounds most of the cartilage model.

2. The chondrocytes enlarge and cartilage is calcified. A bone collar is produced and the perichondrium of the diaphysis become the periosteum.

3. The primary ossification forms as blood vessels and osteoblasts invade the calcified cartilage. The osteoblast lay down bone matrix, forming trabecular.

4. Secondary ossification centers form in the epiphyses of long bone

Endochondral ossification of long bone.

Open fracture/ compound fracture

Occurs when an open wound extends to the site of the fracture.

Transverse fraction

Are at the right angles to the length of the bone

Spiral fracture

Take a helical course around the length of the bone

Dentate fracture

Have rough toothed broken end

Stellate fracture

Breakage lines radiating from a central point


Major storage site for calcium in the body

•Parathyroid hormone

•vitamin D


Calcium homeostasis is maintained by three hormones


Hole in a bone

Canal or meatus

If the hole is elongated into a tunnel-like passage through the bone


Depression in a bone

Tubercle or tuberosity

Rounded projection on a bone

Closed fracture

Skin is not perforated


A sharp projection from a bone


Rounded end of a bone where it forms a joint with another bone

Front (Term)

Axial skeleton and their numbers

Front (Term)

Vertebral column and number of bones

Front (Term)

Number of bones

Front (Term)

Anatomical terms for features of bones

Complicated fracture

If the soft tissues around a closed fracture are damaged

Incomplete fracture

Fracture Does not extend completely across the bone

Complete fracture

Where bone is completely broken into atleast two fragements

Greenstick fracture

Incomplete fracture on the convex side of the curve of the bone

Front (Term)

Axial skeleton and their numbers

Comminuted fracture

Complete fracture in which the bones break into two or more than two pieces

Front (Term)

Number of bones

Front (Term)

Anatomical terms for features of bones