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60 Cards in this Set

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Election of 1828

Dirty campaign between Jackson and Adams

Indian Reorganization Act

Negotiation with the Indians, from Jackson to leave.

Gained support of White Settlers

Jackson's attitude towards the National Bank

Hated Nicholaus Biddle and the National Bank. Invested money in pet banks, caused nation wide inflation and the Panic of 1837

Jackson's attitude concerning Texas

Annexation of Texas might led to a civil war, or a war with Mexico, so Jackson did not approach

Jackson's Positives

Looked out for the common man, supported democracy, First president from the west-ended the established elite "system". He had close friends, but also had bitter enemies

Jackson's Negatives

Trail of Tears and Indians, National Bank and Panic of 1837

Kitchen Cabinet

Jackson's closest friends that were involved with the govt. but not appointed on his cabinet

Trail of Tears

Result of Removal Act, forced relocation of Native Americans. Caused Native American pop. to decrease

Nicolas Biddle

President of National Banks, Created "soft money".

Panic of 1837

Financial Crisis, Led to Depression, ended "soft money"

John C Calhoun

Vice Pres for Jackson, Resigned, agreed with a high tariff, Nullification

Specie Circular

Paper money or soft money would no longer be accepted when buying fed. land

Daniel Webster

Sec. of State for John Tyler. One cabinet member that did not resign.

Webster Ashburton Treaty - Established boundaries between Canada and US

William Henry Harrison

Election of 1840, Whig Candidate, Log cabin campaign

Henry Clay

The Great Compromiser, ran for president multiple times,never won. Involved in major compromises

Alexis de Toqueville

Wrote Democracy in America

Dorthea Dix

Asylum Movement

William LLoyd Garrison

Editor of abolitionist newspaper, founder of antislavery society

Liberty Party

3rd Party, Impact on the 1844 election, cost Clay the election

Seneca Falls Convention

Raised the status of women, Start of the women's movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Women's movement. Main Leader at Seneca Falls Convention

Susan B. Anthony

Arrested for trying to vote, Women's rights activitst

Frederick Douglass

Former Slave, Abolitionist, Speaker


Nature based thinking literature movement

Manifest Destiny

America should be the entire Contient

Impact of Mexican War

Gained Land, Created a Boundary

Common Schools

Public Schools, Provided a basic education

James Fenimore Cooper

Romanticism, Emphasis of feelings and free expression of the artist

Washington Irving

Wrote the Sleepy Hallow

Edgar Allen Poe

Depressing life, credited during the transcendentalism time period

Nathaniel Hawthrone

Obsessed with the Puritans Wrote the Scarlett Letter

Horace Mann

Credited for creating Public Schools

James K. Polk

President after Tyler, Mexican War, Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850

Nicholas Trist

Negotiator for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ended Mexican War

Texas Independence

Gained after the Mexican War. Debate over whether it should be a slave or free state

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

ended Mexican War

Wilmot Proviso

Anti- Slavery, Land Acquired from Mexican War

Compromise of 1850

Henry Clay credited for compromise.

Cal. was a free state

The rest of the S.W would be organized territory without the mention of slavery

Texas was free of debt

Slave trade was abolished in DC

Fugitive Slave Law- Enforced

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

Part of the Compromise of 1850, .....


Democrat faction, Free Soil Democrats.


Divided Party

Dred Scott Decision

No Boundaries on Slavery

Freeport Doctrine

written by Stephen Douglas, Popular Sovereignty in the states-- States decide on the issue of slave

Free Soil Party

Formed the Republican Party

"Free Soil, Land, Men, and Speech"

Know Nothing Party

Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Catholic.

No one else should come to America

Kansa Nebraska Act

Steven Douglas Idea, Railroad through Chicago to California, and Pop. Sovereignty in Kansas. Overturns the MO Compromise

John Brown

Crazy.. Led a Slave Rebellion, not successful Could have prevented the Civil war

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate States of America

Caused the Confederacy to be weak

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin

Border Ruffians

Men went from MO to Kansas after the Kansas Nebraska and voted for slavery

Charles Sumner

Preston Brooks beat him with a cane on the Senate floor

Dough Face

President Pierce is an example, neither pro slavery or abolitionist. Could be "molded" by the public

Ostend Manifesto

Cuba would be taken, if Spain did not sell it to us

Election of 1860

Lincoln wins, Southern States secede


Southern states secede before Lincoln is in office. Upper Southern states secede after Fort Sumnter

Stephen Douglas

Senator from Illinois, debated with Lincoln, Democratic nominee, came in 4th in the election of 1860.

Abraham Lincoln

President during Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, 13th amendment,

Cotton is King

Used to Support Slavery in the South. North couldn't survive economically without slavery and cotton

Morrill Land Grant

established colleges in the west

African American Soliders

Some slaves before, Some joined after Emancipation Proclaimation

Trent Affair

potential help from Britain for the Confederacy