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10 Cards in this Set

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Pueblo Revolt

revolt by pueblo people in 1680 in New Mexico against Spain

Bacon's Rebellion

1676 Revolt by Virginia colonists against the royal governor

Fugitive slave act

Part of the compromise of 1850 law ordering all citizens of the U.S. to assist in the return of slaves

Middle Passage

leg of triangular trade; forced transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas

Great Awakening

religious revival in the American colonies during the 1730s and 40s

French and Indian War

war between the British and American colonists vs French and indian allies conflict over Ohio River Valley

Albany Plan of union

Ben Franklins plan for permanent union of the colonies in 1754

Olive Branch Petition

Plea by the American colonists to king George III in 1775 that he halt the fighting

Stamp and Sugar Acts

Placed taxes on most printed goods

Start of British policy to make more money from the colonies

Monroe doctrine

1823 Declaration by monroe that would oppose efforts by any outside power to control a nation in the western hemisphere