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24 Cards in this Set

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How long is DFDR recording for

25 h

At what psi of oxygen sure you check the chart

< 1400 psi

O2 tank capacity

1390 ltrs

Where is the O2 tank located

Nose area

CVR recording Time

Continuous 30 minutes loop recording

When is the CVR starting recording

When left battery bus is powered and essential Avionic switch is on

When can you erase the CVR

Only on the ground with gust lock engaged

CVR Recording points

Audio panels


Cockpit area microphones

When DFDR starts recording

1 Engine Running

Main Inverter working

115 VAC Available

How many oxygen supplemental outlet in a cabin


When is the yellow oxygen light comes on

Below 800 psi

Portable oxygen

2 bottles:

310 L and

120 L

What powers the emergency lights

Five NiCad batteries

When is the emergency light comes on

With the switch in auto + electrical power is lost

What comes on in the front with the emergency lights on

Standby instruments lights

The instrument works from the Jetpack

O2 fix bottle regulator gives

70 PSI to the outlets

What should you pay attention if oxygen pressure less than 1400 psi

Check AOM for minimum dispatch pressure

Portable oxygen bottle minimum pressure

50 psi

Minimum oxygen pressure with no packs

800 psi

Emergency light switch Armed

After engine start

How many flashlights in the airplane


And they are not connected to the electrical system

A little red light flashes if battery empty

What’s the temperature in the tail pipe causes the Alarm

> 235 Degrees Celsius

1301 bottles

600 psi nominal Pressure with Nitrogène

with burst disk 1400 to 1800 psi release

2 Actions to provide O2 in the Cabin

Cool the control knob on the right side panel

Green toggle shut off to the up position