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12 Cards in this Set

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Act 1 scene 1- Windsor castle

‘Be rul’d by me’

‘We were not born to sue, but to command’

Act 1 scene 2- gaunts house

‘Murders bloody axe’

‘Will I hence and die’

Act 1 scene 3- lists at Coventry

‘Therefore we banish you from out territories’

‘You never shall... embrace each other’s love in banishment’

Bolingbroke- ‘grief makes one hour ten’

Act 1 Scene 4- the court

‘Courtship to the common people/ how he did seem to dive into their hearts’

‘What reverence he did throw away on slaves’

‘We are inforc’d to farm our royal realm’

‘To help him to his grave immediately’

Act 2 scene 1- (last appearance of R as powerful= downfall begins) Ely house

Gaunt-‘Hath made a shameful conquest’

G- ‘Oh no thou diest tho I the sicker be’

G- ‘Landlord of England art thou now not king’

R- ‘Seize to us/ the plate coin revenues’

York- ‘you pluck a thousand danger on your head’

Act 2 scene 3- Gloucestershire + Act 3 Scene 1- Bristol before the castle

North- ‘Have you forgot the Duke of Hereford’

Bol- ‘To execution and the hand of death

Act 3 Scene 2- coast of wales (drums: flourish and colours)

R- ‘Weeping, smiling, greet I thee my earth’

‘I love with bread like you, feel want... how can you say to me I am king’

Act 3 scene 3- wales. Before flint castle

R- ‘Show is the hand of god that hath dissmiss’d us... unless he do profane, steak or usurp’

‘Must he submit? The king shall do it... I’ll give my jewels for a seat of beads’

Act 4 scene 1- Westminster hall

Carlisle- ‘Herford here, whom you call king / is a foul traitor to proud Herfords king’

R- ‘Give sorrow leave awhile to tutor me’

‘Here cousin, seize the crown’

‘Where all my sins or writ’

[dashes glass against the ground]

Act 5 scene 1- (political tragedy of previous scene juxtaposed by personal tragedy in this scene) street leading to the tower

‘How thee to France’

‘Doubly divorc’d’

‘One kiss shall stop our mouths, and dumbly part; thus I give mine, and thus take I thy heart’

Act 5 Scene 5 -prison at pomfret castle (Rs only soliloquy)

‘I wasted time and now time doth waste’

‘Thus play I in one person many people’

Groom- ‘Hail royal prince’

R- [richard seizes a weapon from a murderer and kills him with it]

‘Kings blood stained the kings own land’

Act 5 scene 5 critical response

R is without on onstage audience, island realm shrunk to prison + confines of his mind, seesawing between opposite conceptions of himself

R finally claims the martial tradition of his ancestors- heroically repossessing the sacred title