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70 Cards in this Set

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The awareness of properties of an object when a receptor is stimulated
The act of organizing and interpreting sensory input as signaling a particular object or event
Relation between physical events and the corresponding experience of those events

absolute threshold
the point at which stimulation is strong enough to be noticed

The smallest amount of a stimulus needed in order to detect it
Just noticeable difference
the size of the difference in a stimulus property needed for an observer to notice when that change has occured
Webers law
The rule that a constant percentage of a magnitude change is necessary to detect a difference
Signal detection theory
A theory explaining why people detect signals independently of bias: the thory is based on the idea that signals are always embedded in noise, and thus the challenge is to distinguish signal from noise
In signal detection theory. the tresholod level for distinguishing between a stimulus and noise. The lower the threshold the greater the sensitivity
In signal detection theory a persons willingness to report noticing a stimulus
psysical energy is converted into neural impulses
Opening in the eye through which light passes
The circular muscle that adjusts the size of the pupil
The transparent covering over the eye which serves partly to focus the light onto the back of the eye
Occurs when muscles adjust the shape of the lens so that it focuses light on the retina from objects at different distances
a sheet of tissue at the back of the eye containing cells that convert light into neural impulses.
Central region of retina with highest density of cones and highest resolution
Rod shaped retinal cells that are very sensitive to light but register only shades of gray
Cone shaped retinal cells that respond most strongly to one of three wavelengths of light
Optic nerve
The large bundle of nerve fibers carrying impulses from the retina to the brain
Dark adaptation
The process whereby exposure to darkness causes the eyes to become more sensitive allowing for better vision in the dark
Ganglion cells
Third type of light receptor in eye

Circadian behavior
Thichromatic theory
the theory that color vision arises from the combination of neural impulses from three diff kinds of sensors, each of which responds maximally to a different wavelength
Opponent process theory of color
The theory that if a color is present it causes cells that register it to inhibit the perception of the complementary color
the image left behind by a previous perception
Opponent cells
Cells that pit the colors in a pair most notably blue/yellow
red/green against each other
Gestalt laws of organization
a set of rules describing the circumstances
proximity, good continuation, similarity closure and good form under which marks will be grouped into perceptual units
Marks that are near tend to be grouped
Continuity (good continuation)
Marks that fall along a smooth curve or a straight line tend to be grouped together
Similarity Marks that look alike tend to be grouped together
Marks that look alike tend to be grouped together
We tend to close any gaps in a figure
Good form
Marks that form a single shape tend to be grouped together
Perceptual constancy
sensory info changes but the objects seem to be the sam
Size constancy
You see object as having same size despite of mvts.
Shape constancy
View objects from diff angles but in your mind its the same object
Color constancy
lightning changes do not change colors
Binocular cues
cuest to the distance of an object athat arise from both eyes working together
Static cues
the degree to which the eyes are crosses when a person fixates on an object
Retinal disparity
(in Static cues)
Differences between the images striking the retina of the 2 eyes
Monocular static cue
Static cues
info that specifies the distance of an object that can be picked up wih one eye without movement of the object or eye
Motion cues
Info that specifies the distance of an object on the bsisi of its movement
Good form
Marks that form a single shape tend to be grouped together
Perceptual constancy
sensory info changes but the objects seem to be the sam
Size constancy
You see object as having same size despite of mvts.
Shape constancy
View objects from diff angles but in your mind its the same object
Color constancy
lightning changes do not change colors
Binocular cues
cues to the distance of an object that arise from both eyes working together
Static cues
the degree to which the eyes are crosses when a person fixates on an object
Retinal disparity
(in Static cues)
Differences between the images striking the retina of the 2 eyes
Monocular static cue
Static cues
info that specifies the distance of an object that can be picked up wih one eye without movement of the object or eye
Motion cues
Info that specifies the distance of an object on the basis of its movement
Phase 2 of vision
identify shapes (Assign meaning) Temporal

identify spacial relations
perceptual set
The sum of your assumptions and beliefs that lead you to expect to perceive certain objects or characteristics in a particular context
Repetition blindness
the inability to see the second occurrence of a stimulus that appears twice in succession
Attentional blink
a rebound period in which a person cannot pay attention to one thing after having just paid attention to another
higher frequencies of pressure waves produce experience of higher pitches (how high or loud a sound seems)
the strengt of a sound pressure waves with greater amplitude
threshold for hearing 0mb
at 160 your breaks eardrum
Hair cells
in basilar membrane of the inner ear
auditory equivalent of rods and cones
Frequency theory
the higher frequencies the more neural firing
Place theory
different frequencies activate diff places along the basilar membrane
Speech segmentation problem
a continuous stream of speech is separated into individual words
Categorical perception
Identifying sounds as belonging to distinct categories that correspond to the basic units of speech
dichotic listening
listen to sounds presented only to one ear
Chemical senses
Smell and taste
Chemiclas that funtion like hormones but are released outside the body
Somasthetic senses
Senses that have to do with perceiving the body and its position in space, specifically kinesthetic , vestibular, touch, temp , pain and magnetic senses
Vestibular sense
the sense that provides info about the bodys orientation relative to gravity
Paradoxical cold
sensation of cold that occcurs when certain nevers in the kin are stimulated by something hot
Double pain
First sharp pain, then dull pain (DIFFERENT FIBERS, DIFFERENT SPEEDS)