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44 Cards in this Set

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in what ways did hermetic scholars use magic to overcome the laws of nature?

Alchemy, Mathematical magic, and human divinity

How did the middle age thinkers describe the design of the universe?

The earth was at the center surrounded by 10 spheres

In what fields of study did scientists achieve the greatest success in the 1500's and 1600's?

Astronomy, Chemistry, Anatomy

Why did Copernicus support a heliocentric model of the universe?

because The ptolemaic model was inaccurate according to astronomy.

Who created the three laws of planetary motion? What were they ?

Johannes Kepler: elliptical movement, no constant speed, mass has to do with speed

How did tycho Brahe contribute to our understanding of the cosmos ?

he drew detailed pictures and also collected data

In what ways did Galileo contribute to astronomy and physics?

phases of Venus, detailed drawings of the moon, rings of Jupiter

Why was Galileo brought before the inquisition? What was his punishment?

his "teachings" affected human importance

recalled data and got house arrest

What was Galileo's law of inertia ?

an object in motion stays in motion unless stopped by an external force

Why did Newtons law of universal gravitation help separate God from the movement of objects in the Universe ?

there is a mathematical reason for movement not God

How did Paracelsus revolutionize the world of medicine ?

disease caused by chemical imbalance , chemical medicine

proper dosage

What was Andreas Vesalius's contribution to our understanding of the human body ?

the fabric of the human body, anatomy

which 17th century chemist studied the nature and behavior of gases?

Robert Boyle

What role did the Querrelles des femmes play in the scientific revolution? Did they benefit or hurt the rights and roles of woman in society?

they provided stereotypical views on women

what happened to the role of midwife as a result of the scientific revolution?

They were treated as an accessory, men took over role

what arguments did Descartes put forward in his discourse on the method?

doubt everything unless proven by evidence (reasoning)

how did christian churches respond to the scientific evidence that went against their teachings?

the books were banned ,

teachings were illegal were made to be recalled

Why did Spinoza argue that failure to understand God led to selfishness?

because human use nature for their own purposes

in what ways did pascal attempt to defend Christianity to rationalists ?

" I appeal to reason and emotions "

Christianity is not contrary to reason

How did scientific societies like the Royal academy attempt to spread their ideas ?

they would meet up in certain places and discuss their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas

would publish books/journals

how did the scientific revolution help lead to the ideas of the enlightenment ?

it helped think outside the box of " truth and fact " they had

Why did the enlightenment lead to a more secular, less religiously focused society?

because of doubt of religion and truth

what impact did travel publications have on European societies in the 1700's?

realized that more cultures were more advanced

How did John Locke view people since birth? what is the tabula rosa?

John Locke viewed people as good/bad people

tabula rosa- blank mind

what were the goals of the French philosophies ?

apply rational criticism to make the world a better world

what social classes were most philosophers ?

nobility and middle class

How did Montesquieu argue that government should be constructed? Why?

In separate powers, and because it was used to limit each other's power

Which European city was considered the heart of the enlightenment ?


How did voltaires religious view help shape his views on religious toleration?

3 religions , ( England )

did not cause problems

Which female Philosophe helped translate newtons principia

morguise du châtclet

What are the major beliefs of deism ?

God has nothing to do with human actions

What was the purpose of Denis Diderot's encyclopedia ?

to explain everything/anything you wanted to learn how to do

basically the works summed up in different books

What did Adam smith believe was the role of government in the economy ?

it didn't really have one

what was the general Will?

How did Montesquieu believe it should dictate laws ?

he got common interest of the people

what was the general Will?

How did Montesquieu believe it should dictate laws ?

he got common interest of the people

According to Rousseau, what was the major cause of crime and anger in the world ?

Laws and government

What roles did salons play in spreading enlightenment ideas? Who hosted them?

public ( philosophies )

salons would allow for them to examine/ share ideas

and the hosts were wealthy woman

What was the focus of most works created by Johan Sebastian Bach ?


Which 18th century composer was considered the most creative and innovative of his era ?


Which English writer wrote a Serious proposal to the ladies?

Mary estell

Which enlightenment thinker argued for better treatment for prisoners and the accused?


What were pogroms, and why did they take place in Europe?

pogroms were Jewish massacres and it happened in Europe because that had no rights

For the most part, how were jews treated in 18th century Europe?

they were treated as property and nobody liked them

Why did the Methodists separate from the Church of England?

John Wesley had died, and caused them to separate.