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31 Cards in this Set

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Psalms 18:27

Indeed, you deliver the oppressed, but you bring down those who exalt themselves in their own eyes.

How do I honor God?

By spending time with God.

I must make a weekly plan..

Of a time I spend with God.

How do I honor my wife ?

By spending time with her.

Time is the most valuable ...

- commodity that I have.

Psalms 11:7

Yahweh does everything that is right, and he loves those who do what is right; such people will come into his presence.

2 Samuel 22:31

My God whom I worship, everything that you do is perfect. You always do what you promise that you will do. You are like a shield to all those who request you to protect them.

Psalms 119:140

I have found that your promises are dependable, and I love them.

Psalms 13:6

Yahweh, you have done many good things for me, so I will sing to you.

Psalms 14:2

From heaven Yahweh looks down at everyone; he looks to see if anyone is very wise, wise enough to desire to know him.

Psalms 14:5

But some day they will become very terrified because God helps those who act righteously and will punish those who reject him.

Psalms 16:4

Those who choose to worship other gods will have many things that cause them to be sad. I will not join them when they make sacrifices to their gods; I will not even join them in speaking the names of their gods

Psalms 19:8

Yahweh's laws are fair; when we obey them, we become joyful. The commands of Yahweh are clear, and by reading them we start to understand how God wants us to behave.

Psalms 19:9

It is good for people to revere Yahweh; that is something that they will do forever. What Yahweh has decreed is fair, and it is always right.

Psalms 32:5

Then I confessed my sins to you; I stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, "I will tell Yahweh the wrong things that I have done." When I confessed them, you forgave me, so now I am no longer guilty for my sins.

Psalms 32:10

Do not be stupid like horses and mules that do not understand anything; they need bits so they will go in the direction you want them to go.

Psalms 35:27

Cause those who rejoice about my misfortunes to be completely confused and disgraced; cause those who boast that they are much greater than I am to be disgraced and dishonored!

Psalms 36:8

You provide for us plenty of food from the abundant supply that you have; your great gifts flow to us like a river.

Psalms 37:4

Be delighted with all that Yahweh does for you; if you do that, he will give you the things that you desire most.

Psalms 37:11

But those who are humble will live safely in their land. They will happily enjoy living peacefully and having the other good things that Yahweh gives them.

Psalms 37:21

The wicked people borrow money, but they are not able to repay it; righteous people, in contrast, have enough money to give generously to others.

Psalms 37:26

Righteous people are generous and happily lend money to others, and their children are a blessing to them.

Psalms 38:13

Now I act like a deaf man and do not listen to what they say. I act like a man who cannot talk, and I say nothing to reply to them.

Psalms 38:18

I confess the wrong things that I have done; I am very sorry for the sins that I have committed.

Psalms 38:19

My enemies are healthy and strong; there are many people who hate me for no reason.

Psalms 39:7

So now, Yahweh, I can expect to receive nothing from anyone else. You are the only one from whom I confidently expect to receive blessings.

Psalms 40:8

O my God, I enjoy doing what you desire; I am always thinking about your laws within my inner being.

Psalms 41:1

How fortunate are those who provide for the poor; Yahweh will rescue those people when they have troubles.

Psalms 46:4

Blessings that come from God are like a river that makes everyone in the city joyful, there where we worship him. It is the city where the temple of God, who is greater than any other god, exists.

Psalms 51:6

What you desire is that in my inner being I desire what is true in order that you can teach me in my inner being how to act wisely.

I Samuel 12:16

Now keep where you are and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes.